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You jumped at the voice, quickly turning around to see who it was. You breathed a sigh of relief when seeing that it was just Cobi's mother, placing a hand on your chest, trying to calm down your racing heart.

"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you" she said with a small smile, walking in.

"It's okay" you replied with a nod of the head, keeping your eyes on her.

"So, you got curious? Wanted to see his room?" She asked with a small smile and a chuckle, making you stutter slightly in embarrassment and awkwardness.

" kind of. I..I wasn't doing anything I was just looking around. I couldn't help myself, I mean, this guy was a baby two years ago. Now he's...he's all grown up. I wanted to see a glimpse of his childhood. I guess I could have just asked but, seeing things makes it a lot easier for me" you explained with a small smile.

Cobi's mother simply laughed softly, nodding her head in response. She made her way over and sat down on the bed, patting the space next to her, gesturing for you to take a seat as she spoke up.

"I understand. It's hardly been twenty years now since you brought him to us. It feels like time has flown by so quickly" she smiled.

"Tell me about it" you laughed, shaking your head and looking over at the framed picture "I remember drawing that. Did he ever ask about them? His biological parents?" You asked her, looking back at her.

She sighed a little "sometimes...he didn't remember a lot about the very beginning of his life. That drawing is all he has. I told him as much as I knew, and he seemed to understand quite quickly what was going on."

"Was he...upset by it at all?" You asked, looking at her "knowing about his parents? Or knowing that...well he's adopted? I don't know about here but on my planet some kids can react badly to it. Well, maybe not badly per say but...lose a certain respect for them. Maybe even go out looking for their biological parents" you told her, looking into her eyes "was he the same way? I'd have to have told him sooner or later"

"He didn't lose any respect for us" she simply smiled in response "if anything, his respect for us grew. Knowing that we took him in willingly and kept him. Really treated him as our own. As he treated us as his parents. He was curious but, he didn't ask much. He always said he didn't need to know. All he needed was to be grateful for having us with him. I don't know what I did to deserve such a loving and kind boy" she smiled.

"You treated him right" you replied with a smile before sighing "every child should be treated right. As long as there is love, you're doing everything right" you told her, looking down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers, thinking to yourself.

You hoped that you could have been able to treat your child like that. With love and kindness. You hoped he would have been like that, as kind as Cobi was, too. You wanted your child to be able to treat everyone right and to have been happy.

But you didn't even get the chance to try. You always were reminded by everyone around you and everything around you. Reminded that he was ripped away from you, taken before you could even meet him face to face. It hurt you, every time you thought about it. And every day you were aware of that constant pain in the back of your head. The dull ache in your heart. Sometimes it intensified so much you couldn't even was unbearable.

"I know that look" Cobi's mother suddenly said, making you look over at her as she gave you a sad look, looking between your eyes.

"What look?" You questioned, trying to play it off as nothing.

You hadn't spoken about this anyone else. Even at home with your own siblings, you couldn't speak a word about what had happened. The doctors at the hospital had to explain everything that had happened. It was just a silent thing between you all. You knew they tried to talk to you about it but your mind was elsewhere. You couldn't concentrate on anything. You were just staring at the wall blankly while the darkness took over.

"The look of loss" The chief's wife replied to you in a sad tone, making you scoff slightly, trying to brush it off and not admit to anything.

"I've lost a lot of people in my life. Basically everyone" you told her, frowning deeply.

"I know." She simply said with a sad look "but that look was of a specific loss. The loss of a child...the loss of one of your own"

You simply sighed in response, looking between both her eyes. You knew she had lost a child herself. There was an accident once. She didn't only lose her child but she lost the chance to have further kids. Maybe this was the person you could admit it too. Properly...and not through screams or random outbursts of anger. Like what happened on the TARDIS in front of everyone. Then again you didn't have to explain yourself to anyone that way. Thankfully they understood not to ask you either, knowing it was a sensitive topic.

Missy was the only person you could...properly talk to her about it. You even showed her the scans. You couldn't show anyone else those though. Maybe the doctor, you just...felt comfortable with them.

"It was a while ago now" you mumbled quietly, looking down at your hand "but yeah....I did lose someone. My own son...through a miscarriage" you said sadly, a limp growing in your throat as your voice wobbled.

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