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A/n: teeny tiny bit smexy

You were all done with the house tour and had had some dinner. You still hadn't met Allura's father yet. Her parents must really have been busy. Today anyways. It had been practically hours since you'd got here.

You were all in a huge room now just talking and making conversation. The doctor was telling Allura some of her stories. Though you had to try and make it seem as though it wasn't entirely true. You weren't sure how anyone would react to the news that all of this had happened in reality and aliens were very much real and most likely ready to kill them at any moment.

Yeah, it was definitely better to make it seem as though the doctor was telling stories. Made up ones anyways. Not that Allura would believe you if you told her they were real anyways. She didn't believe it right now either. Though she definitely seemed to be having a lot of fun.

You had barely seen her smile and laugh like this since you'd gotten here. There was always a slight sadness in her eyes and a depression almost to her. And her resting face definitely looked...upset. She would look like she was about to cry at any second.

You wondered if that was what you looked like also. If your eyes would ever look like they did before you lost something so dear to you. Before you went through all of that crap at home when they left you. You knew for sure that you felt like crap hen it went silent in the room and nothing was there to take your mind off things. Your throat would feel like it was about to close up and you were often told by your siblings that there was a look in your eyes. A sadness...that had never gone away since that day. You just tried your best to hide it. But it was hard to change what your eyes looked like. They were the windows to your soul.

"Well I'll get some more tea" Allura said with a smile, taking the tray with her as she headed towards the door.

"You could just ask the butlers or someone to do it. Or not at all we don't need anymore tea. I just want to tell you about this time where I was with this huge wasp" the doctor said quickly, as though she was trying to get her to stay.

Allura laughed a little at that "Don't be silly of course you need more tea. And..well I like to do the work around here. I tend not to let the butlers do much if I can do it myself. I like to keep busy you see. Otherwise I would be completely bored and have nothing to do all day. And I get bored of the tv very quickly" she told you all with a smile.

"Okay then" the doctor smiled while she walked away, leaving you all alone in the room. The doctor sighed a little before smiling "has anyone here got any stories to tell?"

"I think you've got the best stories doctor" Ryan smiled.

"Well I got first aid training" you spoke up with a small smile "I thought it was best to learn and maybe be able to help people in case of emergencies. I'm no doctor but" you laughed a bit "I can do chest compressions really good" you grinned.

"Really?" Missy asked, while you nodded your head in response with a small hum "well I prefer mouth to mouth" she smirked.

You raised your brows in surprise at that before turning to look at her. She had a huge smirk on her face and you couldn't help but blush a little at her flirting. Before you grinned a little and raised a brow at that, standing up and heading over to her.

"That can be arranged" You smirked at her, flirting back.

"Can it now" she grinned "I think you need to show me"

You smiled at that "well you have two hearts too. I'll have to attend to those" you said, your eyes moving down to lock onto her boobs, before sitting in her lap.

You reached your hands up to her breasts before connecting your lips together. She wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you closer to her as you felt her amazing soft lips up against yours, the tingly feeling going through your body. She moaned softly as you squeezed her breasts a little, making you grin in satisfaction.

"Geez get yourself a room" Graham mumbled, making you quickly pull away from Missy in the realisation that everyone could see you.

You got off her quickly with a huge blush across your cheeks, Missy just rolled her eyes before holding your hand. You could hear Yas sniggering one the back, making your embarrassment only sky rocket.

"Bitch been waiting for years to do that!" She snorted, laughing loudly "good job (y/n), I'm sure in an emergency situation you'd definitely be able to bring Missy back" she laughed.

"What's all the laughter about?" Allura came back in with a smile, placing the tray back down on the table before sitting down, looking around in curiosity and amusement.

"Nothing" you mumbled embarrassingly "I just was thinking that we should go to sleep soon. It's getting late"

"Yeah you definitely want to go to bed" Yas laughed loudly before winking a little.

"So soon? Papa hasn't come to see you all yet though" Allura spoke up.

"Well I'm sure he's a very busy man. We don't want to disrupt him" the doctor said.

Allura looked down at that with a small frown, nodding her head "he's always busy" she mumbled quietly, that same sad look on her face.

You all looked between each other, as if silently asking each other and confirming on what to do now. It was safe to say seeing her upset wasn't what any of you wanted.

"Well we can always stay up for one more cup of tea" the doctor smiled, while she smiled back in return.

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