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You watched slightly afraid of what was about to happen, cursing yourself for freezing like that before you could pull her back or something. You just had to watch as she made her way over, complete fear and terror taking over you.

You had no idea what she was about to do. And your body just felt so tense and stiff, like you couldn't move a single muscle. Your breathing was slightly heavy and shaky as you watched Missy make her way over.

You flinched slightly at the first sign of movement from the guard. She moved closer to Missy, putting her shoulders back and straightening her back to look more big. She glared at Missy, and it sounded as though she was giving some kind of warning snarl. 

"What are you doing on this ship?! Who are you!" The guard growled, her eyes shearing coldly and threateningly at her.

"I was just taking a stroll. Walked across this beautiful place. Hey what's behind those doors? You seem to be guarding it with everything. Can I go in and see? It must be something really cool" Missy said in a casual and overly sweet voice.

She reached for the door with her hand, causing the guard to growl slightly and grab Missy by the collar and pull her towards her. You gasped slightly in fear, your heart beating way too quickly to comprehend anything right now. You were truly afraid of what that guard would do. Even though you kept telling yourself that Missy knew what she was doing. She was more experienced with this than most people and certainly you yourself.

"Oh so you like it rough huh?" Missy smirked, before leaning forward "I can do rough" her voice became a lot ore seductive at that.

You were slightly shocked and startled that Missy did that, and that she was going down this route. Was her plan to seduce the hell out of this guard? You had no idea. But you hadn't seen her look like that before or even talk like that before. You would be lying if you said your cheeks didn't get hotter at that. But also lying if you said you didn't feel a pit of jealousy in your stomach.

The guard gulped at that, "I..I need you to leave.." she stuttered.

You watched as Missy trailed a finger down her cheek, tracing her facial features before leaning in closer, a smirk on her face. You were not comfortable with how close their faces were getting.

"Are you sure you want me to go?" Missy whispered seductively, her voice sounding deeper and more smooth.

You had to bite your tongue as not to scream out in frustration and anger when Missy trailed her thumb over her lips. You crossed your arms in jealousy, feeling a pout come onto your lip. This was actual torture.

You watched in jealousy as one of Missy's hands trailed down to grasp the guards hip, pulling her closer before basically grabbing her butt, making you frown deeply.

Missy gently moved the guard so she was stood out of the way of the doors, and their bodies were pressed right up against each other.

But what really tipped you over the edge was when Missy kissed her! Her lips practically smashed onto the guards, devouring her mouth and you just knew there was tongue action going on there.

You couldn't even explain the jealousy you were feeling right now! You watched as Missy kissed the guard like there was no tomorrow, and you could feel yourself quickly start to get flustered while watching them. But you really wanted to be the one who was in the guards position. It wasn't fair! And worse still Missy had her practically up against the wall!

You quickly snapped out of your jealous daze, watching with a blush at their intense make out session before back towards the door. You could easily get inside now that Missy had the guard busy to your frustration.

You slowly went towards the door, as not to attract the guards attention. But you nearly froze when Missy slammed her against the wall again, igniting a small moan from her, which had you clenching your jaw in anger. Couldn't she be quieter?! And then that was quickly followed by Missy growling into the kiss.

Holy damn that was hot, you thought. But you were just so jealous right now, you couldn't even think straight. You just wanted to go over there and scream at that stupid guard. That should have been you! Those lips had kissed your cheek only minutes ago! It wasn't fair.

You remembered how Missy had told you that it didn't mean anything. That what she had to do right now had to be done. You were struggling to believe that right now. You could think of a lot of ways to get past that guard in a better way right now. A nicer way towards your feelings. Suddenly an explosion didn't seem like such a bad idea.

"Doesn't mean anything my ass" you whispered under your breath before turning back towards the door in defeat.

You were stupid to have feelings like this. Of course they were going to come back to bite you on the butt. You frowned deeply before quietly opening the door and slipping inside, successfully getting past the guard without being seen. But by having Missy kiss her! And not just any kiss, a damn passionate one at that. You got flustered thinking about it, and how much you wished you were in that guards position right now.

You sighed before looking around the room. There were several different types of machinery which you quickly hid behind. You also noticed how there were many more guards in here, except they were carrying guns on them this time. But most importantly, there was no sight of Elvis in here so far.

Then again, the room was long and kind of like another really big corridor. So they might have been down there. You could hear faint talking from what seemed like far away too.

Just when you were about to take a little look around, you noticed the door open again and Missy slipped inside, quickly making her way over to you. You weren't sure how to feel. Jealousy wasn't a good trait to have.

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