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A/n: there's some fluff

You banged the doors open, running around in the fresh air. You could hear the TARDIS. You could hear it! It was getting louder and louder, like you were running closer to it and it was materialising.

You ran in the direction you could hear it in, running as fast as you could, your legs burning and your heart racing in your chest, like it was trying to break free of your rib cage.

And then the best thing that had ever happened just happened. Up ahead of you you could see the TARDIS, that beautiful blue box, was appearing! It was materialising just in the distance, the leaves and dust lifting up around it, swirling around as the noise and wind flew around.

You smiled widely, feeling utter relief wash over you, the overwhelming urge to just breakdown in pure happiness taking over. You felt like you couldn't move and your entire body, like it was just frozen in nothing but shock and happiness. Every emotion building up inside you and making your heart beat quickly.

You thought you were going to end up collapsing onto the ground in relief, your legs feeling weak and wobbly all of a sudden. But you forced yourself to start running as soon as the TARDIS finally materialised, heading straight for the opening door.

They were here! They were actually, properly here! They didn't leave you...they came back for you! And not by making you wait years upon years on end for them. It was barely two days...

As soon as the doors opened the first person to step out was Missy, making you smile even further. You missed her so much...everything about her. From those blue eyes and her purple suit, all the way to her funny personality and amazing self.

"Missy!" You shouted, breathing out in utter happiness while running over to her.

She looked straight ahead in the direction of your voice, a smile reach on her face while she breaker out in relief too. Right before she started to run over to you also. The doctor was close behind, but at the moment, your heart and eyes were focused on your one and only love. Missy...

As you were running you reached out your arms, already awaiting and ready for her embrace. Everything felt like slow motion. This had been waiting for this for what felt like forever. Your heart was yearning for them. You wanted to just hold her already. You just wanted some contact...

"(Y/n)!" Missy called putting for you too, as you finally caught up to her after what felt like an eternity, wrapping your arms around each other and hugging as tightly as you could.

"Oh my angel" you whispered, forcing back tears "you're here..." you closed your eyes tightly, squeezing her and holding her close to you, bunching you her clothes in your fists as you were afraid of losing her again.

Afraid she would disappear into thin air and leave you again. You couldn't ever let her go. You couldn't bear to let her go. You only just got her back. You wouldn't lose her again, you were going to hold her forever if you had to. You would keep her close to you. Right in your arms.

"You're alive" Missy whispered, her strong arms squeezing you so tightly, though you didn't mind one bit, her warmth enveloping around you "you're okay. My love..."

You closed your eyes, burying your head under her head and taking in a deep breath. Her scent of vanilla just filled you up completely, and it made you're whole body just relax in the knowledge that you were okay. That she was here, that she was back for you. She was real...this wasn't some dream.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt my love?" Missy quickly asked you, pulling back and placing both hands on your cheeks, making you look up at her and into those concerned blue eyes looking right back into your (e/c) ones.

You loved her so much. Those didn't realise how much you missed those eyes. She was utterly beautiful. Those defined cheekbones were everything. The concern in her voice and eyes though only made you realise though...the last time she saw you you were falling out of the TARDIS from mid air, right down to your death.

She thought you were dead...she must have. Or at least severely injured. You couldn't even imagine thinking about that. Thinking that your own partner, the person you loved with all your heart was gone. And not only gone and missing, but dead... Literally just..dead. Having watched their last few moments. It must have been hell for her.

"I'm okay" you whispered "I'm okay..I was caught before I hit the ground. I'm fine" you told her quickly, holding her wrists softly and caressing them, trying to calm her down.

"Oh thank god" she whispered, right before she unexpectedly pressed her lips right up against yours.

You froze in surprise at first before instantly smiling, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around her waist, pulling her closer while her hands gently caressed your cheeks. You took in every feeling, her lips felt amazingly soft and plump up against yours. Your mind and body got lost in their own world, your stomach going wild while your mind went crazy, put happiness filling you. You felt love, love all over you. You wished to stay in this moment forever.

When you did finally pull back it was only because you had to take in some air to breath, your lungs starting to hurt. But you instantly continued to hug her, holding her closely. Missy rested her head on top of yours, squeezing you.

"I love you" you whispered, your voice shaking and wobbling, emotion washing over you once again, the realisation that you may never have seen again catching up to you.

"I love you too" Missy whispered back, holding you in the safety of her arms.

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