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You and Jack were sat on one of the benches outside, taking in some fresh air. You needed to take a moment after that. You weren't ready to see her being shot like that. Especially in the head. You were glad you didn't actually see the shot.

You sighed "you didn't need to shoot her" you mumbled quietly.

Jack looked over at you "she was about to kill you. And one more death, you or anyone, and the whole rift would have ripped apart. She was about to shoot I didn't exactly have a choice" he said.

You nodded your head, rubbing your forehead "we should have been able to save her" You whispered "Hannah I mean. She was probably innocent in all of this.." you shook your head slightly thinking about it.

"She was already gone (y/n). We couldn't do anything but prevent the loss of more life" Jack told you.

"Yet you still shot her" you stated "maybe not Hannah herself but the creature inside of her. The doctor said once the host body dies they die too. You killed it"

"It needed to be done" Jack replied simply "that creature was born to kill."

"That doesn't mean you can just kill it yourself!" You argued.

"If it was in the shape of a Cyberman or a Dalek you wouldn't be arguing about this at all" Jack said in a calm voice.

"I don't know what a dalek is but..." you sighed heavily "I understand what you mean. The Cybermen are basically the same. I guess it was just...seeing a real persons face"

Jack nodded his head "the doctor sometimes disagrees with our methods so I'm not surprised you are" he chuckled.

You smiled lightly "she always manages to find peace. Well...almost always"

He nodded his head "you also like to hang around with Missy." He commented.

You rolled your eyes at that "look, just because you're not a fan of her doesn't mean that I'm not"

"Oh I know. Crushing big time there" he grinned "Sorry about the kiss"

"I'm not crushing!" You snapped, feeling the heat rise up your neck.

"Listen" he said in a more serious tone "you need to be careful around her" he told you "she's not who you think she is"

"Oh god, please don't give me one of these awful speeches because I don't care. Missy's changed" you started in annoyance.

He shook his head "she's done some don't know about. And clearly you have been through a lot before"

"What because you witnessed me try to shoot myself?" You clenched your jaw "or because you saw my bandaged arms or my scars?" You asked "Missy doesn't ask questions. She..she doesn't look at my scars and suddenly start to become all pitiful on me. And I know what I was like before. Hell even this morning, but I've realised that I don't want this to end yet. I have many...many things to do first" you smiled slightly, thinking about it "starting with a certain dinner"

"Missy's not good" Jack warned you "she's killed more innocent people than you'll ever be able to count. And she's been thirsty for more bloodshed. The master is not someone to be so carefree around. You need to be careful, for your own good"

You sighed angrily, standing up "you know, maybe she's done some things in the past she's not happy with. Things she regrets. But she's changed. Or at least she's trying to. And d'you know what, she's not the one carrying a gun around with her and using every chance she gets. At least she tries to change" you stared at him "but you don't look like you're giving up that gun and changing your attitude. I'd rather hang out with people who are trying to change and forgive their past, than with a person who refuses to change on the argument of them believing they're doing what's 'right'. Right doesn't include guns and death Jack" you told him before turning your back to him and started to walk away.

"Maybe not in a perfect world" he called out, standing up also "but this isn't a perfect world and you know it"

You nodded your head "yeah. And that's why no one is perfect either. But at least some people try to be"

With that, you left Jack to do his own thing and made your way back to the TARDIS. You smiled when seeing the doctor, Yaz, Ryan, Graham, and of course, Missy standing there, talking. You smiled at them all, especially Missy, walking up to her.

She looked at you, smiling back before pulling you into a hug. You hugged her back, enjoying the warmth she had. Having two hearts had more benefits than one.

"I'm sorry you had to see Hannah being shot" she mumbled.

You shook your head "it's okay. And...I'm sorry for trying stupid things. Several times. And not just today" you told her, pulling back.

You glanced down at your arms, thankful that painkiller numbed your arm enough so that you weren't constantly in pain anymore. You cut way too deep this time round. You shouldn't have cut in the first place.

"Hey" Missy said gently, grabbing one of your hands into hers, making you look up and into those beautiful crystal like blue eyes "it's okay"

You nodded your head "I won't do it again. I promise, I'll try not to. I won't be a coward. I've decided, I'm going to make memories worth looking back at. Happy ones, funny ones, weird alien ones" you pulled a face with a small giggle "ones which will make me smile. I'm fine with moping around"

"That's good to hear" she smiled.

You embraced her again, looking over and seeing Jack and the doctor speaking. You sighed, pulling back and looking at Missy with a smile.

"Well, I was thinking" you grinned "we should start off with that dinner you promised me"

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz