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You grabbed onto the TARDIS as quickly as you could, watching Missy go over to the big leaver which took the TARDIS off. You smiled as she pulled it down, jolting the TARDIS to life.

You jumped forward and held on tightly, smiling at the familiar noise of the TARDIS whoozing and wheezing around you. You loved that noise, it always seemed to bring hope to your life.

You smiled and laughed lightly, watching Elvis struggle to stay upright. He was practically hugging one of those crystal golden shards that rose up from the room. You just felt so good to be here. You really felt like the TARDIS was home. More of a home than well...home was anyways.

You knew there were several things you had to deal with back at home. You still hadn't heard from Jason since Christmas night. It felt like ages since that happened. Since he was back to normal.

That day really had you wondering what it was you felt. Not just about him but about everything altogether. You didn't know anymore if you were being honest. On one hand he seemed so nice again, kind to you...loving even. Like the time you met him.

But then there was those memories of what he was capable of...what he had done before to you. You didn't know how much more of that you could take. Your body was scarred enough as it was. Every inch of your skin was changed. You still got nightmares sometimes about what he did. And your fears would only grow whenever he did something like that. You weren't sure how much people understood how hard it was for you. For you to just be able to touch someone, to make contact and to hold someone's hand. To not run away in fear. It took so much in you. More than you showed.

"(Y/n)" you were snapped out of your thoughts when your name was called.

You blinked and looked around, seeing Missy standing in front of you, a slightly worried look on her face. You noticed you had landed already, and the TARDIS was no longer shaking or in flight.

"You went somewhere for a second there...where d'you go?" She asked with a small smile, though a worried undertone in her voice.

You sighed, shaking your head a little and clearing your mind "nothing...I just was deep in thought I guess" you said with a small smile.

She furrowed her brows at that slightly, her expression turning to one of increasing worry and concern.

"Did you have a flashback or something again?" Missy asked gently.

You looked into her old and amazing eyes before shaking your head.

"No I was just thinking I guess." You told her gently before smiling "now come on, Ryan is doing some drag and I need to film him" you giggled.

She smiled at that before nodding her head "yes we do"

"I'm so going to use that for blackmail" you laughed "that and the whole Sonya thing. Oh my gosh I could threaten to send the video to Yaz's sister and then I'd be able to get him to do anything I want!" You exclaimed in excitement and amusement, laughing as you headed towards the door.

"Where exactly is it you've taken us?" Elvis asked.

"To this cool planet. But right now we're in the shop where the doctor is getting a suit and Yaz..and now Ryan too I guess, is getting a dress" you told him "and then there's the venue where they're having their date. Oh, and the doctor and Yaz know nothing about this date so just don't mention it" you smiled.

"Sure thing" he nodded his head right before you opened the doors and stepped out.

You smiled when seeing rows upon rows of dresses before you headed back to where you left Ryan and Yaz. Missy and Elvis followed behind, and you could soon hear laughter and commotion, letting you know that was definitely where Ryan was.

And you were proven right when you saw Ryan doing a cat walk with a bright pink bodycon dress on.

You laughed really hard, seeing the others also practically on the floor dying of laughter. Ryan was literally going full out with the whole cat walk though, he stuck out his hips and pouted his lips and all, really going for it. The dress had a huge split down the whole front and left a train at the back. And it was all sparkly.

"You should put on a wig to complete the look" you called out with a laugh, bringing up your phone to record him just as he stuck his arm up into a big pose.

He froze and looked over at you, as did the others. They all just laughed while Ryan looked like he was blushing really hard as he quickly put down his arm and crossed them over his chest awkwardly. You laughed super hard at that before shaking your head a little.

"Aww, don't stop. I was really enjoying the show" Missy called out in amusement.

"Same here" Elvis rose his hand "I wish I lived in this time zone" he said with a laugh.

"Elvis!" Graham shouted in excitement, rushing over to him and shaking his hand "oh my gosh..I'm a huge fan! Really, you're a legend!" He said excitedly.

"Me too!" Ryan exclaimed, rushing over before pulling his dress down a bit "I mean..we could have met on better timing. I was in a suit about an hour ago.." he mumbled.

You laughed at that as he rolled his eyes at you. Elvis just chuckled as he shook his head.

"No really, I enjoyed the show" he laughed as Ryan simply stood blushing.

The doctor looked at Elvis in utter surprise and shock before a smile broke out on her face. She reached forward and embraced Elvis in a hug hug, smiling widely.

"It's been so long Elvis!" She exclaimed.

Elvis took a moment to catch up before realisation struck his face.


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