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Everyone was staring at you, Yaz and Ryan more in anger than anything else. And the doctor in disappointment. Graham just looked amused by this whole thing.

"(Y/n)(l/n), I am very disappointed in you!" The doctor said like a mother lecturing her child.

"What?" You said dumbly.

"I swear to god I'm gonna slap you! How could you let me think Ryan did that!" Yaz shouted angrily.

"Try touch her, see what happens!" Missy growled angrily, stepping in front of you protectively, her body tense.

"Angel calm down" you said quickly, taking ahold of Missy's hand.

"What I am calm?" The brown haired woman said defensively.

You furrowed your brows in confusion, looking at her. This person did nothing but make you confused.

"I wasn't talking to you, I call Missy angel sometimes" you explained, confused as to why she answered.

"Oh shit, yeah sorry." She quickly said, laughing awkwardly.

"Hey! No swearing in the TARDIS!" The doctor called out "whoever you are. You know, it's quite rude to just invite people on board my ship without even telling me"

"Who even is she?!" Yaz asked impatiently.

"I honestly have no idea" you mumbled.

"Oh for gods sake! You know, this is actually beginning to get really hurtful you know. I mean, if you want to insult me you can try something else. But this is literally hurting my hearts" she said, placing a hand over her chest with a frown.

"What?" The doctor and Missy both said at the same time.

She shook her head "never mind" she rolled her eyes "you guys can carry on. I guess this is some weird form of punishment. I don't tend to swear that often. Missy doesn't even care, do you? Because that's called giving a false sense of security seeing as you're also playing along" she crossed her arms.

You sighed "just ignore her. She's been saying weird stuff all day. She saved my life though so I guess you just have to deal with her weirdness" you shrugged.

"Weird?! Offended!" She scoffed.

"Yeah I guess I'm happy too cuz now you brought her back for me to beat up" Yaz said.

You gripped Missy's hand harder, feeling her tense up even more, a scowl on her face.

"She'll do I too. I swear to god I've got a concussion" Ryan grumbled.

"That was quite amusing to watch actually" Graham chuckled.

"You haven't got a concussion Ryan I checked. And Yaz, baby, we talked about violence" the doctor said, raising her brows.

"Ryan, you're such a baby" the woman giggled.

"It hurt alright! And you don't even know Yaz" Ryan said, "I swear you can throw a punch real good" he mumbled towards Yaz.

"And I will do again if you even try to go near my sister! And you (y/n), where do I even begin! How could you say something like that and let me thing it was real?!" Yaz glared.

"I was only trying to get you away from me cuz you kept on teasing me about carrying Missy's child! She literally can't even get me pregnant!" You exclaimed.

The woman only sniggered at that, shaking her head as if she knew something you didn't. You sighed, shaking your head in annoyance. She was probably making fun out of you too.

"You were annoying the hell out of me. How many times do I need to get this through your head I'm not pregnant!" You snapped.

"Maybe not yet" Yaz smirked.

The woman nodded her head at that, grinning.

"And you wonder why she says these things to you?!" Missy retorted angrily, and you squeezed her hand to keep her calm.

"Oh please, you two just went on a romantic date together. She sleeps in your bed practically every night and we've caught ya'll naked in bed too! And undressing yourselves...and just about everything sexual. I don't even know why you two are trying to hide the fact that you're together" Yaz said.

"We're not together!" You shouted.

"And I suppose the dinner was just a friend thing too was it?" Yaz grinned.

"Yes!" You frowned.

"It was so a date" Ryan whispered, making you glare at him.

"I swear to god Ryan!" You groaned.

"You have a beautiful rose in your hand there (y/n). Looks romantic to me" Yaz smirked.

"I was there it was super romantic and cute!" The woman giggled, making you clench you're jaw in anger, staring at her.

"Who even is this?" Graham asked.

"Wow Graham that's nice of you. I thought you were the nice grandfatherly one" she replied with a pout.

"What? How does she know my name? Oh come on, I'm confused" Graham furrowed his brows.

"Welcome to how I've been feeling this past hour" you mumbled.

"This is really hurting my feelings now" the woman mumbled.

"No, seriously, who are you?" The doctor asked in a more serious tone, looking at the woman.

She looked offended before realisation started to make its way to her face. She straightened up, looking slightly shocked.

"You guys really don't know who I am do you? Not even my name or anything?" She asked.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you this whole time" Missy spoke to her.

She took in a breath "wow...I never thought this day would come.." she smiled slightly "you guys don't know anything about me. Well, my name is Angel"

"Angel?" You repeated as she nodded her head with a smile "that's why you thought I was talking to you before?"

"Yeah. I travel in time and space. I bump into you guys a lot on the way. Help out here and there. I know all of you guys. Even JJ" she smiled a different smile at that.

"Wait, you know my son?" She doctor asked.

She nodded her head "I can't tell you guys too much, it's all in your future, and not for me to spoil. I can't tell you more about myself. You guys will see me again, trust me. And I kind of have to go now" she smiled.

"Wait, you're leaving?" You frowned slightly.

She nodded her head "you'll learn that it's how it goes with me. I have places to be, things to see. People to save. We'll bump into each other again don't worry" she smiled.

You nodded your head at that. She came forward towards both you and Missy, wrapping an arm around each of your necks and pulling you to her. You were still so confused as to who she was and why you weren't afraid of her when she hugged you. And you felt close to her.

She planted a small kiss on both your cheeks, one on Missy's and one on yours, before squeezing you both tightly. You were shocked by this, stunned.

"Stay safe both of you" she mumbled "a lot depends on it on my side" she smiled, pulling back and staring at you both with those blue eyes.

She typed something into her vortex manipulator before she was gone in an instant, leaving behind a confused, and stunned you, Missy and team TARDIS.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now