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As soon as you started to walk down the path and towards the village buildings, people started to make their ways over to you three. Most of them were kids to your surprise, probably around ten or eleven years old. They all had really happy smiles on their faces and came running over to hug Cobi, cheering for him and giggling excitedly. It was almost like he was some kind of celebrity.

Cobi laughed in return, bending down a little and hugging them all back, ruffling some of their hair and giving fist bumps.

"Heyyy Cobi!" One of them giggled.

"How was the forest? Did you see some cool animals?" A girl asked.

"I heard you howling!" A young boy shouted excitedly with a wide smile on his face.

"Karmilla!" Another one of them smiled, hugging her.

You just stood there, smiling a little while all those kids came along as started to crowd around Cobi. The atmosphere felt like he was almost like the big brother of the pack. He laughed along and was throwing what looked like some kind of cricket ball to some of them, saying he'd play later.

"I want some breakfast guys come on" Cobi chuckled "I'll talk with you all later but I think the kitchens are waiting for us. Don't want the food to get cold now do we?" He raised a brow with a smile.

"Cobi, Karmilla" a girl spoke up before looking over at you, pointing a finger in your direction "who's she?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a little.

You stood there, shifting on your feet awkwardly as everyone turned to look at you. You felt a little uncomfortable, not really knowing what to say. We're you just supposed to come out and say that you fell from the sky to them? Did they hear stories about you growing up from the elders and the chief? If so...that would be weird.

You often wondered just how many people knew about you in the universe out there. You'd saved so many planets and civilisations, and people. They all knew you, and they probably passed down the knowledge to their younger generations. And maybe they spoke to their kids...and so on. It was weird to think about though..Just as the doctor was known around the universe, so were you in a way?

"This is (y/n)" Cobi answered, standing up properly and brushing his hands on his trousers "she's...lets call her an old friend of mine."

"Isn't that the person the chief says brought you here with the doctor? Or one of the people" one of them said, making you look at the little boy while he gazed at you in curiosity.

"Well..." Cobi glanced over at you, not really sure if he should say it or not and whether you were comfortable with it.

You nodded your head in response before looking over at them all "yeah I am. I'm her..I travel with the doctor..or I used to. I'm..not really sure anymore" you scratched your head a little, frowning slightly.

You wondered what you were now. Maybe the doctor would just leave you...maybe you'd annoyed her so much that she was over with it. No, you thought to yourself and you knew that Missy would never just let you go again. She promised you.. she promised she would never let go.

"Where did she even come from? Is the doctor here?" A girl asked you.

"The doctor isn't here no" Cobi answered "as for how she got here...well..."

You smiled a little at that before leaning forward slightly, as though you were just about to tell some secret. And in turn, they all leaned in too, smiling and looking at you with wondrous eyes. You missed seeing that look in people. It was so pure and amazing. Like excitement and awe all at once.

"I fell from the sky" you whispered, causing them to gasp slightly, looking at each other with shocked faces.

You couldn't help but adore all these kids. You loved wished your own child could get to even this age. You would have made him such a happy boy. You would have played with him and stayed up at night until he fell asleep. You would have loved to watch him grow...You just missed him. Every time you were around other children it only got harder.

"So you're like an angel?" One of the kids asked, making you laugh softly.

"I wouldn't call myself an angel" you shook your head.

"Well I would" Karmilla smiled at you, making you look over at her with surprise "you brought Cobi to me. What more could I ask for?" She smiled.

"I think you have the doctor to thank for that" you laughed softly, sighing slightly "I hardly did anything really"

"You were the only one who talked to my real parents. You're giving me more inside into what they were like, who they were..everything. You're also the first person I remember holding me" Cobi added with a nod of the head, making you smile in response.

"Well...I guess I'm different in different peoples eyes" you smiled with a small sigh, your eyes saddening.

Jason never thought that of you. Even on christmases or whatever...after that loss you faced...he turned into the devil himself. He was...awful. Awful.

"Come on, lets go get some breakfast. Everyone go back to your parents, they'll be worried about where you are" Karmilla spoke up, and you watched as they all started to scatter away.

"Breakfast is this way. I'm sure they'll have enough for us all" Cobi said, making you nod your head simply in response while following him.

"Yeah. And as soon as I've had breakfast, I can go talk to the chief myself. I really miss my family..." you said quietly, your eyes saddening as you entered one of the bigger buildings of the village.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now