Run away

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Warning: references to rape etc, just the aftermath though.

You lay on the floor, your body shaking and tremoring, a pain filling all across your body along with between your legs. You were sobbing hysterically, through the pain and terror, the trauma filling every limb and all in your mind. Jason just casually walked away from you, probably to shower after he...let his anger out on you, in every way...

You closed your eyes in disgust, feeling the urge to throw up at what just happened. You could feel blood and...other things running down your legs. He never used protection anymore...he always said it was your responsibility now.

You were broken...not just physically, but emotionally too. You felt disgusting...he just had his way with you and left you on the floor like you were nothing. You weren't a slut...he hurt you so much. You were laying, face down on the floor, unable to move while sobs left your lips.

You were so traumatised and so hurt. You wanted to clean yourself of all this didn't want to be here anymore. You couldn't keep living like this, in total fear and pain. You were being used for nothing but a punching bag and a toy.

He blamed you for everything. The miscarriage...his anger, and now for ruining this relationship. He never even once thought that it may have been himself. He was the thing tearing you both apart and had been for years. The way he'd leave you like this, your body shaking with literal agony and your throat burning with your screams. Yes you were with Missy...but you loved her. She treated you well...she would never force you like this, never hurt you and hit you to the point where you were knocked out for a few seconds or more. You didn't really know...when you woke up he was already in the shower.

You winced, biting your lip hard while forcing yourself not to scream. You didn't want to gain his attention again. You didn't know what you would do. You were sobbing enough as it was, the taste of blood becoming familiar to your mouth, and the sharp stabbing feeling every time you took in a breath was becoming torture. Your wrist was in so much pain you couldn't even see right. You had learnt to just deal with his use of your body now, even if it did scar you. There was nothing you could do...he was just too strong. Much stronger than you were. And you never knew, he could always be carrying around a knife or even a gun like your father once did...

You closed your eyes tightly, groaning while trying to hold back a scream as you rolled onto your side. The burning between your legs was making you think you wouldn't be able to go through with your plan that you were formulating in your head right now. But you couldn't stay here, he could hurt you even should never have agreed to dating in all those years ago. He wasn't that same kind man anymore...he was a monster. Not one found on any alien planet, but one which scared you even which was right here in your own home.

You didn't want to get pregnant again...that was your biggest fear. Having another child that you wouldn't be able to protect from him...or maybe having another miscarriage. You couldn't have a wouldn't be able to deal with going through that again.

You used your somewhat better arm to sit up, slowly getting up and sitting upright. You tried to hold back more sobs as you saw the state of yourself. There was blood and Jason's seed all along your felt disgusting.

But you had no time to waste. You reached your shaking hand over to grab the trousers that he so cruelly ripped away from you, leaving you with nothing on from the waist down.

You took it, groaning painfully as you forced yourself onto the sofa, putting on your trousers with shay hands. You were breathing hard and shaky, your mind being flashed with images of the past. You forced yourself not to panic, turning away the painful squeezing in your chest and utter terror inside you. You had to push it away for the moment...just to get away and escape from here. You noticed how Jason didn't lock the doors so you could just run now.

As soon as you pulled up your trousers, not bothering with your underwear or the zipper, feeling gross just not cleaning yourself. Your legs could barely stand up on their own, the pain just too much that they shook violently. But you forced onwards and forwards. You walked over to the door, holding your broken wrist in your hand while finally leaving that flat...Away from Jason.

You winced and sobbed in pain, hardly able to walk as you made your way over to the lift, getting in quickly and pressing the ground floor. You didn't want to carry on anymore...the pain..the was all too much. But you knew someone who could help..and she was here, just outside the building in her magical blue box.

You leant against the wall of the lift as it made its way down, fear raging in your heart. What if he caught you? What if he saw you running away and dragged you right back? Or what if he just killed you like that?!

You shook those thoughts out of your head as the lift finally stopped at ground floor. You groaned, stepping out and out of the building fully. You made your way over to the TARDIS, sobs leaving your mouth as you grew closer. You never wanted to leave them again...ever again. Earth was more than cruel, it was horrible! You didn't belong here!

You knocked on the doors quickly, sobs and cries echoing around you.

"Doctor! M..Missy! P..please open the door!"

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