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You had all stayed up a decent amount of time after that extra one cup of tea. Yet Allura's father still didn't come to see you. So you eventually had to go back to your rooms. You could definitely see that Allura was upset by the fact that he didn't come. She wanted to stay up to see if he would but she eventually ended up coming up too. You invited her into your room for a bit just to talk. She seemed like she needed it. Just before bed.

"These clothes are beautiful" you smiled, looking through the wardrobe.

There were so many different kinds of clothes in there. All of them Indian styled. They looked beautiful. And expensive. Definitely expensive. Some of them were even super sparkly with small jewels. You were almost afraid to touch them in fear that they were real diamonds or stones.

"Yeah well we have more than enough money to get the best clothes" Allura smiled "mama told me she got the ones I wear tailored just for me. That was a while ago though..." she mumbled the last part to herself in a little upset.

"Well you must love this life" Missy smiled, now in a soft and comfortable looking silk nightie "you having the best of the best."

"Yeah well not entirely" she muttered under her breath in return, making both you and Missy glance at each other.

You raised a brow a little before furrowing your brows in confusion, looking over at Allura.

"Why not? You can have anything you wanted. You can have amazing things. I would have done anything to have so much stuff. My mum struggled for a while on her own to even feed us.." you sighed a little at that memory "then we managed to pick ourselves up again. We kind of went through a rough patch" you told her.

"Well at least you had your parents" Allura said "that's all I want. I don't want all of this fancy stuff. All this wealth. If I can't even spend time with my own parents" she said In upset, looking down at her lap while twiddling her fingers a little, biting her lip.

You looked at Missy for a moment before walking over to Allura and sitting down next to her. You tried to read her expression, trying to understand her more.

"What do you mean by that?" You asked "do you not get to have just a little while with your parents? I know they're busy and all. It's only to be expected" you told her with a small smile, trying to comfort her.

"That's the point don't you get it" she sighed "With all this wealth and responsibility, my parents are doing so much work. It feels like every second they're working and I don't get a single moment with them. Not anymore. Do you even know how long it's been since I've had a proper conversation with me parents? To have just sat down with them and..don't normal things that a normal family does?!" She exclaimed in upset "I just want my parents. Just to hug them or talk to them. But even though they're in the same house as me...it feels like they're miles and miles away" she told you, explaining everything.

You sighed a little at that, nodding your head in understanding. You didn't realise how bad it must have felt for her to not be able to even talk or see her parents anymore. Work seemed to have overtaken their life. They didn't have any time to spend with their own daughter anymore.

"Have you told them how you feel? Maybe when you see them to tell them. I don't know, at dinner perhaps?" Missy asked gently.

Allura sighed at that with a small frown "they don't stick around long enough for me to talk. You saw today when she asked me to take you to your rooms, my mother just walked away before I said anything else. I just don't understand" she bit her lip, running a hand through her hair.

"It's okay. I'm sure they know how you feel" you tried to tell her.

"Do they?" She retorted, looking at you "because they haven't said anything. They've been so distant these past few months. They were never like this. Before they could balance work and...well..me. But now..I don't even know" she sighed.

You furrowed your brows a little at that, finding that a bit odd. Something must have changed..or happened. It just didn't make sense to have just suddenly changed for no reason. Or maybe something more was going on here than you originally thought.

"Just think about this" Allura said, standing up "is wealth having all the money in the world? Or is it just simply having the love of those you care about."

You watched her as she walked out, thinking to yourself. You looked down at your lap before rubbing your face a little.

"Let's go to sleep. My head is starting to hurt." You sighed a little, getting under the covers and moving over for Missy to join you.

She looked at you for a moment before joining you under the sheets, switching the lights off and cuddling with you. For a moment it was silent and you just let her run her hand through your hair, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling.

"Can I ask a question" she whispered.

"Sure" you whispered back.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing "I saw the scars on you last night in bed. All over your skin..."

"Yeah well I always have did you forget that already" you mumbled a little "I thought it was me who was away for two years not you"

"I mean...I'm sure there are more over your skin now then there were before...is something going on at home?" She asked, making your heart rate spike.

You quickly shook your head "no. Of course not I just...you haven't seen my body up close like that before" you told her.

"You can trust me you know" she said softly.

"I know. But it's nothing..honestly.." you told her, making her sigh a little before nodding her head.

You laid your head back down on her cheek before thinking to yourself. You had forgot how bad it felt to lie.

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