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"Come on dear child" Cobi's mother smiled a little "let's go to the hall. You look hungry. It's nearly dinner time and I've ordered for a big venue to be held. News has spread of your arrival" She told you.

"I'm treated like some celebrity here" you smiled in amusement "I really don't know what you see in me." You said.

"I see the woman that brought me hope. A chance for a family. A chance with another child. I treasure Cobi every day and I also remember every kind action of yours. The day you came here...and gave him to us. It's a story we don't hesitate to tell all our young ones" she simply replied with a smile "we adore you here. All of you. Cobi is very popular too of course. He like to tell the story sometimes too"

You smiled a little at that, standing up alongside her while you stepped out of Cobi's room, back into your own that you had been given for the night. You just hoped that it wouldn't become a permanent place that you had to stay. You wanted to get out of here.

As much as you liked these people and their kindness towards you, you just didn't want to stay here forever. It wasn't your home...and you couldn't even hold hands with anyone here.

The TARDIS was your home. And the people among it were your family. Along with your siblings and in laws on earth. You loved them all so much. Just thinking about never seeing them again made your chest squeeze painfully. You wanted to see them again. You didn't want to lose them...and you couldn't wait for them all over again. Not like last time. You didn't have years to wait. You were afraid that when they came back...if they came back, it would be too late.

"I can see you miss them dearly" Cobi's mother spoke up, gaining your attention and making you look over to her with a sigh.

"I just want them to hurry up and find me already. I'm afraid they'll leave me for years on end like they did before. I don't know if I can go through that again. I mean...if I just brought my phone with me...I could contact them right now. This whole thing would've been over before you knew it" you sighed heavily, frowning deeply and feeling upset "I just want them back"

"I know you do. How about we get your mind off things for a moment. What do you want to know about Cobi? I could tell you all his childhood secrets" She laughed light "well maybe not everything. But he used to have imaginary friends"

"Didn't we all" you chuckled in response, sighing slightly before narrowing your eyes, starting to think about questions you really did want to know about "did he choose the colour of his room?" You asked firstly, looking at her.

"Of course. He was very decisive as a child. And rarely changed his mind as he grew up too. You'd think he'd grow out of some things now and again or maybe his opinions would change. But his favourite colour never changed" Cobi's mother told you with a smile, looking as though she was thinking back to the past, making you smile in response.

"So green is his favourite colour?" You asked, nodding your head and registering it in your mind.

"Yes. He's always been drawn to that colour. Ever since he was a young boy. If we got him toys or crayons green was the first colour he'd go for" She told you as you walked down the corridors, conversing together.

"Why does he like that colour so much?" You asked with a small laugh "I always stayed away from colours like green." You told her.

"I think it has something to do with nature. He loves trees and leaves, things like that. Has ever since I can remember. Whenever we took him outside he used to reach up and grab the leaves. It was his first word too. Leaf" she chuckled softly, making you smiled widely in response.

You could remember when Cobi was just a little baby. And he would reach forward to grab people's noses and laugh so hard in response. You could just imagine him reaching forward and grasping into a leaf from the trees. It was insane to think how much he had grown. He was a fully grown man. Taller than his own father.

"That's adorable" you laughed "I suppose nature is beautiful. When it comes to trees and bushes, I love that colour. He likes nature a lot then" you commented, to which the chief's wife nodded in response, humming lightly.

"He would run around in the woods. And on his first transformation...well we couldn't exactly keep him inside the house. He was way too active and too strong. He destroyed basically everything. All the furniture" she laughed softly.

"He told me about that. He had to go out into the forest and does every full moon. There's more space out there. And he of course loves being close to nature. Did he learn to control his shifting quickly or was that a challenge for him?" You asked her.

"He picked up on it quite easily actually. We quickly found out that his anger was the key to his shifting. If he learnt to control that then he was able to control his shifting. It was only on the full moon he wasn't able to control it. The shifting then was..unstoppable I guess. So he chose to stay in the woods then, so he didn't cause anymore damage. And so he was able to run about without being stopped or confined to one space. He likes to run around when he was in his wolf form" she informed you, making you hum and nod your head.

"Well it's amazing to see how much he grew up" you told her, smiling in thought.

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