Breakfast talks

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You all made your way to the dining room to have breakfast. You say next to Missy and Angel chose to sit beside you both, smiling happily. She was really weird but at the same time you felt kind of happy to have her close to you. You had no idea why either. You didn't even know who she really was.

"So, did everyone sleep well?" Allura asked while the food started to come around to you all.

"Yeah. Slept really well actually" Ryan smiled.

"Same" Yaz said.

"Good for you" you mumbled a little, feeling a frown start to tug at your lips.

The doctor sighed a little at that "we need to talk about that later" she told you.

"Well what if I don't want to talk to you" you mumbled in response.

The doctor looked a little upset and clearly concerned at that before plates of food were placed in front of you all. Angel was sitting beside you, looking a little worried.

"Nightmares?" She asked you.

You raised a brow at her "what else" you replied before taking your knife and fork and starting to cut into your food after taking a sip of some water for your dry throat.

"Have you...told them yet?" Angel asked you in a cage and cautious way, as if she was treading on egg shells.

Though you didn't have any idea as to what she was talking about. At first that was anyways. After a few moments things started to click. She was a time traveller. She had probably seen your future...she knew. She must have. About Jason...though you had no idea how. You didn't want to tell anyone ever, you weren't going to! Never ever! You couldn't.

Every time you thought about it even for a second your heart would start to race and your anxiety would pick up, and it felt like you couldn't breathe. And then of course there were so many thoughts going through your head about what would happen if you did say anything. The consequences...

"Told is what?" Missy pushed for an answer, gesturing for her to continue.

Angel raised her brows at that before looking back at me. She looked shocked and surprised, staring at me before furrowing her brows a little.

"You haven't even told her?" She asked.

"Told her what?" The doctor pushed again, trying to get some answers out of this.

You were just sat there, trying to unfreeze yourself. Your body felt stiff and you didn't know what to do. You were panicking a little. You couldn't let everything come out just yet. Not yet! You weren't ready for this. Mentally you just couldn't deal with that.

"Nothing" you managed to speak up "'s fine I just..I have nightmares all the time, it's expected with everything I've been through.." you swallowed a little before biting your lip "it's fine..."

You stared at Angel, silently pleading her with your eyes not to say anything. She shifted a little before sighing, looking completely concerned and torn on what to do. But of course, she nodded her head a little and shook her head.

"It's nothing. I was just talking about the nightmares" she smiled a little "you get better in the future I promise"

"Spoilers!" The doctor quickly exclaimed suddenly, nearly scaring you half to death, several people at the table jumping in surprise.

"Be a little louder why don't you" Missy raised a brow.

Angel sniggered a little at that before shaking her head "god I love you all so much" she sighed happily, a bright smile on her face "but you are loud sometimes doctor. You'll end up giving someone a heart attack at this rate. Also, did you plan on coming here? As in like..India? Because it doesn't seem like it (y/n) was having a breakdown over which clothes to wear"

"It wasn't a breakdown!" You quickly defended yourself "these just look expensive.

Allura giggled a little at that while Angel just shrugged in response, grinning a little.

You stared at her for a moment before shrugging a little. She was a strange character that was for sure. In a way she reminded you of Missy in a few ways. Especially her eyes...they were almost exactly like hers. A beautiful blue colour with the whole universe itself within them. Only difference was they looked younger than Missy's. Still older than any human of course though. Then again she did say she had two hearts before...

"You said you're a time lady before right?" The doctor spoke up, as though she was speaking your mind.

Angel looked over at the doctor before smiling a little at that, laughing a little.

"Damn it's so early. Yeah I am" she smiled in response.

" is that possible. You're not on Gallifrey....that's not right" Missy said in confusion.

She smiled a little in response "it's gonna take you a little while yet to know that part. Sorry. But don't worry, all you need to know is that I'm closer to you both than you think" she smiled at you and Missy "and that I'm an awesome time travelling time lady" she shrugged a little.

"I don't have a single clue what you are all on about right now" Allura suddenly spoke up, making you realise that you were all talking about this and aliens and time front of a completely ordinary human who had probably no idea of aliens existence or if they were real!

"Don't worry, they say random things which make no sense to any of us all the time" Graham said with a small chuckle.

"Like all those stories you were telling me about these creatures you fight and these planets you visit up in the air" Allura smiled in response before chuckling with amusement "please, tell us some more stories. They really do brighten up my mood" she said.

"Absolutely!" The doctor exclaimed excitedly, as always wanting to talk about her travels.

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