Console room

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Once you had finished your breakfast, you had asked the doctor for some painkillers for your head. Unsurprisingly really, she gave you this weird alien syrup thing. It didn't taste too bad but it looked horrid. The doctor said it would help with the headache better than any human drug would do. You guessed you didn't mind. The doctor always knew best anyways.

You were all at the console room now, even Missy and Ryan. Ryan looked a lot more out of it than Missy did. He was definitely still hung over. Yaz was just laughing her head off at the sight of him. Missy looked like she had made a full recovery already. Well, apart from the occasional spacing out. But everyone did that when hungover. Including amazing time ladies.

"So, where are we going today?" The doctor grinned, already up at the controls and ready to go, her fingers just twitching to get work.

You shrugged slightly "wherever I guess. Just make it good." You told her.

"And don't make the ride too bumpy. I feel like I could throw up any second" Ryan grumbled.

"Well then you shouldn't have drank so much should you son" Graham raised his brow at him.

He groaned slightly at that "It was worth it though. That karaoke was so funny" he grinned.

"I wish I was there for that" Yaz laughed "though me and the doctor had a great time too didn't we" she looked over at her with a smile.

"The best Yas! Apart from the part where alien giraffe started to attack the place and we had to save the whole planet while also trying to keep the princess calm. And then she found out about her past with this bracelet thing and apparently she was connected to those aliens. Long story. But they made up. Of course after taking down the ignorant and in denial leader. Now she was in a bit of a mood. But then we managed to even help rebuild some of the buildings that were destroyed. Oh, and of course we finished the night off with the wonderful sunset" the doctor gushed out like an excited child.

You smiled at that, laughing a little as Yas and the doctor smiled at each other, seemingly reminiscing about everything.

"So it's not just me and Missy where trouble seems to follow" you chuckled lightly "we had quite the eventful night too. And to think, all to just collect Elvis. And then he got kidnapped and then...we'll never mind. We'll be here all day if I continue. Oh, I passed out" you raised your hand while casually adding that on with a small smile.

"Wait you passed out?" The doctor asked in shock and surprise.

"Yeah" you giggled.

"Hey you scared me when that happened love, don't make it a habit" Missy told you, giving you a look.

You shrugged "you were there to be my guardian angel. Like always" you smiled.

She smiled back at you before you swore you saw her start to blush. But you weren't sure because she turned her face away. You wished you knew what she felt about you. And that you could just be given that slight bit of confidence to tell her how you felt.

"Okay, well" the doctor spoke up, breaking the silence "I found this place. Well, I've never been there. I'm not really sure what it is or anything. But maybe we could check it out" she suggested.

You smiled at that, nodding your head "sure thing. Sounds good. But um...actually do use those stabilisers. I only just had my breakfast I'm not sure how my stomach would react if everything started to shake" you told her.

She nodded her head "okay. So, I guess we're going there then" she smiled, before starting to flick switches and leavers.

You grabbed onto one of the golden shards before the TARDIS started to shake. The doctor quickly apologised before she flicked one of the blue stabilisers. She was refusing to use all of them though. She must have really hated those things. It did help a little, and the beautiful noise of the TARDIS was filling your ears, making you smile. You loved that noise. You could listen to it all day, it made you feel at home.

You held on tightly, slightly worried at how Ryan would react to this. You really didn't need to see anyone throw up. If you saw that you just knew it would set you off.

Thankfully the TARDIS came to a halt not long after and Ryan didn't puke up all over the place. He didn't look great either but he looked good enough you suppose.

"See, that wasn't too bad was it!" The doctor exclaimed with a bright smile "there wasn't a lot of space turbulence this time you see. Maybe if we took a different route or we were going somewhere else the turbulence would have been really high. Then we would all be holding on for our lives. Well..maybe not..that was a bit dramatic. I guess I could always use those blue boringers. I hate them..." the doctor frowned, glaring at the stabilisers "I mean what actually is the point of them-"

She was cut off when Yas went up to her and kissed her on the lips, finally giving you all some quiet. You tried to hold back a small laugh at that, smiling as you turned away and looked at the doors. You wondered what was actually out there. Maybe something amazing and beautiful. Something that you would never forget. Somewhere fun and happy and amazing. didn't know. But you couldn't wait to get out there.

"What was that for?" The doctor smiled once Yas pulled away.

"You said I could use kissing as a way to shut you up whenever I wanted" Yas replied with a small laugh "and I like kissing you"

The doctor blushed at that before she grinned to herself. You smiled at that before heading over to the doors. You wanted to see what was out there.

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