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You felt a pair of the softest lips you had ever felt pressed up against yours ever so gently. The feeling send small sparks and tingles through your lips, and made your heart flutter. Those lips felt so soft and amazing against yours. And a familiar scent of vanilla filled your nose, sending your body into a calm haze. Was someone kissing you?

You groaned quietly, feeling your head hurt slightly. You inwardly frowned when the pair of lips left your own, making you open your eyes slowly. Though it had left you in confusion and slight need. You had the urge to kiss back at those soft lips.

You were lying on the seats in the TARDIS console room, and Missy was crouching right in front of you. You furrowed your brows slightly, sighing a little as you looked around in a daze. Elvis was sat on another one of the seats, looking a little out of it himself, rubbing his head a little.

"Was someone kissing me?" You mumbled quietly, rubbing your face slightly.

"" Missy stuttered, her cheeks getting red.

You hummed slightly "I must have been hallucinating" you whispered, sitting up.

Missy helped you sit up as she cleared her throat awkwardly, her face looking a lot more red than usual.

"Hallucinations are kind of normal when your brain has been starved of oxygen for so long" she said, her cheeks only getting redder by the second.

"Yeah..." you whispered, rubbing your head "god I feel awful"

"Just take it easy" Missy said "both of you." She also directed towards Elvis who nodded in response.

"What happened?" You asked with a heavy sigh, closing your eyes slightly.

"You don't remember?" She asked.

"I mean...I think I passed out right?" You mumbled.

"We both did" Elvis spoke up, leaning on the chair heavily and slouching "the air was being sucked out of the ship remember. Life support got switched off. I'm just glad I didn't get shot" he said quietly.

"Yeah you both weren't good without oxygen. Not surprisingly. I came back for you (y/n) once I noticed you weren't with us. You must have slipped behind" Missy said, running a hand through your hair gently, still kneeling in front of you.

"Yeah...I couldn't breathe" you told her quietly before furrowing your brows "how did you manage to carry me?" You asked, looking into her blue eyes "don't you need air anymore?" you smiled slightly, raising a brow at her.

"I do" she smiled back "I can just survive a lot longer without it than a human can." She said gently before wrapping her arms around you, pulling you into her as she hugged you "you scared me" she mumbled quietly.

You smiled, wrapping your arms around her and snuggling into her warmth.

"I'm here, it's okay" You told her gently, burying your face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply, her scent of vanilla intoxicating you.

"Yeah. And you're not going anywhere" she smiled, squeezing you a little "I won't let you"

You giggled slightly at that "fine by me" you pulled back, looking into those familiar blue eyes.

"I got you out. And the TARDIS. There was practically no air by the time I got you back to the TARDIS and you were out cold" she said.

You sighed slightly "how did you manage to carry me?" you smiled in amazement.

She grinned at that "I'm amazing" She said proudly, wiggling her eyebrows slightly at you, making you laugh.

"Yeah, alright. No need to get cocky" you giggled.

She shook her head a little before biting her lip a little. You watched as her eyes glanced down to your own lips. You gulped slightly. She had been making you feel all hot and bothered a lot lately.

Your eyes widened slightly as you looked back into her eyes with slight panic. She must have sensed your change in mood because her eyes reached yours again and she looked more serious and concerned when seeing your expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked quickly, cupping your face, her eyes flickering between yours "did you hurt yourself? Did you get shot? I checked though..wait are you actually injured? What's wrong?" She sounded concerned and worried.,

"Those creatures needed oxygen to survive too right? The ones on that ship. Did they suffocate? Did you leave them on that ship and took off without them? They're all dead aren't they? Are they Missy? Did they all suffocate and choke to death? That's horrible..a..and-" Missy quickly cut your off before you got too carried away with your panicked mode, your heart beating way too quickly to be normal.

"Calm down love, nothing happened to them" she said in a gentle tone, her thumbs gently caressing your cheeks.

"But they suffocated Missy. I didn't want them to die like that...can we go back and save them?" You asked desperately, still panicking.

"Relax. Nothing happened, they didn't suffocate I promise" she said, looking at you with a small smile.

You swallowed, trying to calm down "did they not need oxygen?" You asked.

"They did. But that computer told me basically everything there was to know about that ship. Including the fact that every one of those creatures, when they are on the verge of dying or when she ship becomes unstable and no longer able to support life, they all get teleported back home. To their home planet. Safe and sound" she told you, making you calm down a lot as you took in a deep breath and sighed in relief.

"Wait, so they're just gonna get away with kidnapping me?" Elvis said "not that I wanted them to suffocate to death or to die justice? Really? What about all those poor people who's organs are all around that ship?!" He asked.

"I sent a little message to the authorities of their home planet while you were both out. Trust me, they'll be getting punished for what they did. It's up to them how they choose to do it" Missy told you both.

You nodded your head, smiling at her "you've changed a lot you know. Since I met you. And definitely since everything I've heard from the doctor" you laughed a little.

She smiled at that too "well I went through a lot of stuff back then" she said "everything was worth it though. It got me to you" she smiled before reaching forward and kissing the top of your head.

You couldn't help the small blush that crept up your face at her words, and smiled at her.

"Now, back to the doctor and Yaz. I believe even Ryan has probably had enough time to put on dresses now" Missy chuckled lightly.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now