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You had performed and now we're just sitting down on a chair, ordering some drinks. Missy hadn't looked at you since you'd sang that song. You were starting to dread what that meant, and your chest was starting to hurt and feel heavy. You knew that she probably didn't feel the same way about you and now making eye contact with her through that song had made things so much worse. For her and for you.

You took another sip of the champagne, watching as the doctor and Yas danced together. They looked so happy together. They were laughing and smiling, like any normal couple would do.

The doctor span Yas around before Yas tried to do the same thing. But the doctor looked a tiny bit tipsy and stumbled a little. You were all tipsy at this point to be honest. And they both leaned on each other, giggling and laughing as they talked about something.

The music was a lot more dance worthy. On any other occasion you would have gotten up and grooved along with them all. Even Graham was having a blast. But the doctor and Yas just looked so happy. You couldn't help but smile and laugh a few times as they tried to dance. The doctor had some strange dance moves. You could vaguely remember getting drunk on the titanic all those years ago and she did the same thing. You were surprised at how much confidence she had to just up and dance like that. It definitely made you laugh.

You also wanted to know where she learnt to dance like that. Yas looked absolutely mesmerised by it. She would smile and laugh and nod her head at everything she did, encouraging her on. Even if it wasn't a great dance move. She would get down crouching and then put her arms over her hair and waved them all about, shaking her head crazily also. It was so funny to watch. To be honest she probably made up the move herself.

You sighed before drinking from your glass and ordering another drink. It felt good to drink again. You watched as Elvis moved up to the stage, clearing his throat as the music faded out and some soft music started to play.

You smiled as you watched the doctor and Yaz wrap their arms around each other, holding each other and slow dancing. The last song of the party. Of course they were going to finish it off with a perfect Elvis love song.

You were surprised when your glass got taken out of your hand. You looked up and watched as Missy finished your drink fully before putting it down and reaching her hand out to you, smiling down.

"Wanna dance?" She asked with a grin, looking slightly tipsy herself.

You giggled before taking her hand "sure" feeling a blush rise up your cheeks as a happy feeling swirled in your stomach.

You stood up as Missy led you to the middle of the floor, just a little away from the doctor and Yaz. You gulped as she placed a hand on your waist, holding your other in her soft hand. You looked up at her before placing your free hand on her shoulder, just on her neck, staring at her with a smile as Elvis sang.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in,
But I can't help, falling in love with you.
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin,
If I can't help falling in love with you."

Elvis sang amazingly. You couldn't help but blush deeply as you looked at Missy. You smiled at her before leaning your head on her chest, watching the doctor and Yaz smiling at each other. They looked so in love.

"Shall I stay
Would it be a sin,
If I can't help falling in love with you."

You closed your eyes, dancing slowly with Missy, your body close up against her warm one, feeling your heart beat quickly in your chest. You wanted to stay in this moment forever.

You pulled back, looking into Missy's eyes, feeling your heart race in your chest as an overwhelming feeling took over your body. Your eyes glanced down to her lips, swallowing slightly.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too,
For I can't help falling in love with you"

You couldn't help but smile as you looked up at Missy. She smiled back at you. You placed both your hands around her neck, gently stroking her cheeks as she reached a hand up to your own.

You licked your lips slightly, being brave and reaching up on your tip toes. You looked deeply into those beautiful blue eyes, feeling your whole soul pull towards her. And your heart nearly jumped out of excitement when she started to lean in too.

Just then though, your phone started to go off, making you freeze and tense up. You clenched your jaw together slightly in annoyance. Who wanted to call you now?!

You pulled back slightly, seeing Missy's disappointed face. You took out your ringing phone and your face paled when seeing Jason's ID pop up. You took a shaky breath before looking up at Missy.

"I..I have to take this.." you whispered.

She nodded her head and you walked away from her slightly. You didn't want to. You wanted to stay in the moment. But you hadn't heard from Jason in so long. And suddenly everything felt so wrong. Having a boyfriend and then also trying to go out with Missy.

You didn't want to be with Jason. But things were so complicated and...scary. You were so afraid. Of him, of the situation you were in. Of what would happen if you told him you wanted to break up.

But he could be good had seen it. On Christmas. He was back to his old self. It only made things more confusing. And things between you and Missy just right and so wrong at the same time.

You sighed, before answering the call, rising the phone to your ear.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now