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The doctor closed the doors of the TARDIS, though you could still feel the ground shaking from outside, the sheer force of that explosion outside making the whole earth tremor.

"Is everybody alright!" The doctor shouted between coughs, going over to the controls and quickly getting you all off the planet and into safety "I said is everybody alright!" She repeated one a more stern, loud and serious tone, looking around at you all.

"I'm fine" Yas whispered.

"I think we're all fine. something in my throat" Graham coughed.

"Oh my god that rock was so close to hitting my head" you whispered in shock, breathing heavily and trying to regain oxygen.

"Okay, no injuries. We weren't out there for too long so I don't think we're that bad with the ash. If any of you feel like you inhaled too much you can come to the end bay with me. I can give you some oxygen for it." The doctor said, running a hand though her hair before scrunching her face when more dust and ash fell from it.

"I think I'm good" you said, letting out a relieved breath, smiling slightly when realising your hand was still in Missy's, looking over at her with a smile.

She smiled back at you, squeezing your hand a little. You just have her a look over to make sure she wasn't injured or anything. Thankfully she wasn't. You definitely knew now though that she could run really fast. She was like some Olympic sprinter or something.

You also took off the jacket that you were wearing which was hers, before handing it back to her. She smiled and took it, slipping her arms into the sleeves and wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you close to her side. You still were a little sorry for ruining her jacket though, it was covered in dust and ash now, along with a small rip from when you were running a little too violently. Though to be fair it was for your life...and the earth itself was shaking beneath you so...

"Well in that case, we all need showers right now. Get all of this mess out of us. And put your clothes in the washing machine. Ooh or you could have a nice bath" the doctor smiled at that "with bubbles and everything! And we could play some music in the background and close our eyes and relax" she sighed, clearly already thinking about doing that.

"How can you play an instrument while in the bath?" You asked, tilting your head to the side a little and furrowing your brows in confusion.

"No I meant put in music like on speakers or your phone" the doctor laughed in response before stopping and raising her brows "though that does sound like an idea. Playing an instrument while in a nice warm bubble bath" she smiled like an excited child.

It still managed to surprise you how she was able to act like such a mother one second then such a child the next.

"You're going to ruin every instrument ever if you do that" Missy retorted "knowing you you'll drop a whole violin in the water by accident too!" She laughed.

"I would not!" The doctor exclaimed.

"You so would" you laughed along, shaking your head.

"I wouldn't because I wouldn't even be playing a violin" the doctor said before you furrowed your brows.

"I don't think that's the point doctor-" Ryan tried to tell her before he was cut off by the doctor again.

"I wouldn't be playing a violin I'd be playing a triangle! Triangles are cool" the doctor smiled smugly at that, crossing her arms.

You laughed in response to that, memories coming into your mind that you thought you had forgotten. There were so many things and memories and days attached to that little phrase in your head that meant the world to you. You shook your head before standing up and brushing yourself off a little. As expected, a lot of ash and Little Rock's or whatever started to fall onto the ground, making you quickly stop brushing and feeling bad for making the TARDIS messy. You cringed slightly before mentally saying sorry and returning your attention to the doctor.

"Triangle's are super easy to play. And I'm pretty sure it's not even considered an instrument by some people. They're not that cool" you told her, your cheeks hurting from how much you were laughing and smiling, a feeling you hadn't felt in a long time.

"Yes they are instruments young lady! And they're the best instrument. Triangles are the best instrument in the entire universe! Didn't I take you to that planet millions of light years away just to prove that. They still sold triangles there. Do you need me to take you there again? Because I will just to show you the importance of those beautiful triangles (y/n). Forget about that bath, we're going right now" the doctor said in an almost offended and definitely determined voice, gushing all of that out at once without taking a single breath and turning around, getting ready to fly the TARDIS there again.

You laughed before quickly stopping her, shaking your head "doctor I'm joking. Of course triangles are amazing. But I really need a shower" you told her "also serious question do you care more about triangles than anything else in this universe?" You asked with a laugh.

The doctor smiled and shook her head, turning back around "no...but I really like triangles okay. Remember I told you I played one in a whole orchestra once. Anyways, you all need to get dressed and washed up so off you go" she told you all, gesturing for you all to move.

"Okay okay I'm going" you laughed.

"Yeah let's go. And just ignore the doctor, she says weird stuff all the time. Also, wanna start those violin lessons again?" Missy asked you while you were leaving the console room and heading down the corridors.

"Yeah, that sounds great." You smiled back at her.

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