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"Well...anyone else confused as to what the hell she meant when she said that? Or is that just me?" Yas asked with a small laugh.

"Definitely not just you" you answered her before shrugged "she says weird stuff all the time. Just ignore her"

"Also what ring?" Missy asked, raising a brow.

"Her engagement ring" you answered "she  told me she's engaged"

"To whom?" The doctor questioned.

You shrugged your shoulders in response to that "she didn't tell me" you replied "she just said she's engaged"

"Of course" the doctor nodded her head "wobbly wobbly Timey wimey, spoilery woilery"

You furrowed your brows a little at that, as did everyone else, staring at her with slightly scrunched faces. That wasn't a normal thing to say. Like at all. It sounded really weird.

The doctor also scronched her face as soon as she said it before shaking her head, letting out a small disgusted noise like a small child, making you smile a little.

"That doesn't sound right. Anyways" the doctor smiled "off to bed. All of you. The sooner you sleep the sooner we can get to another planet."

"Okay. Well Goodnight then. Had an awesome time today. Strange...but awesome" Ryan smiled before walking down to the corridors.

"Nothing out of the ordinary then" Graham chuckled lightly before he too headed off.

"Don't take too long yeah" Yas smiled again the doctor "I like to cuddle with you" she whispered before kissing her girlfriends' cheek lightly.

The doctor smiled at that "I'll try to be quick" she smiled while she walked off deep into the TARDIS in search for their room.

Missy sighed at that before smiling a little, taking your hand and pulling you towards the corridors, heading off to bed too. She didn't even sleep much either.

Time ladies barely slept. In fact, you'd never seen her actually fully asleep before. Ever. In the whole time you'd known her and spent nights in her room. In her bed, right next to her. She was always wide awake. Or kind of sleepy at best.

"(Y/n)" the doctor quickly called out for you, making you stop and turn around, humming lightly in response.

"No!" Missy quickly said, tightening her grip around you.

You furrowed your brows, looking up at her in confusion. You had no idea what Missy was on about. Nor why she suddenly got so overprotective. You he doctor literally didn't even say anything. However her eyes were glaring daggers at her. If looks could kill, the doctor would be dead right now that was for sure.

"Hey calm down" you said softly, trying to soothe her a little before looking over at the doctor "what is it?" You asked her.

"I need you to come with me. Just for a few minutes we won't be long" she replied to you while Missy practically growled in response, her arm tightening around your waist so much that you wiggled about a bit uncomfortably.

"Why?" You asked "what for?"

"Shes not going with you!" Missy growled out, holding onto you tightly.

"Okay Missy I cant breathe" you got out, trying to push away from her strong grip.

She quickly loosened her hold on you as soon as you said that. Not to a point where you could walk free though. Oh no, not at all. In fact, her hold on you was still so tight, that you barely had wiggle room. But at least you could breathe now right? You didn't even know what was wrong with her. She never acted this way towards the doctor.

"Well..." the doctor started off before sighing "look I've seen that you don't want to touch anyone again. Like you've fallen into...old habits. You let Missy and for some reason Angel to touch you. But you can't make contact with anyone else." She explained.

When she said that you knew exactly where this was going and what she was saying. You understood Missy's behaviour immediately.

The doctor wanted to do those weird therapy sessions with you again. The ones where she slowly but gradually got to make contact with you. And the ones which also ended up with you having full blown panic attacks!

You swallowed nervously, naturally your grip coming to tighten upon Missy. You felt your fear start to pick up. You didn't want to do this. You couldn't...just the idea of making contact with anyone ever again made you want to scream out, hoping someone would hear you. You were afraid...and you didn't want to get hurt again. You wouldn't let anyone hurt you! Never again!

"No" you whispered before gulping "I..I'm not doing it"

The doctor sighed a little at that while Missy just tightened her grip again and huffed at the doctor, frowning deeply at her.

"There, she's not doing it. So bye. We're going to sleep" she said with a serious tone.

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you or anything" the doctor said softly, looking into your eyes.

You shook your head in response, feeling your lips wobble while your face crumpled "don't make me" you got out with a small cry.

"We have to" the doctor said softly.

"No we don't! Fuck off doctor!" Missy glared, practically shouting.

"Yes we do!" The doctor snapped back "this is serious okay. I have so many questions on what happened while I was gone. But I know it's a delicate topic okay. So I'm not going to push it until you're ready to talk. But this however. I'm used to dealing with this with you. We've done this before. I can help you. You just need to trust me. There could me moments where..I need to make contact with you. And it's a matter of life and death. I don't need to be able to hug you or anything. Just grab your hand"

You bit your lip nervously, taking in everything she said. She was right....

"Can..." you swallowed thickly "can Missy come with me?" You asked quietly.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now