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"What's so special about Cardiff?" Ryan asked.

"Lots of things! Ooh they have lovely fried egg sandwiches. You know, we haven't gone for fried egg sandwiches in a while. Yeah, that's what we'll do! Go out and have a nice fried egg sandwich. I'm saying fried egg sandwich a lot aren't I? I just like them! Loads! They're like, really nice." The doctor rambled on with her cheery character.

"Okay we get it" Graham chuckled.

"Right" the doctor smiled "let's go then"

The doctor moved over to the controls, pulling down the big leaver before Missy had the chance to come up and help her. By now everyone knew the doctor would rather show off her skills of flying the TARDIS. Or what you all call, trying to prove she can get to the right places without the help of others.

You all held onto the TARDIS, trying not to fall when there was some 'time space' turbulence. You still didn't get half of what the doctor or Missy said. You often wondered how much more developed and complex the time lord brain must be.

You loved hearing the TARDIS make it's distinctive whoozing noise, and how the doctor somehow managed to stay upright while dancing around the consoles and flying it. You sometimes fell down even when holding something. The whole place was shaking like some huge earthquake after all.

Eventually the TARDIS came to a halt. It was quite sudden and you stumbled a bit, holding tightly onto the railings. You took some deep breaths, standing up. You shook your arms a little, noticing that you didn't feel much pain in your arms. That painkiller the doctor gave you really did work. It was like your muscles knew you were in pain, but you didn't feel it. It was a weird feeling. You usually just had to deal with the pain.

"Right. We are at Cardiff. Now, we'll just leave the TARDIS here for a few hours while we have some food! You know, earth food is actually amazing" the doctor said happily, marching towards the doors.

"Yeah I know, I live here" Ryan laughed, all of you following behind the doctor as she opened the doors.

"You know, I think earth still has the best food out there. Even after all the planets we've been to" Graham said.

"Graham you just love your sandwiches" Yaz giggled.

"Don't you make those really late at night?" Missy asked "I thought you humans slept during that time. Or is that just (y/n)? Love, do you oversleep?" She asked.

Oversleep? How could she even ask that. Simply the thought made you exited. It gave you a big sense of longing. You could barely sleep with your nightmares at the moment. The things you saw...being sleep deprived with your eyes constantly hurting was better than having to go through that again.

"Of course you'd ask about (y/n) oversleeping. You two tend to sleep together a lot" Yaz grinned mischievously before coughing and quickly saying "getting busy"

"Honestly, doesn't teasing people get boring after a while?" Missy asked with a sigh.

Yaz sniggered "Nope" she responded, popping the 'p' "never gets boring"

"Mm, just like Ryan daydreaming of your sister" Missy countered with a smirk.

Yaz frowned, giving Ryan another death glare as you all stepped out. Ryan moved away slightly, as not to get hit again. You squinted your eyes slightly at the sunlight. It felt like a while that you'd seen some real sunlight. Over a month. It felt warm...and bright. You'd missed that.

"Okay doc, why are we actually here? Really, why? You never stop in some random place for no reason. And why Cardiff?" Graham asked.

"Ah, thing about Cardiff is, it's built on a rift in time and space. The rift bleeds energy" the doctor said.

"And every now and then, you open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it as fuel" Missy finished.

"Exactly! Good to know you haven't forgotten anything Missy" the doctor smiled.

"Well I'm not an armature" Missy responded.

" the TARDIS needs fuel?" Ryan asked.

"Well of course, everything needs fuel" the doctor replied.

"We don't. As far as I can remember we don't tend to absorb time space energy. Or petrol or something" Ryan said.

"We eat food idiot" Yaz rolled her eyes "you were always crap at biology"

"Hey! No I wasn't! I'm not! I actually helped (y/n) on some of her biology papers when she was younger. I'm good at biology. Tell her doctor" Ryan said.

"Well...he did know what a tongue was. Remember when we first met. That's biology. I couldn't remember and he knew. Then again...I couldn't remember much. My mind was in a jumble. Regeneration, crazy business" the doctor spoke.

"I can do more than that you know" Ryan said "and plus, regeneration sound weird"

"Oh it is" Missy said "trust me, horrid thing. It's painful too I'll tell you that now. Every cell in your body changes and repairs. It's impressive, though for the first few hours after the change, your still regenerating and your body just kinda gives up now and then" She told you all.

"Lovely" Graham muttered.

"It's not all that bad. Like she said, it's impressive." The doctor smiled "and it's exciting finding out what you look like next"

While they all conversed between each other, you all started to walk down the streets of Cardiff. They all looked so happy. You didn't know if you could feel like that again. Missy noticed you and your behaviour.

"You're awfully quiet" she said to you while the others chatted away "you're not usually this quiet. And when you are it's not for a good reason"

You sighed, shrugging your shoulders. It wasn't just the fact that you felt awful inside. There were people on the streets casually having a smoke. And it put you on edge. You were constantly fighting with yourself right now to stay away. But it was hard. You were craving it badly.

"Is everything alright?" Missy asked, her voice sounding more concerned now.

You opened your mouth to speak but didn't even get a word out before you all heard shouting.

"Doctor!" An American accent shouted.

You all turned around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Doctor!" The voice shouted again.

The doctor froze, staring in some direction. You tried to follow her eyeliner and saw a guy with dark hair running up to the TARDIS.


13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now