Angered jealousy

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You were stood next to Missy, couching just slightly behind one of the bigger machines. You were annoyed at how her lipstick was smudged slightly and she was out of breath like that. You couldn't help the pout on your lips and you were most likely pulling a bitch face right now.

"That's a lesson for you" Missy breathed, running a hand over her forehead.

You looked at her, raising your eyebrows "what do you mean by that?!" You asked, your voice probably sounding harsher than you intended it to.

Missy raised her brows at that "I mean...the way you get past any guard is to seduce the hell out of them" she grinned.

"Yeah well it's a stupid idea" you grumbled in annoyance, trying to contain yourself.

You were just so angry and so jealous right now. And to add to it all you were flustered! How couldn't you be when seeing such an intense make out session. But it was that that had you gritting you're teeth in anger. And that tightening feeling in your stomach felt awful.

"Hey..." Missy's voice cut you out of your mind again, her hand gently coming to rest on your arm "are you angry with me?" She asked quietly.

You took in a deep breath before shaking your head "no. Why would I be. There's no reason for me to be angry. You're a completely single person who can go around playing the field like that if you want to. You go snog everyone why don't you" you said, trying to sound like you didn't care but it probably came out the other way.

"I told you it didn't mean anything. And it didn't..I only did it to get us through the door" the said quietly.

You shook your head "it doesn't matter why you did it Missy. You can go marry her if you want. I'm not angry, there's no need to be. We're not together or anything" you said quickly, trying to swallow down your irrational jealousy.

"Well...unless you want-" You cut off Missy before she said anything else.

You just didn't want to hear anything she had to say. Right now you just needed some silence from everything, and yet you had to save Elvis in the middle of all of this. You just wanted to move on and not listen to anything else that only seemed to fuel your jealousy more.

"Look we have to get to Elvis and down this corridor. I think they're doing something to him down there. You coming or not?" You asked, looking at her.

Her blue orbs looked sadder than before as she nodded her head "yeah. But please, at least tell me if you're angry with me" she said, sounding like she was kind of desperate "I swear it didn't mean anything"

"Look there are guard everywhere here and if we talk we're just gonna get caught. Unless you're planning on kissing your way through, I suggest you stop talking and start moving. Just come on Missy" you whispered, more like hissed, at her.

You sighed heavily at seeing her sad eyes looking at you. Those eyes could get you every time. Big and blue, and you could see years of the galaxies across all the universe itself in them.

"I'm not angry" you said more gently, feeling yourself calm down as you placed a hand on her cheek, gently caressing it "I just think we should save Elvis before anything bad happens don't you?"

She looked at you for a few moments before nodding her head "yeah"

You just turned around and crouched behind different machines as you slid through the shadows, making sure to stay out of the guards way. Missy was close behind you, and you noticed how she looked a lot more relaxed now.

You felt more relaxed too. You weren't angry you were jealous. There was a big difference. But the one thing you didn't want to do was shout at her for no reason. It was just hard to think of that kiss as not meaning anything. Even though you shouldn't mind as you were just friends with her.

You made your way down the corridor and you started to hear voices more clearly, one of them clearly being Elvis'. He didn't sound too happy. He sounded afraid and annoyed perhaps.

You peeked your head out and saw that there were two of those creatures standing there, and Elvis was stuck in some kind of cuffs around his wrists.

"What are they doing?" You whispered quietly, your voice barely a whisper.

"That equipment looks like they're trying to dissect him or something" Missy replied, and you moved your eyes over to the table of different tools.

Missy was right. Not that you knew what tools for dissections looked like. But this looked like it could easily cut him open. It would also explain why his short was open right now, revealing his chest which was rapidly rising and falling in fear with every breath he took.

On the table there were different silver tools, scalpels accompanied by much bigger knives and even some weird tongs and scissors. Then there were different things which you had never seen before, though you knew they would probably do a lot of harm. It looked like they were some kind of lasers or something. Whatever it was, they all definitely pointed the finger towards a dissection.

You were honestly getting sick of people trying to cut people open. First it was the dinner and now the very next day it was these guys who had literally kidnapped a famous singer onto a ship in the middle of space which was hardly even moving, for apparently no other reason than to cut him apart.

"What could they possibly want with his organs and things?" You asked in a whisper.

"I don't know" Missy whispered back.

"Maybe they're trying to do research?" You suggested.

"I doubt it. It doesn't seem like the place" Missy shook her head.

You sighed, trying to think up anything. But your heart nearly stopped in your chest when you saw them start to pick up those knives.

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