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You were all getting ready to go to where Hannah worked, and hopefully where the people snatcher would be. You needed to do this as soon as possible. Firstly because you didn't want her to leave before you all got there and also because you weren't sure if you could stick around for much longer.

The last thing you needed was this. You just wanted this all to be over with so that you could go back to the TARDIS and the doctor could help. You weren't entirely convinced she could do anything but at the same time you had to try. Your hope was really starting to run out right now.

You also didn't understand what was going on here. There was the thing with the alien poisoning people to death, which you had to watch. That was the last thing you needed. It only made you feel worse inside and spark a fear inside you. But there was also the thing with the rift. You weren't really sure what was going on with that. Something about it getting unstable at the same times of the murders. This Hannah...or the alien inside her, was behind that then. You weren't entirely sure of the importance of the rift though. It didn't really make sense to you.

After the stunt you pulled with the gun too, people weren't talking to you. They didn't even look at you, and when they did it was only in glances or in pity. And you hated the look of pity people gave you. You had enough of that growing up from social services and stuff. But no one would look at you for more than a second. It was like they all felt awkward around you.

You understood that though, you weren't surprised with what just happened. You weren't sure if Graham, Yaz and Ryan had ever seen you do something first hand like this either. And you could see on their faces that they were shocked and shaken, unsure of how to react. Even Yaz with her police training felt unsure of what to do. Probably because they don't teach how to deal with a friend or someone you know going through this.

The worst part was that Missy refused to look at you. When she did her eyes were so full of sadness, those blue orbs no longer sparkling as you'd come to know them. Instead they were nothing but dull, sad and heartbroken. You felt awful for being the cause of it. She didn't look at you with sorrow or pity, she just looked like she was hurting. You saw tears sometimes, and they felt like they cut into your chest painfully.

You sighed, also knowing exactly what it was she was feeling. You knew because it was how you felt when she tried to do the same thing. It was all just so confusing and hurting your head. It seemed like pain and tiredness just wouldn't leave you no matter where you went.

"Alright then, we all set" Jack asked.

"Yup." Various people answered.

"The plan is just to detain her and work from there. See if we can save Hannah. And stop the destructive rage the alien inside of her is in" the doctor said.

"Hold on, why don't we want this rift thing to spike and stuff?" Graham asked in confusion, asking your unspoken question, one of them anyways.

"If the rift is open, the walls between time and space are opened and rip apart. Time starts leaking into here, the whole world starts to tear apart!" The doctor explained.

"Oh" Graham mumbled "better get going then"

Jack nodded his head "come on"

You all followed behind him, you right at the back. You crossed your arms over your chest uncomfortably, keeping your head down. You felt awful. You didn't want to be doing this right now.

You all were following and you noticed the doctor slow down so she was walking beside you. You sighed, already feeling that motherly talk she always gives.

"I know you don't think much about yourself, or your existence" she started "but you couldn't be more wrong. You're amazing. When you look up into the sky, you should know that some of those stars are still shining because of you. I know you're finding it hard to see your worth, but I could write down whole books about everything that makes you amazing. Important. Special"

"I'm not special doctor" you mumbled in annoyance.

"Maybe you don't think so. But I bet you there are people out there who do. Maybe some people who are still alive because of you ten million light years away and centuries in the future. Or maybe to someone closer than you think" she said.

You looked over and followed her eyeline to Missy. You sighed, biting your lip anxiously.

"You can't take away all of my pain doctor." You told her.

"Maybe not, but I can help. We can help. She can help. You should talk with her. She looks a little lost after what you did" the doctor said "you should know that darkness doesn't always prevail. No matter how much it sometimes feels like it"

You sighed, swallowing slightly. The doctor looked sad before you all arrived at the place of Hannah's work.

You were all split off into groups, so that you could be positioned to capture her properly. You knew the doctor did it on purpose when she sent you with none other than Missy to your places.

You reluctantly went along with it, not having the energy to fight or argue with her. You were done with fighting.

You stood behind a building in a small alleyway, watching and waiting. You didn't even acknowledge Missy. You both didn't even talk.

Until she gently held your arm, pulling you back and forcing you to look at her. She had a heartbroken look on her face and it physically pained you.

"Why would you do that? I thought...you said you'd try...." she whispered, her eyes flossing over with tears.

"I am trying...I just can't. It's too hard Missy. Why does everyone even care I'm nothing special?" You asked quietly.

She sighed, holding your hips as she held you against the wall. She took shaky breaths, closing her eyes.

"Do you not understand how much I care about you?" She said quietly with a shaky voice.

"I'm nothing. I'm just really fucked up, no one can fix this one" You whispered.

"It helps when we're together" she said quickly "for me anyways. It...makes me feel better. You're so special to me"

I looked up at her blue eyes, swallowing slightly.

"How much better does it make you feel? How am I special?" You asked quietly.

She stared at you, her eyes slowly travelling down to your lips. She bit her lip slightly and you felt your heart start to beat faster as she lent in closer to you. You closed your eyes as you felt her come closer, her nose brush slightly over yours. You could feel her warm breath fanning over your lips.

Just then, a loud bang was heard, causing you both to jump in shock and startle, pulling away from each other. You looked up at her with a small blush, clearing your throat.

"T..that came from there.." I stuttered, turning back to the others.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now