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"Angel!" You called out almost immediately, blinking your eyes a few times to make sure she was real and you weren't seeing things.

But you knew when she was real once she turned around at your call, raising her brows when seeing you. You breathed a huge sigh of relief, your whole body reacting as though weights had been lifted off your chest and for the first time ever you had learnt what relief and a life without pain and fear was.

"(Y/n)" she called back, making her way over to you too, seeing your utterly relieved face.

You breathed a huge sigh of relief before placing a hand on the wall when she came up to you. You practically rested your whole body weight up against the wall, though you found your other arm reaching out to place your hand on her shoulder and for once in a long time, reaching and making contact yourself, heading into it with no fear, nothing but utter relief.

You weren't afraid. You weren't panicking or anything. Even though you knew you should have been if it was anyone else. If it was anyone but Missy... But you weren't. You wanted to make contact. Almost as though you were making sure she was alive and real. As though she was really in front of you and you weren't going crazy, or hallucinating what you want.

"You okay?" Angel spoke, seeing you breathing heavily against the wall.

You nodded your head in return before smiling up at her, resting your head against the wall. You closed your eyes for a moment, holding onto the clothes she was wearing tightly before taking in a deep breath to calm yourself down. Your heart was just going crazy. Everything felt so overwhelming.

"I thought I lost you" you whispered to her, before opening your eyes and looking into her blue eyes "I thought you were taken by one of those Zygons or..or you were killed or something. God I was so scared..." your voice wobbled a little and you found yourself forcing to stay calm.

"Nope, I'm fine" she smiled in return before frowning a little "why did you think I was dead?"

"Because you just disappeared!" You snapped before standing up and placing your hands on your waist, taking deep breaths while nodding your head, talking some sense to yourself in your head.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you like that" she said, biting her lip a little.

You shook your head a little "no it's okay. It's fine you're alive" you breathed out, running a hand through your hair "you just don't ever do that again to me okay!" You glared at her a little bit also just in pure relief she was even standing in front of you to be able to glare at!

"Promise" she smiled in return.

"Okay good." You breathed before furrowing your brows a little at her "why did you scream? I heard you scream...did something happen. Because that's what scared me manage to do that well" You told her.

"Oh I fell..." she said with a small laugh "tripped over my own shoes. Tried to get you when you walked into that place, thought the Zygons were back there. Didn't want you to be killed or anything" she told you.

You hummed in response "but what about when I looked back? You weren't there. Where did you go?" You asked her.

She shrugged a little in response "I thought I saw a zygon or something coming along. I went to check it out. You know, in case there was someone else being forced into being copied. Don't want anymore unconscious people being wheeled into here. There was nothing though. I think I just was being a bit paranoid" she said with a small nod of the head.

"Okay" you replied before breathing out a puff of air again "I'm just glad you're alive! Oh, but come on. You thought the Zygons and that unconscious person was still there right" you asked.

"That's why I tried to stop you" Angel responded.

"Well, you're wrong. There was no one. Nothing. It was absolutely deserted like no one had been there like..ever! Come on I'll show you" you told her before walking down and retracing your steps back to that same spot and very room.

Angel followed behind you, trying to find the same room. There wasn't any other Zygons around here either. Though you did see a few around a few computers or something. You were wondering what the doctor was doing too right about now.

Last you saw of any of them was before you...decided to wander off..again. Perhaps she had found out that you were gone by now. Oh who were you kidding of course she had realised you were missing. You'd been gone for ages now!

But she might have been busy with whatever she was doing too. She was trying to get to those screens and things to get more information. You had a she had already found out a lot more than you had. All you knew was that a poor bloke was being copied. Though you had no idea where he was being taken to, if he was still alive or why he was copied at all. And if he was the only one.

You managed to find your way back to the room before sighing at the emptiness of it all, frowning a little at the sight of it all. It didn't look great at all. You were almost wondering if this was the right room at all the way nothing else was in here.

"See, there's nothing left in here. No Zygons, not even any sign that a poor bloke was copied or whatever happened to him" you told Angel "it's completely empty"

She hummed a little, looking around too before stopping and raising a brow.

"Not...completely empty" she told you, making you raise a brow and look where she was looking.

There was a trail on the floor..

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now