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"What-" before Allura shouted or was able to scream and let your hiding place out.

"Shh" she whispered, as you all kept your eyes on the creatures now out of their disguise.

The doctor slowly lowered her hand and she made sure she was calm down, not all panicked and frantic. The last thing you all needed was for them to find you here. You didn't know anything about these creatures or what they even are, or why they were disguised as Allura's family. But you had a feeling they wouldn't be very merciful if they found you hiding here. Probably kill you or something. Just an ordinary day travelling with the doctor, you almost forgot what this felt like over the years back at home.

"What are they?" Allura whispered, looking scared and with a few tears in her eyes "what have they done to my family?"

"They're called Zygons" the doctor replied.

"What?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"Zygons. Big red and rubbery. With weird suckers all over them. Plus...very good kissers" Missy smirked a little at that thought, making you roll your eyes. Of course she'd kissed one before.

"You've kissed them too!" The doctor raised her brows.

"Of course you've kissed one too" you shook your head at the doctor.

Time ladies were really weird sometimes, especially these two. But you loved them both. Each in their own way. Weird and wonderful.

"Actually I've...kissed more than once" the doctor slowly raised her hand, making Yaz snigger a little.

"Why did you kiss a zygon. All the times I've seen them the last thing I think of doing is kissing one" Angel laughed.

"Well, you see the not so virgin queen of England-" the doctor was cut off by Allura in anger.

"Shut up!" She whispered with small tears threatening to fall over her eyes "what's happening? What have these Zygons done to my family? Have they killed them?!"

The doctor quickly shushed her, trying to keep her panic down. She was very good with people panicking. Probably because of you. You were the biggest panicking bitch ever and anything else was most likely child's work now with the doctor. Though you weren't quite sure what to think about that...How to feel about that..

"They're not dead don't worry" the doctor tried to reassure her calmly.

"How do you know that" Allura whispered back, trying to wipe at her eyes to keep the tears away.

"Because it's how they work" Angel replied gently.

"They need to keep the host alive in order to keep the copy alive" Missy told her.

"My family aren't hosts! They're people! And where have these Zygons come from..these aliens! What did we ever do to them?" Allura whisper shouted in response.

"We know" the doctor said "but the good thing is they're alive. And..the thing is Zygons should be living peacefully. In fact there's a whole system in place for this behaviour. But we need to figure out what's actually going on here before we do anything else. And of course to find your family and where they're keeping them. It shouldn't be too far away..." she said, looking past the box at the three Zygons.

"Also, are those the only Zygons here?" Missy asked.

"Yeah I'm not having any surprises doc" Graham said.

"Well...I can't see anymore. But I can't be certain" the doctor replied.

"Brilliant! All my staff could be these..zygon creatures and I haven't even known" Allura places a hand on her head, shaking her head.

"Hey, calm down it's okay. Everyone's alive just hold onto that. Your family's alive" the doctor told her confidently, trying to get that into her head and give her some hope.

"Well actually after a couple of months the Zygons tissue has developed enough to the new form that there's actually no need to keep the host alive..." Angel said before trailing off when seeing Allura's mortified face "this really wasn't the best time to say that was it..."

"Oh brilliant" Ryan threw his hands up into the air a little in disbelief.

"I would have said the same thing" Missy shrugged.

"That's the point Missy, you're too similar. And we all know you're not very sensitive when it comes to people other than (y/n)" Yas said.

You blushed a little at that before trying to cool yourself down, looking at Missy. It was true. She was always nice to you, and in some times it did feel like it was you and you only.

"They're dead" Allura cried "I barely told them how much I loved them all! I'm only twenty!"

"Great going Angel" Yas shook her head while Allura cried.

"Shh" the doctor quickly reacted, soothing her "even if that is true, we know that your parents and your brother have only started acting strangely since a few weeks at most ago. They're still alive don't worry" she said.

"I need to find them" Allura said "how are aliens even real. All those stories you were telling..." she looked at the doctor then between you all.

"We're real..yeah" Ryan replied "we're space and time travellers"

"And we've seen some weird things" you told her.

"Meaning this is nothing we can't deal with" Graham smiled reassuringly.

"And we'll have this all sorted before you even know it" Yas smiled.

"You just need to stop panicking and stay calm. Help us figure this all out" the doctor said.

"And we'll bring these Zygons to justice" Angel smiled.

"You mean I get to kill them!" Missy said in a way too excited tone.

"No!" Everyone else told her at the same time, making her sigh a little in return, earning a giggle from you.

Allura sniffled a little before whiling her face clean, straightening up her face and freshening up, nodding her head. She looked determined and no longer a mess.

"Okay" she said before looking at you all then by turn, then at the doctor, nodding her head "let's do this"

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now