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You gulped in fear "are you serious" you asked.

"The air is practically being sucked out as we speak" she replied.

"Shit...we should get out of here then" you said, starting to panic slightly.

"Hey, don't panic. We need to save air at this point. But yes, we need to get moving like now. Not only because the air is running out but because those creatures, the ones on this ship will also notice the life support systems failing. They're probably after us right now" Missy told you, moving towards the doors.

"Well maybe we should stop talking because it's wasting air" Elvis suggested in worry.

"Well then shut up" you hissed.

"But you just spoke!" He retorted, raising his hands at you slightly.

"Don't get smart at me" you frowned.

"I'm just saying, you can't tell me to be quiet when you're talking too" he said.

"I didn't mean it in a rude way I just meant be quiet and take your own advice" you told him, getting out of the room and following Missy.

"See, that sounds rude now" Elvis said, raising his finger at you like you were some child.

"Can you two both be quiet. We need to get out of here like right now without getting caught and bringing attention to ourselves. I can already sense the oxygen concentration in the air getting lower" Missy mumbled the last part to herself quietly.

And she was right. You weren't sure if it was just a psychological thing at first, but the air already felt thinner. Which started to really worry you now.

"Missy...I don't know where the TARDIS is parked. All the corridors look the same are you sure you know your way around here. You're not leading us to no where are you?" You asked in worry.

"I don't like the lack of faith love" she smiled teasingly before shaking her head "but don't worry I know where I'm going. I've memorised the map of this whole ship remember. I can also remember every turn we've taken since landing on this ship. I have a great memory" she grinned.

"That's good to know, because I don't like getting lost" you smiled back, and noticed how you were starting to gasp for air a little more now as you followed Missy down the corridors.

"Okay, the air is definitely getting thinner in here" Elvis said, also starting to gasp for air slightly.

"Okay, we're going to have to run. I know you guys will find this difficult but as soon as we're in the TARDIS there will a lot more oxygen for us all. Just think about that and keep going" Missy told you.

You nodded your head and she started to run down the corridors. You started to follow her, running behind her, and realising how much harder it was to run without enough oxygen. It felt like you were constantly gasping and sucking for more air.

You screamed when a laser shot right past you, followed by a shout by Elvis. You all looked back and realised that those creatures were following you with those guns of theirs.

"Oh brilliant" Missy breathed, her slight gasping letting you know she was also feeling the lack of oxygen in the air.

"What have you all done!" One of those creatures hollered, shouting loudly at you all while shooting some more, making you duck your head down quickly as not to get shot.

"Okay, guys run!" Missy called out as she ran down the hallways quicker.

You followed her, along with Elvis, breathing heavily and gasping for air. You could feel your lung start to burn at the lack of oxygen. You tried to concentrate at the amount of turns and where Missy was going, not wanting to lose sight of her.

Your head started to pound and you realised how hard it was getting to breathe. You felt like everything time you breathed in you weren't getting anything. You gasped desperately, coughing slightly and feeling your whole body slow down and burn in fatigue and lack of air. There was nothing to breathe.

You Felt like you couldn't even carry on. You could start to see weird colours in your vision, letting you know you were definitely oxygen starved. You felt as though you were slowing down with your fatigued and burning...everything. Every muscle and every limb. And you thought you were starting to slow down your pace, not by choice. You didn't want to be slowing down when there were so many lasers being shot around you.

You were proven right when you watched as even Elvis started to run past you, and you could feel dread start to set in at the thought of being left behind. You didn't want to be left behind and to be lost on a ship in the middle of no where.

You tried to run faster, only to fail miserably as your legs started to shake, going into a coughing fit. You breathed in as deeply as you could, before deciding to hold your breath.

You held your breath and ran as fast as you could, fighting though the burn everywhere. The idea of the TARDIS and having air to breathe was the only thing that kept you going. But it all seemed like a lost cause.

Especially when you saw the other two run much further ahead of you. You could feel your head start to get dizzy and it felt impossible to keep holding your breath.

You let go, trying to gasp for air only to choke on the none existent and empty space around you. You collapsed onto your knees, coughing and trying to get some air, your head getting increasingly dizzy and your eyelids getting increasingly heavier.

You closed your eyes, culling into a ball on the floor, playing for some air to just fill your lungs through your suffocation. You couldn't move, and yet you could still feel all the lasers around you.

Just when you thought it was hopeless for you, you heard Missy's voice, making you calm down instantly, although you still couldn't breathe.

"(Y/n)!" She called in worry, her arms wrapping around you.

You didn't know how she could still talk let alone walk or move without any oxygen. You felt her adjust her arms so that one of them was under your legs so she scooped you up, carrying you up bridal style.

You rested your head against her shoulder, still desperately trying to gasp for air as you opened your heavy eyes, seeing Missy's dark looking face as she stared down at the creatures.

"You know, I wouldn't have mind you guys shooting like this as much on any other day and with any other person. But not today. And not with her" she spoke in a serious and dark tone, her arms tightening around you at that.

You didn't get to think of much more before she started to run away from them with you in her arms. Your ears started to ring as you suffocated, and your eyes finally closed as you passed out.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now