Be here

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You looked over and saw the doctor walking over to you, though she was trying to give you and Missy both as much space as you could for the moment you just had. The moment of love and happiness, one you will never forget. Your heart but burst simply at the thought. Of course you couldn't help but smile in the comfort of her arms.

"Doctor" you finally spoke up, pulling back from Missy, though you kept your hand in hers, still unwilling to let it go, maybe out of fear you didn't know.

"Are you okay? How long has it been?! (Y/n)...I am so sorry...I should have put the locks on the doors. Or...made sure we were more careful. I'm so sorry...the TARDIS just went haywire...I couldn't do anything!" She exclaimed, running a hand through her hair worriedly and giving you the most frantic and concerned look.

"I'm fine. It's okay it wasn't your fault. Sometimes things just happen, relax" you quickly told her, trying to calm her down "I've barely got a scratch it's okay. I told you I was caught before I touched the ground. I'm safe." You said before looking up at Missy with a smile, hugging her again "and I'm even better with you here with me" you mumbled, squeezing your eyes shut and holding onto her tightly.

You looked over and saw Ryan, Graham and Yaz all standing there too, all looking relieved that you were okay and that they had found you. Though you had no idea how. Not that you cared. They came back for you, and they didn't take even half a week to do so. Not even two days! You had nothing to complain about, but everything to be grateful for. Luck really seemed to be on your side right now.

"How long has it been?" The doctor repeated, still sounding worried and frantic as you just held onto Missy, resting your head on her chest while her arms remained around you "I swear we tried to find you as fast as we could! I'm sorry..."

"Doctor relax" you said softly, smiling at her "it's fine"

"How many years? I mean...she's still wearing those same clothes though doc" Graham said, looking at you.

"Its okay I told you. It's barely been two days" you smiled, closing your eyes "though it felt like an eternity"

"Oh thank god" Missy whispered, her arms tightening around you, squeezing you in her warmth while a hand came to the back of your head, holding you closely "you're okay" she kissed the top of your head "we made it in time"

"You came back" you whispered, feeling your lips tremble a little "I thought I was stuck."

"Of course we came back for you" Missy whispered, stroking your hair softly "we'll always come back for you. I'll always come back. I said I'd never let you go ever again. And I meant it, every word" She told you in a soft and sincere tone.

"I thought I'd never see you again" your voice wobbled a little as you said that, a lump of emotion once again growing in your throat as you fought back a sob.

"Hey" Missy whispered, pulling back and placing both her hands on your cheeks "I said I'm not going anywhere. I'd spend a lifetime finding you if it meant I could spend one more day with you. I'll always come back"

You smiled in response to that, breathing out a sigh of relief while shaking your head "sometimes I really hate that TARDIS of yours doctor" you told her, laughing lightly.

The doctor smiled in response "if it's any consolation, she says she's sorry" she told you? Making you smile.

"I'm just glad you're back." You replied before looking over at the others "all of you."

"We're just glad you're okay! The doctor and Missy were screaming to us about how you fell out of the TARDIS" Ryan exclaimed.

"Yeah, how did you survive Anyways?" Yaz asked, making you run a hand through your forehead as you pulled away a little more from your angel.

"Um...Cobi saved me. He was shifted into his wolf form, it was a full moon you see. He saw me falling and..well he ran after and caught me. The only injury I got was a little graze to my stomach. Literally nothing compared to the fact that I could have died..." you told them, sighing out in relief and disbelief of your own story, shaking your head with raised brows as you thought to yourself.

"Wait...Cobi? As in...the baby that was sent to us on the TARDIS?" Graham asked, furrowing his brows "how did he save you?"

"Well...I don't know if you recognise the place we're at right now. But this is where we dropped him off remember. Where we gave him to the chief and his wife. He's been living here for around twenty years now. He's a fully grown man. Or werewolf I should say" you smiled "and his wolf form was big enough and powerful enough to leap up and catch my falling figure, saving me from...well death" you sighed a little.

"He saved you?" Missy asked you, to which you nodded your head in response.

"Not because he recognised me either. You'll love him doctor, he's such a good man. He treats people well and is just...kind. He saw me falling, someone who needed help and..well he instantly saved me. Without question. He only realised who I was once we both touched the ground" you told the doctor and the others all.

"Wait...we're back here? But in the future?" Yas asked, looking around.

You nodded your head in response before loads of people started to come out of the main building, obviously having followed you after you ran off like that without explanation. Everyone started to make their way over, their faces looking shocked as they realised who had just materialised on their planet.

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