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"Jack!" The doctor shouted out excitedly, quickly running over to the man.

You all quickly followed behind her, running after her. You furrowed your brows in confusion as to who this guy was. And how he knew about the TARDIS. He was banging the doors pretty hard.

"Wow I haven't seen him in a while" Missy said while running towards him.

So she'd met him before too. Who was this Jack? Well you were about to find out as you all reached him, the doctor immediately engulfing him into a hug.

"Whoa, at least take me on a date first" Jack chuckled "I don't even know your name. Then again, what do names really matter?" He grinned

The doctor got off of him, rolling her eyes.

"Haven't changed your flirtatious attitude then captain" she said, raising a brow.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"My girlfriend" Yaz snapped, putting a possessive arm around the doctor, giving cold glares towards Jack.

You could all sense the tension when Yaz was getting all territorial. You'd never seen her act like this before.

"Relax babe, he's like this with everyone. The name's doctor by the way. I'm a little offended you didn't get that but I guess it's a shock to everyone. New face and all. New gender!" The doctor smiled.

"Wait...Doctor?" Jack stared around her in shock.

"Yup. Everyone, meet captain Jack Harkness. Jack, meet my fam. Yaz, Graham, Ryan, (y/n), and of course Missy. Well you two have met before" the doctor said.

"Whoa, slow down. Hold up, you've regenerated! Into a woman. Wow, I didn't expect that. And I don't know this Missy. Though..can I just say, hi" she smirked at Missy.

"Oh god please don't start flirting with everyone" the doctor groaned quietly.

You felt yourself suddenly become very pissed off at this Jack and get the need to tell this guy to back off. Missy wasn't going to be flirted with. Not under your watch!

"Oh I'm sure you won't be acting that way once you know who I am. Missy, the mistress. Or as you knew me before regeneration..." Missy spoke as Jack's face fell slightly as realisation struck him.

"The master..." he breathed, looking taken aback.

"Nice to know you still remember me" Missy smirked "I do love it when people use my name." She spoke in a dark tone.

"Why are you here. And...how are you still alive?!" Jack asked, furrowing his brows and clenching his jaw.

"Oh I never stay dead. Though...I don't need to tell you much about that do I? How is immortality going for you? Tired of watching the people around you all die yet?" Missy spoke tauntingly with a grin "how are you holding up with the curse?"

You were slightly taken aback with what Missy just said. Firstly that Jack was immortal. And secondly the whole thing about immortality being a curse. Even though she was speaking in a dark tone, you could tell she was slightly hurting when she spoke about being tired of others dying. It made you wonder just how much the doctor and Missy both had to live through. How much they'd lost.

"Doctor what is she doing here?!" Jack asked frustratedly "because last I checked she wasn't on your side"

"Okay, calm down Jack. She's changed" the doctor said.

"The master tried to kill us doctor! He turned everyone into clones of himself all to get what he wants. This Missy hates us. How many times has she put you or others in danger. How many people as she killed doctor! Because he did it in front of my eyes to too many people!" Jack shouted, staring daggers at Missy.

"She's-" the Doctor was cut off when Missy put her hand up, and started to take slow steps towards Jack.

She was standing right in front of him, the pair of them nearly forehead to forehead. They were staring at each others eyes, both of them tense and holding an aggressive demeanour.

"Now, I don't think you've got a high enough IQ to understand this, but I'll repeat it again in some hope that it'll get through your thick skull captain. I've changed. I am not the same person I once was." Missy spoke in a deep voice.

"I can't trust you!" Jack spat angrily.

You felt slightly angered by his reaction, and you crossed your arms angrily, trying to hold back your tongue.

Missy sighed, before she grabbed him by the collar, pulling him even closer to her, both their foreheads touching as Missy stared darkly into his eyes with anger.

The doctor tried to get in between but they were both incredibly close to each other, and you could feel your jealousy start to rise. You didn't like jealously, but it was definitely not something you could help right now.

"Now, I may not be planing to kill anyone soon. But it's very difficult to keep that promise when people like you keep on talking. You know...I always carry a few weapons with me" Missy's face got even closer "I wouldn't mind using one on you right now" she whispered darkly "I'd very much like to kill you"

You felt shivers run down your spine from those words, swallowing audibly. You knew if Jack kept on riling up Missy like this, she'd get angry at what she's done and angry at him, and lash out. You didn't want that to happen.

"You're not the only one who carries a weapon" Jack responded.

"Oh do you seriously think that pathetic little gun is going to do anything to me?" Missy seethed through clenched jaws.

Jack grinned "no. But this'll stunt you" he said, right before he connected his lips onto hers.

You felt every bone in your body freeze and every muscle contact in pure shock. You could feel yourself start to get angry as you watched them kiss, your hands clenching into tight fists. You could feel the jealously in the pit of your stomach, making you want to throw up. And of course, there was the agonising, unbearable hurt that came with seeing this.

"Ouch, gotta hurt" Ryan whispered beside you.

You wanted to just scream at him to shut the hell up. That this wasn't the time to be teasing you. Or to run miles and miles away from this place. From everyone. From this situation. From seeing this Jack kiss Missy.

But Ryan speaking brought you back to reality. Missy was free to do whatever she wanted. She wasn't seeing anyone. And had made it clear as day that she didn't have feelings for you. And you had to get that through your mind. And stop this stupid jealously.

"W..why would it hurt?" You said quietly "she's made it clear that she's just my friend. I think this just proves it to you all" you looked away from them both.

Missy's senses only just seemed to have come to action when she heard you say that with her super alien hearing. She quickly snapped out of her daze and pushed Jack away from her, punching him square in the face, causing him to fall to the ground, holding his jaw.

"What the hell! You fucking kissed me?!" Missy screeched, wiping her mouth.

Jack chuckled "welcome to the club. Now I get to say I've kissed the master" he grinned to himself.

Missy glared at him before she threw another punch at his face, and another, and another. You watched in terror and shock as she beat the living daylights out of him. You all seemed to be surprised but you were even more so when you realised the doctor wasn't stopping Missy.

And Missy didn't seem too bothered either. She wasn't stopping one bit. She was in a blind rage, her knuckles getting bruised from the throws. It brought back memories of when she beat up that guy in the hospital. Only this time no one was stopping her. And you couldn't seem to move. You couldn't even move when you heard a small crack when her fist connected to his nose. It got worse when blood looked out of his nose and bust lip, and his eyes fell closed.

He stopped moving.

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