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Missy told you to get dressed for the dinner she was taking you to now. You weren't really sure what to dress like, but not so fortunately for you, Yaz decided to come along and help you pick out an outfit. You didn't ask her to but here she was, insisting upon helping out.

She was one hundred percent sure that this dinner was in fact a date you two were going on. Which it wasn't. Not that you knew of. It wasn't specifically said...not that you didn't want it to be a date. It was probably something that Missy just wanted to do as friends. You were the closest out of everyone else. As friends though.

Yaz didn't seem to understand that though. And she kept on making jokes about the 'baby'. You were still slightly annoyed that Missy let that one slip.

"Okay so we totally have to get something that's gonna tease the hell out of Missy. Who knows, you two might get it on when you get back" she winked at you, making you glare at her, feeling your cheeks heat up "then again you two have already been doing that pretty much since the first day you guys met. So if you guys had sex during Christmas that means in nine months the baby's due. December... January.. Febur-" you cut her off with annoyance.

"Yaz can you shut up about this baby, there is no baby! That isn't even biologically possible! And this isn't a date where I need to tease Missy, it's a friends thing." You snapped at her angrily.

She hummed "yeah you keep telling yourself that."

You rolled your eyes "why are you even here?! I didn't ask for you to come with me. And I think I'm capable of dressing myself Yaz" you said in annoyance.

"No you're not" she countered "now, shall we go for something tight so it shows off your butt or should we go for some cleavage? Oh wait, have you got a baby bump yet. How long does it take for you to start to notice this kinda stuff?" Yaz asked, making you face palm and groan in annoyance.

"For fucks sake" you whispered, throwing your pillow at her face.

She only started to laugh harder at that. You seriously thought she was high sometimes.

"Okay okay, seriously though you need to flatter her. I think this would look great" Yaz said, holding up a black short dress with a v line neck.

"Yaz I kinda don't feel comfortable with my scars out all the time. I don't even know if that shirt ass dress will cover the scars on my thighs not even mentioning how there aren't any sleeves." You told her, crossing your arms uncomfortably.

She rolled her eyes at you "it'll cover your thighs it's not that short. And I was thinking, you could wear this cool jacket" Yaz said, bringing out a sparkly black jacket.

You weren't going to lie, that jacket looked really nice. You sighed, standing up in defeat.

"Give it hear, I'll try it on" you mumbled.

She squealed happily "yeah you will! This my friend, will have your lovers hearts going crazy. You might even have to carry a defibrillator around for that heart attack" she grinned.

You rolled your eyes "she's not my lover Yaz! And what the hell was that pick up line?" You asked with a small laugh, taking the clothes from her.

"It was great. And true. Just hurry up I wanna see what you look like in it" she hurried you on.

You raised a brow at her "you sure this dress is trying to flatter Missy and not yourself" you joked.

She shook her head "nah I have loads of stuff planned for the doctor" she smirked slightly at that "anyways, Missy would rather see you take off that dress rather than put it on"

You went bright red at that, feeling your cheeks heat up instantly in shock. You stared at her with your jaw hung open slightly, watching as she laughed her head off at your reaction.

"I hate you sometimes. Oh, and by the way, how's Ryan doing with Sonya. Last I heard he was planning on getting a hotel room just for the two of them" you wiggled you're eyebrows at her, smirking. 

You saw her face contorted into one of shock and then of anger. She slammed the wardrobe shut, cracking her knuckles.

"The hell he is!" She yelled, before turning around and getting out of your room, leaving the door wide open "RYAN SINCLAIR!" She screamed angrily.

You gasped, quickly running out to try catch her. You didn't mean for her to take it so seriously.

"Wait I didn't mean it...he isn't...okay then..." you mumbled quieter with every word as you realised Yaz was already long gone "well, sorry Ryan"

You shrugged your shoulders, sniggering at the thought of what Yaz was gonna do to Ryan. Or Ryan's face of shock. You laughed at that, shaking your head as you closed the door. She deserved it. They both did for all that teasing.

You started to strip of your clothes and got into the dress, glad to know it went down past your thighs. None of the scars were really visible on your legs. And once you put on the jacket, the scars on your arms were also covered up.

You took a look at yourself in the mirror, grinning slightly. This was definitely flattering. Your body wasn't nearly as healthy as it used to look due to you practically starving yourself. But you didn't look too bad. And this dress looked great.

You grabbed a pair of black heels, ones which ties around your ankles so you'd be able to run easier if anything did happen. Not that you were planning or indeed hopping on anything happening to make you run. You wanted this to be about you and Missy. Not some stupid alien or their invasions or plans to destroy the universe or anything. You just wanted it to be about her.

And who knows, maybe tonight might be the day you finally said something.

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