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You yelped in surprise, quickly holding onto something to stop yourself from falling down while the whole TARDIS started to shake around you. You held on tightly, hearing that familiar whoozing and wheezing sound filling your ears while the TARDIS started to take off through the time vortex.

"Let's hope she gets us to the right place this time" missy grinned at you, making you laugh in response while nodding your head.

"Hey! I can hear you you know!" The doctor exclaimed, pouting at you both "don't lose hope in me so quickly."

You giggled at that a little before sighing, holding onto the TARDIS while it shook vigorously. You didn't know if it was always this shaky but it felt like it was a lot worse now, like it was trying to throw you off your feet. Or maybe you were just out of practice? Either way, you weren't complaining. It was really fun and thrilling every time you were thrown into this atmosphere. It was like your own kind of roller coaster. And you loved roller coasters. Except for when you weren't feeling well or threw up.

But you couldn't help but think about what the doctor had just said. About not losing hope and faith in her. And as much as you didn't want to lose hope, you couldn't help but feel a slight falter in your heart's feelings.

She had left you back on Earth two times now. Whether it was on purpose or still affected you. And it hurt every time. Every time she left it felt like things were just getting worse and worse too. Things just...came crashing down upon to and crushing you until you felt like dying yourself. And several times you had come close...

"My love?" Missy called out, seeing your distant look, making your eyes glance over to her "are you okay?" She asked in concern.

You sighed before nodding your head "I'm fine my angel. I'm just thinking...I haven't had a drink all day. I guess the craving is starting to kick in now." You told her quietly, and she nodded her head in response.

"Don't worry about that" she told you confidently, making you frown.

"It's kind of hard not to when you want it more than water or any liquid in fact" you sighed.

Missy grinned at that, making you furrow your brows and look over at her with a suspicious look. You knew that look, that smirk. You were slightly worried, knowing how mischievous she got.

"Every liquid?" She asked quietly with a seductive tone.

Your cheeks practically lit on fire at that, making your eyes go wide while you shook your head.

"You are unbelievable you know that" you laughed, a smile tugging at your lips before you smirked and moved closer to her "but for the record, maybe not every liquid" you whispered, making her smirk.

She hummed in response "didn't think so. I'm irresistible"

You just laughed in response before shaking your head and rolling your eyes. She was so cocky and confident. And you loved that about her. You loved everything about her. She was perfect...too good to be true.

"I love you" you smiled before pinching her cheek "you flirt" you laughed.

"Always" Missy winked at you, making you lean into her with a smile.

The TARDIS soon came to a halt and you would have gone flying with your loosened grip and lowered attention, if not for Missy, your amazing girlfriend grabbing ahold of you and keeping you in place. You gasped and looked up at her with wide eyes before smiling and getting out of her arms.

"Sorry" you whispered.

"No problem" she grinned.

"Is it just me or is the sexual tension between those two even worse now than when it was before when they weren't together?" Yas laughed "when you were dreaming for each other's lips" she giggled, making you roll your eyes at her.

"Yeah well you can't say anything! You start fucking in a random persons house! Rosaline is probably traumatised to this day!" You exclaimed, making her eyes widen as she gasped.

"Don't swear (y/n)! It's foul language!" The doctor quickly exclaimed with a frown, like some mother scolding her children as always, making you giggle and roll your eyes.

"And you don't have to keep using that against us!" Yaz frowned with a pout.

"Nope" Missy just grinned in response, her arm around your waist while you giggled.

"Okay, before we get into a fight or something" Graham chuckled, cutting the tension like the grandad he was "let's go and see if we're at the correct destination today?" He suggested, gesturing towards the TARDIS doors.

"Great idea! Ten points Graham" the doctor smiled widely.

"What? He gets points for letting us to go outside now?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah and you keep forgetting about the points system doctor" you told her.

"I don't actually" she grinned in response "it's all up here" she pointed to her head.

"Yeah you said this once before" Ryan laughed "and Yaz is winning obviously" he rolled his eyes.

"Yes" the doctor smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Let's go then" you said before holding Missy's hand and pulling her towards the doors.

The others followed behind and you pulled the doors open, before gesturing for Missy to go through. You exited behind her before squinting your eyes at the sunlight immediately hitting your eyes.

"Well..." Missy said, placing her hands on her waist while the others did the same, covering their eyes too.

"Is this iceland?" You asked, looking around and blinking your eyes a few times once they had adjusted to the light.

"Yes" the doctor smiled brightly, looking around.

Before she started to practically jump up and down in joy, screeching and laughing with happiness. Punching the air with her sister while her mouth was in a wide smile.

"This is Iceland!" The doctor smiled, breathing heavily from the amount of jumping "I got us to the right place!"

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now