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You barely had time to intake everything that just happened when Evas growl echoes through the room and the doctor tightened her arms around you. You closed your eyes before hearing a loud thud, Evas body falling to the ground.

You tried to open your eyes again, drooping slightly as you stared forward. You could feel your fear and panic start to kick in when you saw the body just lying in the ground like that, blood starting to pool around. She was growling and gurgling in pain, holding her stomach.

You never wanted her dead. You were glad that she was away from you and not able to do any harm but you never wanted this. You hated it..the body..the blood. You could feel your heart racing in your painfully twisting chest and your breathing started to accelerate.

You knew that it was bad for your body to be freaking out like this. You already felt light headed as it was. And this was only making it worse and bringing you closer to fainting. Your body felt like it couldn't keep up. You felt beyond sick when seeing her body just lying there while she slowly died. Not even a minute ago she was walking about and talking to you...

"Don't look" the doctor spoke to you, and you only just realised that not even a few seconds had gone by.

It felt like forever. It felt like it had been a whole few minutes while you were looking at that body. While you were shaking..while you were panicking.

Missy and the others had ran into the room. Missy threw the gun in Ryan's direction, telling him to keep watch of the vampire and keep her at gunpoint before she ran over to you.

She moved so she was in front of your vision of the body, cupping your face with her hands. You looked up into her blue eyes.

You missed her so much. You thought you were going to die. didn't want her to kill anyone. She shot someone. You couldn't even see straight as a ringing in your ears started to invade your mind. You groaned lowly before squinting your eyes, trying to concentrate on what Missy was saying. She was panicking and in anger.

"What the hell happened?!" She shouted before wiping at your neck with her hand "is this her blood?!"

"Well yes...the vampire..Eva..she bit her.." the doctor stuttered while trying to get your hands free.

"She what?!" Missy screeched before bending your head so she could take a closer look at your neck, wiping away the blood more.

"She was healed..with the blood. But I need to get her back to the TARDIS. We all need to leave" the doctor told her.

"Yeah this bullet doesn't look like it'll be killing her anytime soon" Graham spoke up "thankfully"

"Where did you get a gun from?!" The doctor shouted in annoyance and disappointment "do you always carry a gun with you Missy?!"

"No!" She replied "we found it and I just took it okay. I heard screaming and we thought it's best to keep it with us just in case while we come find you guys" she explained.

"Yeah well you never said you were actually going to use it!" Yaz exclaimed.

"Heat of the moment" Missy waved her hand about "and your neck seems fine love, how are you feeling?" She asked you.

"Missy..." you whispered out, your voice slurring slightly through the blood loss, your head feeling incredibly spinny and woozy.

"Damn it how much blood did she take?!" She asked in annoyance and frustration.

"Too much. I've nearly got her free" the doctor replied before I felt the chains starting to loosen up.

"It's okay love I've got you" Missy spoke gently, making you calm down slightly.

You knew you were afraid of what she just did. But it didn't really register in your mind. Nothing did at this point. It was probably the amount of blood loss. You couldn't see properly or think right. Your head was hurting and you weren't really taking anything in. You just knew that right now you were safe. And you were with Missy. You wanted to tell her how you felt.

"Missy...I lo-" you were cut off when you fell forward, your body unable to support itself without the chains that the doctor managed to get you free from.

Missy quickly caught you, holding your body before she shifted so that she picked you up bridal style.

"Let's get her back. Come on everyone" Missy said before turning around and heading towards the door.

You rested your head against her shoulder, your breathing evening out as you calmed down. It felt right and just...good to be in her arms like this. You wanted to be able to do this all the time. If you weren't so injured you would have enjoyed this a lot more.

"What about..." you gulped slightly, feeling really light headed.

"It's okay, I've got you" Missy spoke, looking down at you with a smile before continuing to walk "I'm right here" she tightened her arms around you as she said that.

You took some deep breaths, trying to stop everything from spinning so much and stop your head from hurting so much. You felt tired. You wanted to sleep so badly, but you didn't want to sleep.

"Is Eva dead?" You managed to get out in a voice barely a whisper you weren't sure if she's hear you.

But of course she heard you. She always hears. Time lords...they were amazing.

"No" Missy replied reassuringly "she'll heal fully by tomorrow. Like nothing even happened" she told you.

You nodded your head against her shoulder before feeling that feeling of faint eventually catch up to you. And so you let your eyes drop closed, finally falling asleep like you desperately needed, knowing that you were safe in Missy's arms.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now