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"What the hell!" You screeched in shock and surprise, running forward to the empty place where Elvis once stood "he's gone! He's disappeared! Missy Elvis has been kidnapped!" You yelled, running a hand through your hair in worry.

"Yes I know" Missy said, looking around "it looked like a teleport"

"Angel where did they take him? Better question, why did they take him? And who even is they?" You asked, stressing out a little.

"I'm not sure. But we can use the TARDIS to track the teleport and head right to where he is right now" she replied before taking your hand in hers "come on" she said, dragging you to the TARDIS.

The doors opened and she pulled you inside. You tried to keep yourself calm. You were just shocked and surprised. You had no idea what was going on. You hardly got a good look at that thing that took Elvis. You had no idea what it was. Or how long it had been standing there in the shadows and maybe even watching Elvis.

"How did we miss it?" You asked, watching as Missy typed a few things on the TARDIS controls "it was standing there the whole time, how could we have missed it?"

"I'm doing a scan right now...I have a few thoughts.." Missy said.

You watched as she did her thing, and the TARDIS soon after beeped a few times as if to tell you that the scan was done. You both looked at the screens, as if you could read gallifreyan at all. You couldn't understand any of it, and so looked at Missy desperately.

"Just as I thought" she muttered before looking at you "perception filter. Have you heard of one before?" She asked.

You nodded your head "yeah I've come across it a few times. The doctor used it once too...and then there was this cave among the mountains where this woman was who had been 'cursed'"

She nodded her head "okay maybe a story for another time but good. So you understand why we didn't see him right. It's like something out of the corner of your eye. Sneaky things perception filters. I don't like it when people use them against me" she grumbled at the screens before getting back to work with the controls.

"Isn't everything being used against you something to hate?" You chuckled lightly, trying to relieve some of the tension.

Missy smiled lightly "I guess. But it only makes me laugh harder in the end when none of their plans work" she smiled at you.

You grinned at that, laughing lightly, feeling yourself loosen up. You hoped they weren't doing anything to Elvis. You had been kidnapped before and once it led to torture. Literally. An electric chair was something you did not want to be on the receiving end of again. Nor was seeing Missy kill someone something you wanted to see.

"Okay, I've got it. Triangulated the point where they've taken Elvis. Locking into the coordinates and going there right now. Hold on, it's always a horrible ride when literally dragging a TARDIS towards targets" Missy told you, giving you a warning look.

You quickly grabbed onto one of the golden shards that stood like pillars around the consoles, holding on tightly. Even with the preparation though, you weren't ready for when the TARDIS took off.

Missy was right. It felt like the TARDIS was literally being pulled to a certain place. And it wasn't nice being inside the box. You nearly lost your grip straight away, and the TARDIS sounded almost like it was screeching, no longer filling your ears with it's wonderful whoozing and groaning sounds. It was almost as if she was in pain.

"It's okay old girl. Just hold on" Missy spoke, holding onto the TARDIS and looking up with soft gentle eyes.

You wondered if time lords could tell what a TARDIS was saying...if they even spoke of course. You knew they were alive but you didn't know if they could actually speak. Maybe only to time lords they could. You wondered what Missy was hearing.

You grunted a few times at the horrible shaking. The TARDIS was trying to keep the gravity upright so that you would always be on your feet, but you could tell that she was being practically hurled around space, upside down and everything. Your arms were quickly getting tired.

"Missy!" You yelled out, your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to hold on, your arms slipping "I can't hold on!"

It was like trying to hold onto the cage while the lion rattled and did everything it could to get you off. You could only hold on for so long. And quite frankly you feared injury if you let go.

"We're nearly there" Missy replied, like she was struggling to hold on herself.

It was definitely more of a bumpy ride and you suddenly realised how much you appreciated how both time ladies flew the TARDIS. At least they didn't send you hurling.

The TARDIS came to such a sudden halt, everything stopped moving in an instant. Your hands slipped and you screamed as you flew forward at the force, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepared for a harsh and most likely painful landing.

"(Y/n)!" You heard Missy shout out for you, just as you hit the ground, your head hitting the hard floor, startling for for a moment as pain went through the side of your body but most painfully in your head.

You groaned in pain, your head throbbing badly as you tried to sit up. You felt strong arms help you sit up and you opened your eyes, squinting at the lights that seemed way too bright for your head.

You saw Missy crouch down in front of you, looking at you in concern, your eyes meeting. She took the hand that you didn't even know had automatically gone up to your painful head, gently pulling it away.

You kissed slightly when she pressed her thumb over it gently.

"Sorry" she quickly apologised, pulling her hand away.

"It's okay" you whispered, your cheeks getting warmer.

She looked at your head for a few moments before sighing slightly.

"There isn't a wound. Have you got any ringing in your ears? Dizziness, nausea?" She asked.

You grinned slightly "no but you're sounding a lot like the doctor right now angel" you giggled.

She sighed before chuckling lightly "yeah I guess I am"

She leaned forward, cupping the back of your head gently before her lips met where your head had hit, kissing you softly there.

"Sorry about that love" she whispered against your hair.

"It's okay" you whispered with blushing cheeks.

"Come on. Let's go find and rescue Elvis" she smiled at you.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now