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Everyone was back and things had been sorted back to normal again. The doctor had filled everyone in on what had happened while they were in those pods. Allura was just overjoyed to have her whole family back with her.

She didn't even realise how much she adored them and how precious they all were to her before all of this. And you could tell she was eternally grateful and happy that they were back together and all of them were safe.

You were glad for her too. She was back with her family. They were all fixing getting the workers to fix any damage that had happened to their house after the explosion while the doctor managed to get the ship that was parked there to be taken away to a junk planet. Which of course reminded the doctor just how much she loved junk planets and requested we go their next. Though you doubted slightly that she could nerves fly properly to be able to get you all there!

"Again, thank you" Alisha, Allura's mother said with sincerity.

"No problem" the doctor smiled at them all.

"We'd do it again in a heartbeat" Graham smiled at them all.

"Would we?" Missy furrowed her brows, making you quickly nudge her so she cleared her throat "I mean..yeah! Yeah we would. A heartbeat...wait which heart are we talking about? Right or left?" She asked, looking around at the others.

You smiled at that, shaking your head "it doesn't matter Missy. Any heart. We only have one remember. Means you get to choose" you told her.

"You wanna know which heart I choose?" She asked with a grin.

"The left!" You guessed with a giggle, watching as she laughed and shook her head.

"Nope. I choose yours" she reached forward and pecked your lips, making the heat rise to your cheeks and your lips to tug up into a wide smile.

"These bitches, I swear they could have just told each other how they felt ages ago!" Yas exclaimed with a huge sigh before laughing.

"Babe don't swear" the doctor said softly, wrapping her arm around her girlfriend before smiling "but yeah you're right" She said with a giggle, leaning her head on Yaz's shoulder.

"Okay okay shut up" you mumbled with a shy smile, slipping your hand into Missy's.

"Well, we should be off" the doctor smiled.

"Wait" Allura's face fell a little "you're leaving?" She asked with a small voice that made the doctor sigh a little.

"We have to" the doctor smiled at her "we've got planets to save, civilisations to help, and people to be kind to"

Allura smiled at that "you were definitely kind to me" she said "thank you. For helping us. And saving my family. And of course those amazing stories you told me" she chuckled lightly.

"Well I've got a lot to tell" the doctor laughed "I'm very old"

"Well..you can visit whenever you want. Maybe we could have more of a relaxing day together. All of you" Allura suggested with a smile.

"That sounds great" Graham replied.

"It was supposed to be like that today but" Ryan shrugged with a laugh "it happens...a lot to us actually.." he furrowed his brows a little.

The doctor smiled at that "that's what we love though right"

"Yeah" you replied with a wide smile "not knowing what's going to happen while still having the time of your life. It's amazing" you said "I missed this"

"I missed you" Missy whispered, squeezing your hand while nuzzling her head against yours.

You laughed a little at that "you guys took the quick way round. It was only a few minutes for you" you smiled at her, though you still felt a bit of heaviness in your chest when saying that.

You didn't want that to happen ever again. For them to leave you. No matter how long it took. For you or for them. Whether they just left you for a few minutes. You never, ever wanted to feel that kind of pain in your chest ever again. That fear of being left again. Of being left in a place that wasn't safe.

"Well those few minutes..." Missy trailed off a little before pulling back and looking at you with sad blue eyes "they felt like years"

You sighed at that before reaching forward and wrapping your arms around her neck. You weren't going anywhere. Next time you would never leave the TARDIS doors before someone else did. You didn't want to risk anything. Risk being taken away from these adventures and the universe you loved so much. And from the people you loved...

"Let's get going guys" the doctor smiled "we have a whole universe to get to"

You nodded your head, pulling away before walking with the doctor, behind her and towards some of the doors that the house workers were holding open. Some of them you could recognise as once being in those pods and having changed. It slightly startled you at how shockingly similar they looked and how long some of these people must have been copied and taken away in those pods. You were glad they were okay again.

"If you ever need any favours" Allura's father spoke up, causing you to turn around and look at him "don't hesitate to call" he smiled "we are forever in your debt. Who knows what would have happened to my family and to my household. Even this whole planet, if you didn't step in and help" he said.

"It's not problem" the doctor smiled.

"Yeah it's kinda what they do" Angel laughed a little while you smiled in response.

"She's not joking" you said "this is our...intergalactic space job I guess" you laughed.

"Nicely said! But I think we can just get it down to the fam! Or gang. Gang fam" the doctor said excitedly, making you shake your head a little.

"Goodbye" Allura said with a smile "all of you. I'll always remember you all"

You smiled in response before finally saying your goodbye's and leaving, in full knowledge that everything was okay again.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt