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You were sat in the shower, you had no idea how long for. But the warm water was really helping with the pain, easing it and soothing it to a point where you could barely feel anything but relaxation. The water was rushing past your ears when you tilted your head back, making it sound like you were under the sea or something and the current of the water was gushing past you at a high speed and making a blasting noise go through your head.

You had your knees up to your chest, your good arm wrapped around your legs and keeping them in place. You didn't know what to do or how to feel, but all you knew for sure was that you were deeply conflicted within yourself.

While you were deep in thought? You heard the door open, making you look up and see Missy walking in. She sighed when seeing you, a slightly awkward and nervous look on her face. She probably knew what you were feeling, how what you saw her do was...insane. You never thought she'd go that far. Though her arms and hands were all clean from blood now. In fact, she was in a completely new outfit and was all cleaned off from the mess. You hoped she had made your apartment look just as nice and clean without a single trace like that. You didn't want to go back home and...see the effect of what had happened in there, everything in there being painted and drenched in blood while the air lingered with a coppery, metallic smell that made you want to vomit and throw up violently.

You couldn't exactly move out of that place. You didn't have the money and you also didn't think you could mentally do that, even with what had happened there with Missy and the doctor beating Jason to death. You knew you would be reminded by that every time you walked in there now, maybe even forcing you to have flashbacks and scaring you.

But it was your home. You had been living there since you were sixteen years old. That was nearly twelve years in total you had spent in that house. From the moment you had lost your mother and sister in that car accident you had been living in that one apartment, and you had been happy there. It was where you met the doctor for the first time. It was where the doctor continuously came back for you, even if it was too late sometimes. It was where you had made almost all the memories of your whole life, in that one flat. You couldn't just leave it you really hoped the doctor and Missy had somehow managed to not only take care of the body, but also the blood and mess they had created in the process of all of this.

Missy walked over to you, opening the doors of the shower and switching off the water, leaving you feeling a little cold. Once the rushing of the water suddenly went away from you, you realised just how much you had been blocking out the world. You could hear everything now, the small dripping of water, even your heartbeat in your hears, and both yours and Missy's breathing.

"(Y/n)" she said softly, her voice bringing you out of the darkness that was your mind, her hands moving forward towards your face.

You surprisingly didn't flinch away from her touch when she cupped you're face with her two hands ever so gently. Though you did feel a little something in your chest which may have been a small amount of fear. You expected that, but you were glad that you felt better and weren't freaking out on your girlfriend, the person who had been treating you so much better than Jason and telling you how a real relationship was supposed to be like. Not toxic or painful, but full of love.

"Am I a bad person...?" You whispered, looking into her eyes while trying to keep yourself together "for wanting him dead...for being...happy that he's gone..?" You whispered in a shaky voice, afraid of what the answer would be. You yourself didn't even know, you had never wished bad upon a person like this...

"No, no of course not" Missy replied, caressing your cheek gently "he'd been hurting you for..years. You'd reached your limit and...what you're feeling right now is relief. You know that he won't ever be able to hurt you again. You have nothing to be sorry about, and you have every right to feel however you want to feel. It's natural that this is what you're going through. You're safe now my love, you're always safe here with me. All of us will protect you from anything like this ever happening again." She told you in a serious tone, nodding her head at you, leaning forward and pressing her lips against your cheeks.

"I don't really know what I'm feeling...I feel like my body is still in shock after you..." you trailed off a little at the end there, gulping slightly and licking your lips nervously.

"I know...I really was trying to hold back but I just got so...angered when he started to call you such rude things, and then he had the balls to insult the doctor and I too. I mean not that I care about the doctor he could call her whatever he wants in my opinion" she said at the end, making you laugh lightly in response "but we need to get you out of here so we can tell your siblings"

"What..." you quickly said, looking at her in shock and worry "t..tell Joanna and Charlie..? I can't do that..."

"Let's..just get you out of the shower before we start to discuss anything else okay. Let me help dry you up and put your creams on" she told you, making you nod your head with a sigh.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now