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A/n: just saying, I've got my first mock exams tomorrow so I'll be updating less often for the next couple of weeks.

You managed to get changed, no longer in need of Missy's help. Okay...maybe the occasional need for help. Neither of you had spoken a word after the doctor walked in. You were guessing she was just as embarrassed as you were.

Though you kept questioning what happened before the doctor turned up. You'd both shared several kisses on cheeks or foreheads or hands or something. But never neck. Her kisses were as light as feathers, almost tickling you. You could still feel it tingling there. It just felt much more...intimate than any other kiss you'd shared. Maybe it was because you weren't really dressed. But something about a kiss on the neck, especially by Missy, felt different. More sentimental, more intimate.

You wondered if Missy felt the same. Or if she even knew the affect of her actions. Your insides were all funny and your mind was going wild. Though the smile on your lips didn't seem to waver. You also wondered if it meant the same to Missy than it did to you. You weren't so sure on that part.

"You know" Missy's voice got your attention back "we should get some time together with a little privacy" she said while rolling up your sleeves for the bandages "without the doctors interruptions"

You nodded your head, feeling your cheeks start to heat up at everything that happened.

"How about that dinner we talked about?" She asked suddenly, standing straighter with a smile on her face, watching you with a gleam in her eyes.

You raised a brow "I can hardly get food down at the moment" you told her, your smile faltering slightly.

She shrugged "we'll build up your portions. And I'll do it properly this time. Anyways, I know some amazing restaurants. Though I was thinking about going to some new place which I've never been. There are some good ratings on this alien planet where they try to replicate earths foods" she grinned.

"I'll be the judge of that. See how good they really are. I'd be a professional at that" you replied.

"Is that a yes then?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course it is" you responded.

Before Missy had a chance to respond or even smile at that to be honest, you both heard the doctor squeal with delight at the door.

"Aww, you're finally going out on a date together!" She smiled, coming in.

You quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks flush as you felt embarrassed. It wasn't a date...was it? You weren't so sure. Missy didn't exactly call it a date.

"It..." you cleared your throat, watching the doctor put down a plate of food "it's...n..not a date.."

"Of course it is. Fancy dinner, just the two of you..." she doctor said in a slightly singing voice before squealing again and pinching Missy's cheek "aww my best friends got a date!"

Missy rolled her eyes, swatting the doctors hand away.

"Never pinch my cheek again" she glared at the doctor, lightly rubbing her cheek "and...friends can't go out for dinner now?" She said.

"Well friends can. But you two clearly aren't just friends" the doctor replied with a giggle, making your cheeks go a darker shade of red.

Missy groaned "see, this is why we need some alone time" she said to you, gesturing annoyingly at the doctor.

The doctor smiled "oh please. I saw you two before, undressing her Missy! I'm sorry I interrupted. know I'd just say get a room first. with a lock on it" she told you both.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now