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"So, where do you all want to go today?" The doctor asked, whizzing around the TARDIS controls like she always did.

You couldn't help but smile slightly. Just being back, everything being as you remembered it. Sometimes you wanted to break down in pure joy.

But you couldn't help but remember the doctors words. About how she thought that pregnancy was forced upon you. And how she was knew she was always worried. It was only to be expected that she made sure with you and Missy that everything was alright and consensual.

But your mind flashed back to all the bad things that had happened at home. Everyone's reactions to the pregnancy at first. And then of course the miscarriage. Your siblings were everything to you. But they always looked at you with such sorrow in their eyes. And all you really wanted was for them to rest you normally again. Like everything was before...

You just missed your son so much. You wanted to meet him face to face. You wanted to see what he looked like. If he had your eyes, or your hair...

"(Y/n)" you snapped out of your thoughts abruptly when hearing the doctors voice calling your name.

Your eyes searched around in search for the doctor and they landed on her. You hummed a little in response as she smiled at you.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked.

You shrugged a little "I don't know ask someone else. I'm sure Graham's got plenty of ideas in his head" you replied.

"Yeah but I think it's your turn. You haven't chosen in two years on your end. And I think I owe you. So, where do you want to go?" She asked.

You paused a little before furrowing your brows a little "can I go anywhere?" I asked "any time frame?"

"And space...frame.." the doctor furrowed her brows a little at how unusual that sounded.

"Come on, I'm sure there's been loads of things up in that beautiful mind of yours" Missy smiled, walking over to you.

You hadn't thought about this at all to be honest. It had been so long since you had the choice...and now you were back. And you had the whole of space and time at your hands. You didn't know what to think.

Of course your first thought was saving your child. Maybe looking back and seeing if there was anything you could change to maybe save him.

"Within reason" the doctor quickly added, almost as though she had read your thoughts.

You sighed a little. Of course, changing your own personal time stream was dangerous. Incredibly dangerous...Not that you actually understood the space and time fracturing thingies that they always went on about. You didn't understand many things the doctor said to be honest. Which was another thing you adored about the doctor. She could spend hours just jabbering away and you wouldn't understand a word. But her words always managed to put a smile to your face.

"I don't know..maybe another country?" You asked quietly, though you couldn't help but wince slightly at how dead your voice sounded at that moment.

You were just glad to be out of your bed if you were being honest though. You didn't understand how you were able to even do that! A few months ago you couldn't even get out of bed. And a few days ago you couldn't even carry on with life itself...

"Great!" The doctor smiled in her always energetic and bubbly tone which you dearly missed "another country it is. Has anyone here got a bucket list? Maybe we can tick off a certain place" She suggested.

"Didn't you say something about Iceland once?" Yas asked with furrowed brows.

"Yes I did! Ooh I need to show you everything over there. There's a lot to see. (Y/n), is that okay with you? Iceland? Or did you have something else in mind?" She asked you, looking over at you with her hazel eyes.

You shrugged a little before smiling and shaking your head "no, that sounds perfect" you told her.

You hadn't been to Iceland before. And from the way the doctor kept on talking about it, there were a lot of things to see. You figured a visit might be good for you. Seeing all the natural landscapes and other things. Meeting the people and the culture. You also figured that aliens in your first adventure back wasn't such a good idea. You were a little rusty coming back into this. And you needed some getting used to before all that.

"Okay, Iceland it is then! Hold on tightly everyone" the doctor grinned before going around the TARDIS controls.

"Need any help?" Missy asked, razing a brow.

"Nope. You just sit back Missy" the doctor replied before pushing down the leaver and catching one of the custard cream biscuits.

You smiled a little in amusement. You hadn't seen that in a while. The biscuit dispenser. You always wondered where all the by is yours came from.

You jolted forward when the TARDIS burst into life at the doctors hand, and Missy quickly pulled you back, making you yelp a little in surprise. She wrapped her arms around you and smiled before chuckling lightly. You gasped a little before looking up into her blue eyes, your cheeks growing warmer in embarrassment.

"Guess you're out of practice" she smiled "just hold on. Knowing the doctor we won't even turn up in the right place anyways" she smiled in amusement before winking at you.

You laughed a little at that, giggling before nodding your head in agreement. You just had to wait and see if the doctor would actually manage for once to get you to where you wanted, and without any obstinate in the way. But in a way, you knew in your heart, that that was exactly what made these adventures fun and exciting. The unpredictability of it all.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now