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A/n: it was officially my last day of school 🎉

"So you need help with making them properly" the doctor chuckled, walking over to you.

"Maybe.." you mumbled in embarrassment "what do we do with that one?" You asked, looking at the pancake stuck to the roof.

The doctor giggled at that "the TARDIS will clean it up don't worry. Perhaps next time just don't throw the pancake so high" she laughed.

You smiled at that " be fair though I didn't realise how hard I threw it. Also I personally think that the roof has shrank. Also I'm just too strong for this you know, it's hard to control your strength sometimes" you said.

The doctor laughed at that, already making you another pancake. You sat down at the table and waited for her to finish. It seemed quite peaceful this morning. And the doctor seemed like she was in a good mood. You were glad she wasn't angry or anything from last night. She was probably too happy with everything you had organised for her and Yaz to stay angry at you to be honest.

"So..." the doctors voice got your attention and you looked up at her "how's everything with Missy? Did you tell her how you felt yesterday?" She asked you.

You sighed slightly at that. It was a lot more complicated than that for you to just up and say it. You felt like you couldn't speak every time you were about to say it to her face. And then Jason's bloody phone number popped up that night. Though you had to admit, telling the doctor and just being able to speak and talk about this to someone felt like weights being lifted off your shoulders and you felt glad to have told the doctor. She was probably your best friend.

"No, I didn't tell her" you told her "I just couldn't...I still get nervous whenever I want to say something" you said.

The doctor played the pancake and brought it over to you with a drizzle of honey, before sitting across you. She looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"You still can't say anything? Even after saying out loud to someone else? After admitting it to me?" She asked.

You blushed slightly, feeling your cheeks heat up "that's different..actually saying it to Missy is...different. More scary and...nerving..." you told her.

The doctor looked at you for a few moments before sighing dramatically, rolling her eyes a little.

"Why can't you just say it?! You're practically dating already. Just tell her how you feel, let your emotions speak for you." She told you "it's what I did with Yas."

"But what if she...doesn't want to be with me like that? What if she gets so creeped out by the idea that she stops wanting to be my friend. Or spending nights with me and letting me into her room. Or giving me kisses on the cheeks or wherever. I don't wanna lose that." You told her, feeling embarrassed already saying this out loud.

The doctor grinned slightly at that before shaking her head "I think you need to look at how Missy acts around you. I doubt she'll let anyone else sleep in her bed with her. And she's never as nice to anyone as she is with you let alone how protective she is. She cares about you. You never know, if you ask Missy first, the results may surprise you" she smiled at you.

You sighed slightly, thinking about everything with Jason as well. You didn't know how you would juggle him as well on the side of you even did start to date Missy or asked her out. You also didn't know if it was right to be with someone at the same time you were with someone else. You felt like a horrible person doing that. Not to mention being a slut.

"It's complicated" you sighed, placing a hand on your forehead and rubbing it slightly, your headache only getting worse.

You are away at the pancake while the doctor sighed slightly at you, raising a brow your way. She smiled slightly, shaking her head and looking at you.

"I've learnt something when asking Yas out you know" she spoke up.

You hummed at that, looking at her with raised brows "what's that?" You asked.

"It's that you need to go for everything as it comes. Don't wait, just go for it when the opportunity comes. Take a risk and put yourself out there. Get what you want...before it's too late" she added the last part on with a more serious tone.

"What does that mean?" You asked, looking at her like a child taking advice from their mother.

The doctor sighed slightly "I nearly lost Yas. Remember being held at gunpoint. Both of you. That was the day I realised that I needed to tell her how I felt before it was too late and I would regret it forever. I had to put all of my worried away and just tell her because I might never have gotten the chance ever again. You never know with the life we live (y/n)" she told you.

You took in everything she was saying. You knew exactly what she was talking about. And you understood what she was saying.

"You never know when your last day with Missy would be. You should know this especially after everything that's been happening lately with everyone. Sometimes people just need someone else to get them through the day. A shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold. And a partner can always be their for you. You need to tell her how you feel before it's too late (y/n). Before you miss your chance and regret it forever" the doctor told you "just forget about your worried sir a few moments, and all of your doubts. Just go right for it. Because you have to. Take your chance"

You nodded your head slightly, looking down with red cheeks. But she was right. You had to tell her, before it was too late.

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