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You stood awkwardly, not knowing what to reply with. You'd never seen this woman before either and she didn't know who you were. It made you worry she might hurt you or something. Though she didn't seem upset or angry with you, more like curious as to who you were exactly.

"Babe, this is (y/n). You know, the woman I was telling you about, the one from my first ever memory. Her and a few other people were the ones who dropped me off to this planet" he told her with a smile.

"Hi..." you awkwardly smiled, saving your hand a little.

The woman had pale skin and dirty blonde hair reaching her shoulders. She was just a little shorter that Cobi was, which was tall seeing how big he had gotten. Though you still had no idea who exactly this was.

"Oh, and let me introduce you both properly" Cobi laughed a little "(y/n), this is Karmilla. She's my girlfriend. Karmilla, this is (y/n)." He smiled.

You smiled in response "hi, nice to meet you Karmilla." You said.

"Hi! Nice to meet you too, oh my gosh I have so many questions to ask you!" She exclaimed excitedly, out stretching her hand for you to shake, making you back away slightly, gulping uncomfortably and wrapping your arms around yourself.

You really did need to work on this contact issue. The doctor was hopefully going to help...if she managed to find you again. This whole thing was crazy and it was only just catching up with you and dawning upon you.

You were practically thrown out of the TARDIS and you thought you were going to die...and then a huge wolf caught you. The one who turned out to be Cobi, the same baby you held in your arms two years ago. He was now a fully grown man. And you were safe...not dead. Completely not dead!

"Sorry! Oh I forgot." Karmilla quickly said, retracting her hand and raising them slightly to show she wasn't a threat to you.

You sighed slightly before shaking your head "it's fine. I didn't mean to get to flinchey I just..I don't..."

"Like contact" Cobi finished "yeah we know. Come on, we'll make a fire and I'll go hunting in a moment. I can feel the moon coming" he said, walking over to the fire wood that his partner had collected earlier.

"How do you guys know? You know..about my fear of being touched?" You asked them while sitting down next to one of the big trees.

Cobi started to rub two rocks together, getting a spark as lighting the wood, setting it into a large flame. It was obvious he was skilled at this and had done this a good few times already. You had always admired how people were able to do that with such ease, whereas you were sure you wouldn't be able to do it.

"Some of the elderly people told us. They often share stories and memories of you and the doctor you know. The chief and his wife especially. Some of them were about how you didn't like to be touched by anyone else other than one person called Missy, or the master. She'd changed from that ruthless time lord apparently. And then there was the doctor. The stories about him or her were endless. But we especially knew the stories of how you brought Cobi here to find a new home." Karmilla told you, making you look over at Cobi with slightly furrowed brows.

"I thought you said you remembered me? From when you were six months old..." you said slowly.

"I do..but my memory isn't too great since then. It is hard to hold onto such early memories. I don't think anyone else can do that either too. Makes me feel special" Cobi laughed softly while throwing some more wood into the fire, the warmth starting to surround you and help you to calm down.

"You are special babe" Karmilla said with a smile "how many people do you see who can shift into a wolf?" She asked with a laugh and a loving look on her face.

You smiled in response before looking back at Cobi "do you remember anything...about your parents? I mean not the chief but..your birth mother and father. If I'm your first memory..."

"Then I don't remember them...unfortunately no" he sighed slightly with a frown "but I try to remember what you told me all those years ago"

"You look like your father" you smiled, looking at his features "though your hair is your mother's, beautiful brown. Both your parents had green eyes...there names were Sara and Peater. I'll tell you everything you want to know about them." You smiled at him.

He looked happy and slightly sad at the same time when you said that. Clearly hearing about his birth parents was a lot for him. He probably hadn't heard it from a person who knew them personally, or knew as much as you did. You were glad you could fill him in on what he needed to know instead of being kept in the dark.

"I'll go hunting first. Get us something to eat. You also need some tending to that wound." He pointed at your shirt again, making your hand quickly reach up to the side of your stomach.

"It really is just a small scratch" you assured him, making him shake his head.

"I know, but we don't want it getting infected" he replied, making you smile a little.

You could already tell he had been raised right. Always there to offer help, and just his whole aura and demeanour was of kindness.

"Okay" you replied, nodding your head to tell him he could, though you still didn't want to be touched or have to have made any contact.

"We've got a medical kit. We always keep it just in case." Karmilla smiled, bringing it out "you never know what you could find out here after all."

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now