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You stood, staring for a few moments, trying to blink your eyes as if Angel would suddenly appear. But no, it was just a long, empty corridor with no sign of her. No sign of anything. Not even a fly...

And it scared you. The reality of the situation started to come crashing down on you, realisation smacking you in the safe like a hurricane.

She was gone. She was actually gone. There was no sign of her and she was missing, at best, in a ship/part of this creepy house, full of alien Zygons that you knew knocked people unconscious, copied them...and the rest! The rest you only dreaded to think about! What they did to the bodies, where they put them. If they even let the person live?!

For all you knew, that person you saw previously that they copied might have already been dead! Maybe Angel was already dead too right now as you stood.

That thought sent your mind into full panic mode. She couldn't be dead! You didn't know why but it made your heart freeze in terror and gave you the urge to scream out for her. You cared so much about her...even if you didn't fully know why.

You were literally muttering about how much you loathed and hated her before. And now, she was probably dead and you found your heart beating erratically and your breath coming out jagged and choked, laboured almost. To a point you couldn't even take in a proper breath, enough breath to even let you see straight.

"Angel?!" You shouted out loud through your struggles breaths, your chest squeezing painfully as you felt the need to cry.

Really to cry. Not to sob or to feel like shit and have a panic attack. To really, properly cry. Tears and everything. And even though you new you physically couldn't, you felt the need to. You felt like you could really feel in a few moments real life tears prickling at your eyes.

"Angel are you okay?!" You asked in a panicked tone, your hands shaking as you took steps around, trying to find her.

You knew the panic in your voice was audible. And you knew that what you were doing was dangerous. Though you were rusty on this whole thing, you definitely knew a few things still.

Simply panicking like you were was bad for you. You were making yourself weak and putting yourself in danger with all these Zygons everywhere. They could kill you easily in the state you were in. If they saw you, saw how easy of a target you were right now they would strike.

But also you knew that panicking had become such a bad thing for your health recently. The doctors had told you back at home that your health was going down because of all these panic attacks and things. There was strain on your heart. For all you knew one more and you could be gone forever.

But thirdly, you knew that panicking would not help Angel in anyway. Just like you taught yourself crying wouldn't help at all either. You had to stop yourself. You had to keep calm. For her. To find her and to help her. And if needed, to save her.

You took a few deep breaths, running a hand through your (h/c) hair, closing your eyes and counting in your head, like the breathing exercises you had been doing back at home. To help yourself calm down and finally stop.

You finally managed to stop yourself from dreaming out, though your hands were shaking like crazy. You weren't sure if you'd be able to even pick anything up right now. But your head was at least clearing up enough for you to be able to think properly.

You swallowed a little before licking your lips nervously, looking around yourself to make sure no one was there. You were shouting Angels name quite loud before, the last thing you wanted was to grab one of those Zygons attention and have what happened to that poor bloke happen to you too. Or even worse...maybe you would be killed or something.

You had to find Angel though. And as many times as you called out her name, the chances of her suddenly answering you were slim. It was the dumbest thing you could have done. Anyone could have heard you, or anything.

Angel wasn't anywhere near you that was for sure. You needed to at least find her. That was all you were thinking with every step through these maze of corridors. All of which were empty.

Your first thought once you started to lose some hope in finding her (which by the way nearly had your chest feel like it was tearing apart), was to get some help. That way you would cover more ground and maybe even have more brains and heads to come up with an actual plan.

Your mind immediately went to the doctor at first. She would know exactly what to do. She always did. Even Missy. God, you only just realised how much you wanted Missy to hold you right now. To just be with you and help you with this horrible feeling of losing Angel.

Although you were scared of what the doctor would say once she found out not only did you wander off once she told you not to, but also you lost someone along the way, you needed her help. So you plucked up your courage and started to move towards the direction where she was last, in need of her.

You took a deep breath before taking some quicker paces, although you were still looking around just in case Angel was somewhere. Her scream was running through your head over and over again, sticking with you and haunting you like some unwanted shadow.

But just when you were about to reach back where the others were, you gasped lightly in seeing the very person you were looking for standing in another corridor.

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