Shut down

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You and Missy hadn't said anything for a few minutes. You guessed you were both thinking. You sure as hell were.

You thought about what Missy had said, and what you had also said. Had you made it clear that you felt something? Had she made it clear that she had feelings? You weren't sure. There were so many possibilities to what she was saying and the meaning to her words in your head. You knew you were most likely overthinking everything right now and not thinking right. But you couldn't help it. All you wanted was to have her be yours.

But every time you tried to speak to her about it it just didn't work. You wanted to tell her, but your anxiety and fears just spiked. You weren't sure what it was that got you acting like that. Was it fear of rejection? You didn't know.

But you were sure as hell that you wouldn't be able to speak properly to her for a while. You weren't even sure where your confidence came from before.

You were half sure it was because now you were truly accepting that you didn't just have some silly crush on her. You were in love with her. And oh how you would love to just say that to her face. Even to see her reaction. Surely you couldn't just be her friend after everything right? The amount of crap you had done would suggest at this point otherwise.

You snuck a glance up at Missy, your cheeks getting red. She looked really good. Even if she was working super hard right now. Which you kind of wished you could help her with and to lighten her load slightly. But it felt like you weren't able to understand or do anything. This one really and truly was up to her. All you saw were a bunch of wires which you had the urge to just rip out. But that would probably end in disaster. It did didn't even want to think about that. There were a lot of people choking to death with the gas you set off that day.

But she really did have a beautiful complexion. Her face was just perfect. Those beautiful ice blue eyes and those high cheekbones were just to die for. Your eyes traveled down and made their way to her lips. You had gotten so close to kissing her before. You wondered how she would actually react if you did kiss her. She seemed receptive every other time. In fact, she had been the one to initiate the kiss several times.

Which was what made you wonder if it really was a kiss she was heading for. You just didn't know. You hoped wanted to. But then why didn't she just do it? Was it the same reason as to why you hadn't kissed her. Was she afraid too?

"Enjoying the view?" Missy smirked, making you snap out of it and realise how long you had been staring at her and specifically her lips.

You blushed deeply, feeling a rush of heat to your cheeks as you quickly looked away.

" I mean you are pretty a..and so nice to look at. We have spoke of this before but yeah...I wasn't..I mean I didn't mean to stare.." you stuttered stupidly, your face going bright red.

She chuckled at that before shaking her head "I don't mind you staring love" she said with a grin.

You blushed "well I mean...that would be weird wouldn't it"

She looked at you at that, gazing into your eyes "would it? I quite like looking into your eyes. Those big (e/c) eyes." Her face leaned in closer to yours "do you think this is weird?"

"Well I mean you could be seen as a creep right now.." you giggled, trying to ignore your fluttering heart and your stomach doing backflips.

She hummed at that "Well I mean if you like looking into my eyes and I like looking into yours then we could just call it a mutual love" she smiled.

"Love?" You swallowed, feeling your heart beat faster and your cheeks get warmer.

She smirked at that before returning her attention back to the wires. She was such a tease.

After a few moments she dropped her arms down, shaking them around a bit as she breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Done" she smiled proudly "you can let go now"

You let go of the wires and smiled, shaking your arms around a bit too. Your arms had definitely started to feel tired and you were glad you got a break.

"Are we done?" Elvis asked.

"Yup. I've successfully shut down the engines and all the energy going around to the main systems. Basically the only thing working right now are lights and life support" she said.

You smiled at that, feeling happy that everything had gone to plan. Now no one else could be abducted and this ship wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Well then, as always things just somehow seem to work out with you guys" Elvis chuckled, right before you felt the whole ship shake, causing you to yelp and stumble, nearly losing your footing.

The lights started to flicker before they completely turned off altogether. You noticed how the rooms started to get colder almost instantly. Something was definitely not right.

"Spoke too soon?" Elvis half joked.

You made eye contact with Missy briefly before she quickly made her way over to the wires.

"Shit" she whispered.

"What is it?" You asked in a slightly worried and increasingly frantic tone.

"I've messed it up. The whole main systems have been shut down." She said.

"Wait...does that mean that..." you trailed off, slightly afraid of what you were about to suggest and most likely find out.

"I've shut down everything. Including the life support systems" she replied, making eye contact with you in worry.

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