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"Woah! That's one amazing looking building" Ryan said, looking at the huge mansion of a building you were approaching.

"What is this place?" Yaz asked, squinting her eyes.

"Well we should take a look shouldn't we" the doctor smiled "Come on fam gang"

"You need to stop calling us that" Ryan said with a laugh "it sounds weird"

"Yeah I think either fam, or gang will do doc" Graham chuckled.

"Okay then. Fam" she smiled "follow me fam. Fam, I'm with ma fam" she started to ramble to herself, making you roll your eyes a little and shake your head a little in amusement.

You hadn't seen the doctor ramble on about nothing in a while. You missed it. You missed everything. This already felt good. And being in a different country...even if it wasn't the one planned for, was amazing. You hadn't ever been to India before. It was definitely warm that was for sure. You were sweating a little and it didn't feel good.

"I'm sweating" you mumbled a little in disgust, tugging at your shirt.

"That's India for you (y/n)" the doctor called out.

"Yeah and we didn't even plan to be here. In fact, we planned to be on the other side of the world" Graham said "not that I mind. Hopefully our visit this time round will be a little more jolly"

"Well it's not surprising when the doctor can't even fly her own TARDIS" Missy mumbled.

The doctor gasped in offence at that, turning around and placing her hands on her hips before pouting.

"I can fly! Perfectly well. What you don't know is that I..I um...planned to be here! Yeah, this was all totally planned. Right up here!" She said quickly and confidently, pointing to her head with a large grin.

"Yeah right" Missy sniggered before the doctors pout got bigger and she turned around, mumbling to herself.

You giggled a little at that. You really liked the dynamic and relationship between the doctor and Missy. Both time ladies, oldest of friends. And yet they were almost completely opposite in behaviour.

"If you still want to go to Iceland sometime I'll take you there myself" Missy whispered to you with a wink.

You smiled at that before nodding your head "that would be great. But India's great too. I wanna try their food! I love Indian food. Well, from takeouts anyways back home" you laughed a little "I wonder if it tastes differently actually over here. I bet they'd be offended to be honest if they saw our takeouts. I have a feeling that's not an accurate representation of great, classic Indian food" You told her.

Missy shrugged a little at that, humming lightly in thought "there's some food which is pretty similar" she replied "but nothing beats being in the actual country itself" she smiled.

You smiled in response before looking at the huge building you were all approaching "don't you think this building is beautiful" you said softly.

"All of them are" Missy nodded her head and you hummed in response, smiling at the smaller houses scattered around.

"What time zone are we in?" You asked.

"I'm not sure" she shrugged a little.

"I think we're in the future" the doctor called out.

"How do you know that?" Yaz asked.

"Everything seems a little more developed. If we were in the past a lot of these buildings wouldn't be here." The doctor replied before you all reached the front of the huge mansion.

The doctor sighed a little before raising a fist and knocking on the door, awaiting for someone to answer. The door opened and a man stood there.

"Yes? Who are you? What do you want?" He asked very briefly, his voice sounding monotone and almost with no life at all.

"Hello! I'm the doctor, these are my friends. There's Graham, Ryan, beautiful Yas, Missy and (y/n)." The doctor said enthusiastically, looking so happy.

You always admired the way she would see everything as so wonderful. She was always so happy and joyful. And always kind.

"Yes, what do you want?" The guy asked.

You assumed he was some kind of guard. He was acting like it and you wouldn't be surprised if there were many guards inside in such a big building. It looked like someone important must have lived there.

"Oh, well you see we're travellers. And we just saw this huge building and we thought we'd come and have a look" the doctor smiled.

"This isn't a hotel you can just book into" the guard spoke with a stern voice.

"We know! But you see we haven't been here before" the doctor tried to tell him.

"Let them in" a feminine voice spoke suddenly from inside the building.

"Oh..we don't want to be at trouble..." the doctor quickly said before the guard opened the door, gesturing for us to enter.

The doctor turned around to face you all, giving you a questioning look before shrugging a little. The took a deep breath, turning back around and walking in to the mansion. You all followed behind her, and Yas quickly moved over to grab the doctors hand and squeeze it a little, as if for reassurance.

You all walked in and you raised your brows in surprise when seeing a woman standing there. She had beautiful clothes on, sparkling and a beautiful red colour. You believed it was called a sari.

"Hello" she spoke with a welcoming smile "welcome to my home. My name is Alisha. I believe you are all travellers. Tell me, from how far do you come?" She asked.

"Really far" Ryan smiled "all the way from Sheffield"

Alisha looked a little confused at that, furrowing her brows. She clearly didn't know where that was.

"England" the doctor clarified.

"Oh" she smiled "you travelled far. Tell me, why do you come here?" She asked.

"We travel everywhere to be honest" Missy replied "and when we came across this grand building..."

"We couldn't help but admire" the doctor smiled.

"Well I'm assuming you're tired from your travels. Perhaps you would want to stay for a while. We have the space" she smiled.

"We don't want to be a bother" the doctor smiled.

"Not at all. Please, make yourselves at home. You'll be shown upstairs to your rooms" Alisha smiled.

You guessed you were staying here for the moment then.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now