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Once you had changed into the clothes you were heading downstairs to meet Allura's father and to have breakfast with everyone.

You were a little uncomfortable in the clothes you were wearing, which wasn't a total surprise. Not that the clothing itself was uncomfortable or itchy, but you weren't used to wearing anything like this. You weren't even sure how to move about in this. It was defiantly an upgrade, albeit a more challenging one, from your normal attire. A T-shirt and some jeans.

You smiled when seeing the others coming out of their rooms too, and Allura was standing there, waiting for you all with a friendly smile.

"Hey guys" Angel spoke.

The doctor paused at that before raising her brows while the others stood there in slight shock and surprise. They weren't expecting Angel here either then. Guess it was a surprise to you all, and just the way she was. A spontaneous time traveler. In a way, like you all were. Like you yourself were again. You still couldn't get over how good it felt to travel again with everyone. To be home.

"Angel!" The doctor exclaimed in shock and surprise.

"Yup" she smiled with a giggle.

"Since when did you get here?!" Ryan asked in equal surprise.

"She came not too long ago" Allura replied for you all "she said she was with you guys...if she's not..."

"No she is" you replied quickly before pausing a little.

You technically still didn't even know who she was. You basically only knew her name and that she time travels like you all. And she says some weird things too. She was treating you like she was some child and you were some parent. And she said some weird things about you...still human. God only knew what that meant.

"She's our friend" the doctor said.

"Friend...god it's so early for you all" she mumbled with a smile.

"This feels like river all over again. You aren't giving spoilers are you?" The doctor said.

"No relax. Well...I mean not really" Angel laughed a little.

"What?" The doctor furrowed her brows a little at that.

"Never mind. You all look really good" you said with a smile, seeing everyone else wearing the clothes in their wardrobe's too.

"Yeah! Don't these clothes look brilliant" Graham smiled brightly, fixing his jacket which looked really cool too.

"Well back home I used to wear similar clothes during weddings too" Yas smiled "but I guess 'unofficial royalty' wear these expensive clothes all the time huh" she said.

"You won't get mad if we ruin the clothes by accident or anything will you?" You asked Allura.

"No don't worry" she smiled "there's so much money we have we practically have no idea what to do with it all! A few pieces of clothes being ruined won't do anything. But...try not to do that though."

"Of course we won't do it on purpose" the doctor said "what kind of manners would that show"

"I don't have any manners though" Missy said, trailing off a little when the doctor glared at her, making her bit a smirk back "okay fine"

You giggled at that before shaking your head a bit. Angel seemed like she was almost admiring Missy at that point, grinning in amusement. Whenever she looked at either you or Missy she always had a strange look on her face. You just didn't understand it to be honest.

"Papa said he'll meet you all today. He can't stay for long usual" she mumbled the last part to herself in annoyance, as always whenever she spoke about her parents like that.

"Well we'll be glad to see him." Graham smiled a little.

"Didn't your parents want to listen to our travelling stories?" You asked.

"Yeah but I don't even know if they'll be able to stick around long enough" Allura huffed a little in response.

"Don't worry, as soon as I have a moment with them both I'll start talking" the doctor smiled brightly with her bubbly character that you missed so much.

"Yeah once the doctor starts with her stories you don't want to go anywhere or move away. She grips you to the story and you always want to know what happens in the end" Angel said with a grin.

"You seem to know her well" Missy commented.

"I know you all well. It's just you guys don't know me...yet. Which is really weird because last time I saw you all you knew everything" she laughed in memory.

"Timey wimey space wacey" the doctor waved her hand about, making the rest of you all laugh at that.

"She only days that cuz she doesn't actually know any science" Missy smirked cheekily, making the doctor pout and look really offended by that.

"I do know! I know loads of stuff! I'm really clever!" The doctor exclaimed, making you all laugh in amusement.

"Okay okay. You always say that" Ryan sniggered.

You were all wearing a bright smile when you made it down the stairs and were about to go towards the kitchen and to the dining room. However you all paused when seeing a man standing there, wearing just as extravagant clothes.

"Just what I like to see. Bright smiled on new faces" he smiled before looking at Allura "and of course on my daughter"

"Morning papa" she smiled in response "meet the doctor and her friends" she gestured to us all "Ryan, Graham, Yas, (y/n), Angel and Missy"

"Hello!" The doctor smiled happy before reaching forward and holding out her hand.

"Nice to meet you" the man took the doctors hand, shaking it "my name is Sadesh, and welcome to my home. Stay for as long as you need, I hear you're travellers" he smiled.

"Yes we are. Always available to chat about our trips too. All the adventures we've been on. I'll be able to interest you for hours" the doctor smiled charmingly.

"Perhaps another time. I have a lot of work to get done. Please, have some breakfast and make yourself at home" Sadesh smiled before walking away, leaving you all alone once again and to head towards breakfast.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now