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You headed over to the kitchen with a wide smile on your face. You hadn't felt this happy in a long time. It felt like everything was finally going to plan again. Everything was back to normal. Whatever this normal was.

Maybe normal wasn't the best word for it all. Travelling in space and time, fighting aliens and whatnot. Living in a bigger on the inside box.

But one thing you knew for sure. It was your normal. However strange to anyone else, it was always yours...

You couldn't help but think about your phone call. It went incredibly well with your siblings. Though you could definitely tell that Joanna wasn't too happy about the doctor just popping back into your life like this. If anything she probably wanted to punch the doctor again.

Then again, you did understand why she felt like that. Your siblings had been their for you since the very first day you were left back on earth by yourself, seemingly forever. They had to try so hard with you to get you to understand that they might not return. You refused to believe that for so long. And they both saw the side effects of it. Your mental health going down again, your anger, your self hate. And of course, the depression.

Before you came back into the TARDIS you were so down the hole when it came to depression, especially after the loss of your own child, that you didn't think you would ever see the sunlight again. You just laid in bed days after days. It was horrible. But you just didn't see the point of it all. And so you found your way to the rooftop. To finally be able to get rid of this grief, this horrific pain in your chest once and for all. For if the pain wouldn't even let you breathe peacefully, what was the point, you thought.

And then you found the TARDIS' number in your phone. For a moment, just a moment, you felt some flicker of hope. That you could find them again.

But then anger grew over you, and of course defeat. This whole time the beacon for your calls was right in your pocket. You could have stopped everything that happened to yourself.

And it only made your heart hurt even a point where you thought it would never go away.

But it was different. As soon as you were brought onto the TARDIS again...memories were awoken again. And you found a love...A love that treated you right. That really did love you back. That was gentle with you. And for once in a long time, that pain in your chest disappeared and was filled with so much joy and incredible butterflies and feelings.

It never felt like that with Jason anymore...

You wondered what he would be feeling right now. Or what he would have been thinking. Maybe he had realised you were missing? No, he hadn't contacted you yet. He usually made it very obvious when he wanted something. And he definitely let you know when something was out of his liking.

So you made a decision not to call him. You didn't want to be threatened or anything by him again. He may not have even knew you were gone yet. And you would have liked to keep it that way.

You entered the kitchen and smiled when seeing Missy standing there with her back towards you, cooking something. The smell hit your nostrils and made you smile, tilting your head to the side a little. She really was perfect.

You walked up to her before gently wrapping your arms around her waist and smiling, pressing your face against her back before kissing it softly. Missy chuckled lightly while you turned and rested your cheek against her.

"Hello again" she said with a smile "I've got your breakfast ready. Did everything do well?" She asked.

You pulled away before sitting on one of the stools and smiling "yeah. Surprisingly everything went great. Jo seems a little annoyed with the doctor for leaving me. She doesn't want you guys keep popping in and out like my feelings don't matter" you shrugged.

She sighed a little at that before placing a plate full of toast and eggs in front of you with some beans on the side. It looked delicious.

"Thank you" you smiled at her before grabbing the knife and fork and digging in.

"I'm sorry for making the doctor leave you back at home. I never would have if I'd have known..." she said, placing a hand over yours.

"That's the thing Missy, you never could have known" you shrugged "in another situation I might have been completely fine at home. Safe and sound. Everything fine. You never know. It's not your fault Missy. It's no one's fault. It just...happened to go that way" you shrugged "I don't blame you guys. I think I'm past that stage" you chuckled softly.

She smiled at that before you leaned forward and connected your lips together, sending sparks and fireworks through your heart and lips. It felt like the whole world, the whole universe, was in content.

But just then someone stepped into the room, making you both quickly pull away and clear your throats while Yas laughed in response.

"You two are even worse than the doctor and me!" She exclaimed with a laugh, while the doctor just rolled her eyes.

"Really?" She raised a brow before grabbing Yas and kissing her hard in front of everyone, making your eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh god keep it in the bedroom please" Graham shook his head before going over to the food.

"Yeah not like when you both started having sex in that poor lady's house. What was her name? Rosaline?" You laughed while Ryan started to cackle and the other two just glared at you with red cheeks.

"Is this a good time to tell you that me and your sister are finally together?" Ryan said to Yaz, making everyone stare at him.

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