Red cheeks

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A/n: there's some fluff here

You sighed, placing your head back against the bed.

"I can't promise anything..." you said quietly "but...I'll try my hardest.."

Missy smiled lightly at that "that's all we needed" she took both your hands, planting small kisses on both palms.

You groaned slightly, wincing "my arms really hurt" you said.

The doctor sighed "well you did need stitches. Those cuts were deep. How long were you keeping that shard of glass for?" She asked.

You didn't look at her when you answered "a long time"

She frowned at your response, moving away for a moment somewhere else in the med bay. You rubbed your temples, wincing again with the effort it simply took to lift your arms.

"You know" Missy said quietly "I don't think of you as a coward"

You sighed "Missy you did the exact same thing I did. So I don't think his is the right time to be comparing" you said.

"I had...have dont things...the guilt was consuming me (y/n). I don't think anyone whose done what I have deserves to be alive. I'm a murderer" she whispered the last bit.

You shook your head "I have guilt too. I killed my family. The car crash..." you felt your throat knot up at the thought.

"Wasn't your fault" the doctor spoke up, coming back to you with a needle "you didn't cause the crash. And you Missy, you need to look at how you've changed. Focus on the good things. Like how your father changed (y/n). Every Christmas, he was a good, civil man. While you don't forget the bad, you always hold onto the good too"

You shrugged your shoulders watching the doctor. She prepared some injection thing and you held up your hand to stop her before she came at you with that thing.

"What's that?" You asked, eying the injection.

"It's a painkiller, for your arms. Or you could just go with not moving your arms for a while" she said sarcastically.

You shook your head, holding out your arm to her. You'd had way too many needles stuck in you in your lifetime. You closed your eyes and jumped when you felt a sharp scratch. The doctor quickly put a plaster on and put the needle away.

"Now, it'll take a while for you to start feeling the effects so you'll have to sit tight. Oh.." the doctor looked over you, frowning deeply "maybe a change of clothes would be good. I don't think blood soaked and stained clothes is the best look. Right, you start to undress, I'll go get your clothes. Be right back"

With that, the doctor was off, out of the room, leaving you with Missy. You shook your head slightly at her, swinging your legs over the bed. You looked at Missy as she turned around.

"Ph how nice of you. Some privacy" you grinned.

"Well would you rather me look?!" She asked "but to be wouldn't be the first time I've seen you undress" she sniggered.

"Oh god. I must have been so damn drunk to have come into your room and change just like that" you smiled lightly at the thought, feeling some embarrassment.

"You threw up on your clothes. Anyways..." you could practically hear her smirk "I didn't mind"

You rolled your eyes at her. You reached up your arms, unbuttoning your shirt. You found it increasingly difficult to move your fingers with such precision. The pain wasn't dying down yet. You somehow managed to unbutton your shirt, though when you had to take it off was when you really started having trouble.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now