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"I'm going to be right here from now on okay" Missy said gently, stroking your hair so it felt like a head massage "you won't pull a stunt like this again will you?" She asked.

You sighed, pulling away from her slightly. You glanced at both the time lords before you then looked down at your lap. Missy sighed, getting off the bed so she could look at you. You looked up into her eyes, frowning deeply.

"I..I..." you stuttered stupidly, looking down again.

You didn't have the heart to tell her you couldn't promise you wouldn't do this again. How were you supposed to tell someone you didn't even want to be alive right now.

"Well I'd rather have you drinking alcohol again if it meant you would stop with this. Every time you do something like this it scares me" the doctor spoke, looking at some notes of your health.

"No way!" Missy quickly snapped.

The doctor chuckled lightly "I thought you were the one who was more easy going?" She raised a brow.

Missy rolled her eyes, looking back at you "not until she's started...wait, have you started yet?" She asked.

"Started what?" The doctor asked slightly confused.

You sighed, ignoring the doctor and shaking your head at Missy. You were getting really late for your period now and you would be lying if you said you weren't worried. Actually, worried was an understatement. You were scared.

"So you..don't know for sure?" She asked slowly and cautiously.

Once again you shook your head. Missy let out a long sigh, putting a hand on her forehead as she muttered things under her breath. You could see that her body was tense and her jaw was clenched, you felt the guilt of what you did start to rise again. Not to mention how you felt like slut for not only screwing your boyfriend without using protection, but you were trying to hit on your friend and you'd also hooked up with another alien! Yeah, you felt guilty and disgusting.

"And you thought this was a great time to do this?!" Missy hissed at you, gesturing you your arms "you were drinking and...and smoking don't even know if you're..."

"Okay I know!" You snapped, cutting her off.

The doctor sat there, watching as Missy shook her head and gripped her hair. And you looked down with guilt. She was utterly confused as to what was going on here.

"What's going on here? What aren't you both telling me?" The doctor said, moving closer to you.

You sighed, looking over at Missy. This was going to come out either way. You needed to tell her sooner or later. There didn't seem like there'd be a better time. Missy was also thinning the same thing and nodded her head.

You swallowed nervously, looking at the doctor. You bit your lip nervously, working yourself up to tell her in your head.

"I..well...d..don't get angry but...I..I didn't use protection..." you stuttered, looking down at your hands and playing with your clothes which you realised were the same ones still stained with blood.

There was a long silence, and neither you nor Missy looked at the doctor.

"You two didn't use protection?!" The doctor finally screeched "how many times have I told you two to be careful?! Missy I thought you'd at least be less reckless!"

You both looked at the doctor, your cheeks flushing red as you realised what the doctor thought. You shook your head, clearing your throat.

"No you stupid idiot not me!" Missy scolded "we didn't do anything"

"Y...yeah w..we're j..just friends. I.I didn't mean Missy and I..." you stuttered stupidly, feeling your cheeks heat up.

"Oh..." the doctor said, looking between you both "so you two didn't..."

"No!" Both you and Missy exclaimed.

"Okay...who then? Was it Seris? I thought you told me that you did use protection!" The doctor crosses her arms at you.

You cleared your throat uncomfortably, noticing Missy's annoyed and angered face at the mention of Seris. You shook your head quickly, not wanting to anger her more.

" it wasn't her either. was on Christmas Day...after I realised my father was dead I...I felt really bad..." you started to lie to the doctor just as you did to Missy, you couldn't bring yourself to say the truth "and I went to the pub and...drank a little and hooked up with this guy. I didn't..I wasn't careful a..and didn't use protection" you lied, looking down at your lap.

The doctor stared at you, looking between you and Missy who looked uncomfortable as anything. She was angry and you knew it. The doctor walked around for a bit, obviously taking this all in.

"I'm assuming there's more you want to tell me" the doctors voice was calm, but it sounded forced.

You cringed slightly before answering "I'm late for my period" you told her "like...really late. I haven't started yet and...I'm worried.."

The doctor was pacing around, running a hand through her blonde hair. She was breathing increasingly heavy, her eyes squeezed shut.

"How many times have I told you to use protection?" The doctor whispered.

You looked down in shame again "I..I'm sorry..I just got caught up in everything and w..we didn't think..." you stuttered quickly "I didn't mean was an accident.." your voice started to waver slightly.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" The doctor asked "it's like déjà vu! You've been exposed to the time vortex (y/n)! Do you understand that! Oh my god I'm going to have to deal with another time baby that's gonna live their life in the wrong order and eventually fall in love with me! Heck I might even marry them and then what the hell am I going to do?! And then there's going to be one massive army come fight over it and they're going to try and kill me and I'll have to call up everyone all over again! And then they're gonna give me mixed messages by kissing me and then nearly killing me with the poisonous lip gloss! And how will I tell Yaz all of this?!" The doctor shouted at the air in front of her, throwing her arms up in the air "of course this wouldn't have happened if you just used protection like I told you several times! Another time baby with..Amy said, a time head! A time head! I don't want to go through all of that again!" She whined loudly.

You and Missy both watched in utter shock at the doctors reaction to all of this. Of course you didn't understand any of what she was saying, but you assumed Missy did. Because once the shock passed, Missy started to laugh her head off at the doctors reaction.

Once the doctor had calmed down she was panting lightly, holding onto a bench to keep her upright as she looked at the wall in front of her. She squeezed her eyes shut, wearing a pained expression on her face.

"Well...I was gonna day let's do a test or something to find out if she actually is pregnant but seeing as you're so sure..." Missy sniggered.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now