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Missy had finally found a place which looked like it was some sort of restaurant for both of you. You followed her inside, hand in hand, smiling at the guy at the door. He was blue with only one eye. It was still amazing to see different people and species and aliens that all looked different. You just loved seeing so many different civilisations like this.

"Can we get a table for two please" Missy asked the guy "preferably candle lit" she said in a quieter voice so you couldn't hear, smiling slightly.

The guy nodded his head "of course. If you'd both follow me. And we'll have your food out as soon as possible once you've chosen" he spoke, leading you both to a really nice, two seater table.

You smiled when Missy pulled a chair out for you, making your heart feel all happy inside.

"Thank you" you whispered shyly, feeling your cheeks warm up.

You felt like your emotions were at an all time high right now. Every little thing was making you feel so happy and of course, whenever you wanted to speak to Missy and tell her how you felt, your emotions got the better of you and your nerves literally stopped you from doing anything.

You sat down in the chair with a smile, watching as Missy walked around, sitting down on the shake opposite you. A waiter came over, lighting a candle at the table, making you feel even happier, looking at Missy's slightly illuminated and shone upon face, her cheekbones looking sharper than ever.

"What's on the menu then" you said to yourself, picking up the menu and looking over the items.

Missy hummed slightly, leaning forwards towards you with a small smirk, making yo question what it was she was about to do.

"I don't mind, all I care about is what's for dessert" she said in a quiet voice so only you could hear.

You blushed violently at that, your mouth hanging open slightly in shock and your eyes widening. You quickly looked around, making sure no one heard that with red cheeks.

Did Missy just...flirt with you?!

No way, you were just one dirty minded pervert.

"O..okay.." you stuttered, your heart beating really fast.

She grinned at that, glancing at you then at the menu. You bit your lip, looking over her properly. She had one beautiful body.

You quickly looked away, feeling your face burn through embarrassment. You looked over the menu, scrunching your face up slightly as you didn't understand any of the words. There weren't even pictures to help you out or anything.

You sighed, flopping the card on the table, looking around. There weren't many people here actually. In fact, you and Missy seemed to be the only people there with one other guest that kept on looking at you. You shifted uncomfortably, swallows nervously.

You really felt on edge now, feeling his eyes in your back burning holes. You really didn't like this place. Maybe it would have been better to have just gone home to earth and eaten somewhere there. There were some really nice restaurants you could think of going to right now actually. Or maybe some place which Missy knew of so you knew what you were getting. Then again, you didn't want Missy to go to some boring old place she'd seen before. She had stressed how much she loved going to new places.

So you decided to just endure it, ignoring that random person staring at you or the weird aura the place was giving off or even the weird food.

Instead you focused on Missy, smiling at how beautiful she was. Her eyes were the most beautiful things you had ever seen. They were a perfect blue colour, and her facial complexion was just gorgeous and hot as hell. You could just stare at her all day if you could and you wouldn't mind one bit. Maybe you should request to pain a portrait of her or something sometime. Then you could look at her as much as you wanted and she'd have to stay posted for you.

You smiled wider at that thought. You opened your mouth, deciding to just get out your feelings. You tried to say something but your mouth suddenly felt very dry and your heart rate was just mad, your stomach going crazy. Your hands were sweating slightly and you rubbed them on your thighs, swallow gently and trying to just...say something.

You sighed heavily when you literally couldn't get anything out through your anxiety and nerves. You didn't understand why you were feeling like this all of a sudden. You needed to ask someone about this and why you were feeling like this.

Just then, a song started to come on, making your feelings spoken perfectly.

I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could because
I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

You stared at her, watching as her cheeks slowly went more red, her eyes meeting yours, the song continuing.

In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

You felt your heart flutter crazily in your chest as Missy's hand crept into yours under the table. You smiled lightly at her, lacing your fingers together and leaning closer to her as she did to you.

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the ocean side
Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can't describe
All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful

You both lent closer, your faces almost touching, your breath fanning over each other's faces.

But just as you were about to make a move, a loud scream was heard from the back of the building, making you literally jump back a meter, pulling yourself away from her, the pair of you looking shocked and with red cheeks. You cleared your throat, wondering what on Earth nearly just happened.

"W..we should probably go check that out" you whispered.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now