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"We really are famous here" Missy chuckled whilst you stared at the fire burning in front of you.

"Yeah we are. We've spent the whole day celebrating" you smiled in amusement "these people really love us all"

"It's hard to believe that's Cobi" Missy spoke, looking at him "he was just a baby before"

"Time flies I guess. As the doctor says, Timey wimey" you giggled a little, to which your angel chuckled in response.

You snuggled closer to her on the hay stack, Missy's arm around your waist and keeping you close. You loved the warmth she gave off. It was better than the fire itself. The chief had decided to give a huge welcome to you all. All day which included drinking and talking all the way till nightfall.

Right now it was deep into the night, and people were finally starting to turn into bed. After a lot of dancing and partying that was. The kids were so excited to meet everyone, especially the doctor. Some were a little nervous with Missy considering her past, but they still came forward with questions and curiosity, especially after you told them not to be afraid of her and that she was a real softie really.

Missy however didn't really seem to want to stick around all of the kids either. She wanted to dance around and take you in her arms and kiss you until you couldn't breathe. When Missy told you that, right in front of telling the kids to 'fuck off', you were left in shock and surprise.

But through all of this you somehow managed to tell Missy to behave herself and be nice around the kids. Also not to say such rude words in front of the kids.

Once she warmed up to them she seemed to have a good time herself too.

"You know" Missy spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts and bringing you back into reality "Cobi looks a lot like his father"

You smiled in response to that, humming lightly "that's what I said. Except he has his mother's hair, and so his wolf looks like his mother's. No surprise he got green eyes" you chuckled softly, smiling while watching him sit with Karmilla and talking to her about whatever it is that he was speaking about.

"He's had a good life here" Missy said softly, watching as the last of the locals went inside apart from Cobi, Karmilla, the chic and his wife.

"He really has. He's been raised so well. We made the right decision sending him here" you said softly, smiling as Missy rubbed your arm softly.

"Even if we didn't give him away, I recon he would have been raised just as well" Missy said softly, making you furrow your brows a little.

"What do you mean by that?" You asked, moving so you could look up at her.

"Just that...I think I would be a great parent" Missy mumbled, looking away a little while clearing her throat.

You laughed softly at that, shaking your head with a snigger "Missy I literally had to force you to be nice to those kids just now. You told them to fuck off" you laughed "you do realise what being a parent means don't you?" You giggled.

"I know! But I just wasn't expecting ten million kids to come at me and start asking me questions. I was just surprised that's all" she retorted, making you smile in amusement.

"You were surprise?" You giggled, raising a brow and leaning against her.

"Look, I'm just saying, if I had to raise a baby myself then...I would be great at it" she said with a small smile.

"I'm sure you could be" you smiled before sighing sadly "I know I thought I would be"

"You would have been" Missy kissed your forehead softly "you have the kindest of hearts. And the loyalist and caring of souls"

You smiled in response to that before sighing heavily, feeling that familiar pain in your chest. Sometimes it felt like your own smiled carried a pain of their own. You couldn't explain it...but it was true. You were in pain because of what had happened. At the same time though you had to carry on.

You even had a little grave for your son. You made it so it was next to your mother and your little sister's grave. A place where your family was all at once. Apart from your father that was. He was somewhere else...

You loved your dad too. He had changed a lot especially during the last few years you had with him. But before then...he had created a lot of pain for you. A lot of fear that still stuck with you to this day. You just felt like you had to prepare yourself sometimes to see him.

But having been here you found yourself wanting to visit your son's grave. You wanted to visit everyone again.

"I want to go home" you whispered with a sigh "back to Earth"

"Right now? I mean...the chief seems very intrigued in the doctor's adventures. Plus everyone seems so happy to have finally had us back" Missy replied, looking around at everyone.

"I know I just...Ive been away from everyone for long enough. I'm grateful for everyone being so welcoming here but...I needed to get you all back." You said quietly with a small sigh, frowning a little.

"We're not going anywhere now" Missy said softly, kissing the side of your head again "I promise. I'll always keep a closer eye on you"

"I know. I just....I want to go back to Earth. See my siblings and...we'll visit my family member's graves too. I just miss them all I want to visit them all in turn" you told her softly, looking down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers.

"Of course. We'll get you right back to earth as soon as we can" Missy smiled at you, causing you to smile in return and close your eyes, letting the warmth envelope around you...

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now