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"What are you doing?!" Missy quickly asked you as soon as you took a step towards the Zygons.

Her arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back, making you look up at her. You sighed a little before biting your lip.

" me yeah" you said quietly, staring deeply into those blue eyes.

"As long as you're not planning on getting yourself killed" she said with a small smile, making you giggle.

"No. But you may need to calm me down from a panic attack in a minute. One of these people is a time lady we all know. The other...a zygon copy cat" you said before looking over at them both.

"Okay" Missy said softly.

"Be careful (y/n)!" The doctor said quickly, making you nod your head in response.

You took a deep breath, preparing yourself and trying to calm your already racing heart beat. You gulped before straightening your back and firming your face up, giving both the devil and Angel, whichever was which, a stern glare.

"(Y/n)...what are you doing?" One of them asked when you took a step closer to them both.

"Listen, it's me Angel. I'm a time lord I'm your....friend.." the other one on the right said.

"Don't lie!" The one on the left said "that's the devil. You know it is (y/n)" she said, looking at you with the same desperate look.

"I don't know anything" you whispered back before walking even closer to them both, feeling your chest start to cramp and squeeze in pain and fear.

"Don't get too close my love" Missy called out quickly.

"Yeah one of them's a zygon" Yaz added.

"Which tried to kill you a few minutes ago by the way" Graham exclaimed.

Ryan laughed a little at that "yeah just add that on granddad."

"What?" Graham asked while Yaz sniggered a little.

You smiled in response, taking in everything they said. You needed as much distraction from what you were about to do. You could already felt the anxiety rising. It scared you. Your plan....but it was the only way.

You swallowed a little before letting our a shaky breath and glancing at both women. You bit your lip before speaking to yourself, making sure you didn't panic before you even did anything.

It was okay. It was going to be fine. You didn't need to get so scared. It was just of them anyways. You just needed to take a leap of faith and be brave for a few seconds. Just a few seconds. That's all this took!

You nodded to yourself at those thoughts, inwardly smiling to yourself. You were going to be brave.

You started to reach out your hands slowly, one to each of them. Though as soon as you did all that building up in your head started to fade into nothing and the fear all came back.

Your hands started to shake slowly and your anxiety picked up. You felt your chest squeeze in fear and pain and a thin sheen of sweat appeared across your forehead.

You felt like memories were flooding across your mind all at once all of a sudden and your body reacted. Flashbacks of everything came running back. Jason....your father. Everything they did to you. From day the last...

You forced yourself to open your eyes again, tending your muscles and gritting your teeth. You couldn't go back, not now. You didn't know how you would react if you let your mind cast back to that. You had to stop yourself. Before it was too late.

There was a situation and hand, and right now, was not the time to fall victim under your own mind.

You glanced down at both their hands before reaching forward with your shaking ones. Whoever you could touch...that was Angel. You always were different around her. Only her and Missy. For some reason. And you had no idea why.

You gulped before reaching forward and holding onto the one on the right's hand. You prepared for some kind of fear hurricane to wash over you. But to your surprise, nothing came.

You glanced up into her eyes before narrowing them a little, thinking to yourself. Her eyes...they felt familiar. Like you knew them somehow. She gave you a soft smile and you started to figure things out. Though you didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

You shook your head quickly before looking over at the other one, keeping a hand on the right ones. You leaned your hand forward but you felt your heart rate start to spike almost immediately. You nearly had a panic attack, and you physically couldn't go forward without feeling the overwhelming need to scream and hide away in some corner to protect yourself. You didn't want to be hurt again.

You glanced up into the left one's eyes, trying to figure out if what you thought was correct. Or whether you were jumping to conclusions in your head.

But once you stared deeper into those eyes...something felt off. You couldn't see that same familiarity in those eyes. You couldn't see the same softness as those in Angels. Or even in fact Missy's. Their two pairs of eyes looked almost identical, Missy and Angel's. Maybe that was the familiarity you saw in a way you saw a part of Missy inside her. Though that whole concept sounded weird and probably just stupid. You were really overthinking it.

But one thing was for sure. You knew who was who. Which was Zygon, and which was time lady. Which was Angel, and which was the devil.

"It's her..." you whispered, staring at the one on the left "she's the zygon...." you said louder.

You pulled back your hand, stepping away from her while pulling Angel further from her too, trying to protect her too of course.

The copy's face looked confused for a moment and full of sadness. But it slowly changed...

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