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Missy sniggered "see, not useful. How often do you need to ask for help?" She asked.

"Okay Missy that's enough of the mean comments. Remember we had a talk about kind words." The doctor said.

Jack laughed "you've had a talk with her about that? How's that going?" He asked.

"No one seems to listen on the no swearing rule" the doctor pouted slightly like an annoyed child.

"Aww, babe, I'll listen. Plus Graham's old he doesn't swear" Yaz said, giving the doctor a hug.

"Oi! I'm not that old! Okay maybe compared to you but still!" Graham complained.

"Weren't you the one who always complained about your age before though?" Ryan asked.

"Ay, alright. But with age comes wisdom!" Graham replied.

"What?" Ryan laughed.

"All I'm saying is that we don't all just come back from the dead like this guy! But to be honest with the things we've seen it's not so much of a surprise anymore" Graham said.

Missy sniggered "not impressive at all there Jack"

"Okay" Jack spoke up, shaking his head with a smile at the others while ignoring Missy "Doctor are you going to help us or not?

The doctor looked at him "of course! I'm always here to help. What is it exactly that you need help with?" She asked intriguingly.

Jack responded "you'll have to come down to the base and see for yourself. Come on, it's not far from here" he said, already walking away.

They all started to follow him and Missy held out her hand for you mindlessly.

"Come on, lets go see what he wants. Though I should warn you it's probably something we can fix in like two seconds. Might be a bit boring really. We could save actual minutes if we weren't here...anyways" she continued to hold out her hand with a smile on her face.

You stared at her before remembering everything. How she beat the crap out of Jack literally to some kind of death? You didn't even know. And you didn't like how angry she got. To be fair though Jack did just up and kiss her. She didn't pull away for a while though...maybe she was frozen in shock. You couldn't tell you looked away in disgust. Urgh, you had no idea!

You sighed, walking around Missy and avoiding her. You didn't want to be around anyone at the moment. You needed some time to just collect your thoughts.

A hurt expression flashed across Missy's face when you didn't take her hand. She put her arm down to her side, sighing as she followed Jack along with the others. She was walking a little faster than you and so you were left trailing behind her slightly. Maybe it was because she didn't want you to see her hurt expression again. You just felt like everything was happening so fast. You were scared, angry, and at the same time you weren't. It was so confusing and just tiring.

As you walked, you went past a couple who were smoking casually on the street. You tried not to inhale the substance, too scared to and knowing what the consequences would be if you did with your previous struggle. But it was like the smoke was intoxicating, and the familiar sense of nicotine had you tense up and fear your cravings and need to go over and grab one.

You instantly reacted, by reflex, by grabbing onto whatever was closest to you, clutching onto it tightly as you struggled to hold back and not breathe. It turned out that you grabbed onto Missy's hand because she paused and turned around to you, staring at your hands before at your face.

"S..sorry..." you stuttered, pulling your hand away.

Missy quickly grabbed ahold of it though, holding it as she shook her head.

"No, no it's fine love" she said.

You were silently thankful that she let you hold onto her. You really needed something to keep you grounded. And when she called you that, it always made you feel butterflies in your stomach.

She watched you in concern as you both stopped and stood in the street. You assumed you'd catch up to the others in a second. She stepped so she was in front of you properly.

"Is everything alright? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

You swallowed slightly "t...they're all..smoking...I can't..I can't stay here.." you said quietly, trying hard not to breathe in too deeply.

"It's okay" Missy said softly, holding my hand in hers gently.

"No it's not Missy I have an addiction! Do you understand that. I know I do, I've been emitted to the hospital because I nearly died from them! I...I couldn't breathe one day. N..not like some panic attack though it was...different. Like a huge coughing fit and..I was really about to die. I was...properly scared" I looked down slightly "I quit since then. A..and it was so hard to get to that stage. And I've just ruined it all over again. I can't do this" I started to struggle in her grasp slightly.

"Yes you can. You did it once you can do it again. And this time you have us all with you. Come on, let's get off these streets and away from the smoke" Missy said, keeping ahold on your hand as she slid an arm around your waist and guided you to follow the others.

It felt good to be making contact again. Of course you could only do it with Missy. No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't be afraid of her. Cautious perhaps, bi never afraid to an extent where you refused to touch her for a long period of time. You felt safer just being close to her like this. You just wished her warmth and embrace could help warm your feelings inside. You felt depressed, sad, and constantly hurt.

Finally Jack brought you all to some place which looked like any other desk or officeholder he and the doctor made light conversation. And there was a young man in a suit standing there with a smile on his face.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now