Figure out

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You watched as the doctor pulled back, a bright smile on her face.

"Hello again old friend" she exclaimed happily.

"Wow...nice to see you again too Doctor. You've...changed.." Elvis breathed.

The doctor chuckled before nodding her head "what do you think?" She asked with a grin.

"I like it. It's not the first time I've seen you change doctor. Even if this time you are a woman. I swear you just make me more intrigued every time I see you" Elvis chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I tend to do that. It's not always by choice. But hey, it's better that then having people hate me forever as soon as they meet me right" the doctor laughed a little " my girlfriend Yaz" she quickly said, moving over to get Yaz.

Yaz was wearing a beautiful light pink, which the back was open back and the bottom had some flower shapes on them. It looked really beautiful. You were a little jealous to be honest.

"Nice to meet you" Elvis smiled "I expect the doctor keeps your life as busy and excitingly fun as possible"

"Yeah!" Yaz smiled before leaning into the doctors side and looking up at her "you look so good in that suit babe"

The doctor blushed a little and smiled at her "you look great in that dress my beautiful star"

Yaz blushed at that, smiling before looking down a little, squeezing the doctor harder. You couldn't help but smile at how cute they both looked together. They always were something special. You could still remember when they were refusing to say anything to each other. All those years ago for you now. You couldn't believe they didn't just tell each other. Just look at how cute they looked right now.

You smiled before Missy spoke up "okay, we need to pay for these dresses and suits and get out of here." she said.

"Keep the suit!" You exclaimed quickly, blushing slightly " look good in that suit" you stuttered a little, looking at her with hot cheeks.

Missy smirked a little at that before nodding her head "anything for you love. Especially if it's as flattering as you see it to be" she grinned.

You felt your cheeks burning slightly as you looked down at your feet. She just looked really good in that suit.

"Don't worry (y/n). I get how you feel. Doctor you look so amazing. You should wear suits more often" Yaz spoke up, grasping the Doctor by her collars and pulling her closer to her.

"Come on, we need to pay for this shit" Missy said, walking over to the till "you getting that dress Ryan?" She grinned in amusement.

"No! I'm changing right now" he exclaimed, moving towards the changing rooms as everyone else laughed.

"You sure Ryan? You seemed to be enjoying that cat walk a little too much to not want to get it. Give us another pout." You called, laughing at his embarrassed face.

"Hey, this was all your idea!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah well I didn't tell you to enjoy it. That was all on you. You look great by the way, you should get that dress. Show off those legs" you laughed.

"Yeah you've been working out huh. Running a lot" Yaz laughed too.

"I think we've all been doing the running" Graham chuckled.

You looked over at Missy with a grin "you wouldn't believe the amount of running we've all been doing"

Everyone looked at you at that, raising a brow at you. You just shrugged, smiling to yourself. Despite everything you had definitely enjoyed the feeling of running again. Even if it was running away from shots being fired at you...and that you were literally running for your life. You just missed it. You'd been cooped in your room for way too long to have done anything nearly as exciting as you had done today.

"I just was talking to Elvis. You know, letting him know we've been doing a lot of running in the past" you shrugged.

The doctor raised a brow at you suspiciously "where were you and Missy all this time by the way? And what's this running got to do with anything. And not that I don't really like you being here Elvis..but why did you bring him here? Why did you bring us all here? I'm confused" she said, tilting her head to the side in thought like a puppy.

Missy chuckled at that "you won't hear that often. Mark this day people, the doctor is confused" She laughed.

"Hey, I get confused a lot. It's just that I always figure things out in the end. And I do that part really well so don't say it like it's such a bad thing or even a surprise" the doctor defended herself with a small pout.

"I think you look cute when you're confused. And yeah, you do figure things out really well" Yaz smiled, kissing the doctors red cheek "you also look really good in this suit. Have I said that?"

"Many times" the doctor smiled giddily "how many times have I told you that dress looks so beautiful on you?"

Yaz giggled "many times" she whispered before kissing the doctors lips gently.

You smiled softly at that before taking in a deep breath "Well then, if you're really good at figuring things out, we won't say a word and we'll wait for it to come to you" you said before going off with Missy.

The doctor just sighed, shrugging and doing as you said, trying to figure out what was going on. You couldn't wait for them to find out and to see their reaction. You really hoped this would all work out and be just perfect for both of them.

You went to the reception, paying for the dresses with a card Missy somehow had. She said something about the TARDIS having the money. Also how if you have money it might have looked a bit suspicious. So you payed for everything and got everyone on board the TARDIS, taking off for the venue. You couldn't wait to see what Ryan and Graham had done to the place.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now