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The copy's face slowly changed from one of sadness and almost...betrayal and disbelief, to completely different. She gritted her teeth and clenched her jaw together.

Her lips slowly turned into a smile. Her lips pulling up slightly as her eyes stayed fixed on you. You gulped nervously before taking a few steps back. Her smile wasn't that of a nice one, or even a mean one, if there could be such a thing?

It was more like a smirk. An evil...almost psychotic smirk that screamed danger and craziness. That was definitely the devil. This all just confirmed it.

"Get back" the doctor said before taking steps forward, almost trying to stand between you and the devil.

Angel pulled you back, and you looked back before snapping out of your thoughts and back into reality. You ran over to Missy who placed an arm around your waist and pulled you close while also pulling Angel towards her by her arm. You were all staring at the zygon while I slowly started to change back into its alien form.

"How did you know it was her?" Allura asked with a shaky voice while watching it change, her face looking absolutely horrified, never having seen such a thing before in her life.

"I felt it" you whispered back, before your eyes widened as you saw what was coming next.

"Oh no..." the doctor said in a slightly high voice, also stepping back and away from what was coming and back towards you all, though she still made sure she was in front of you all, staying protectively in between.

There were loads, loads of Zygons now coming your way. There was practically an army of them, all of them in their original alien form and all of them growling angrily at you all. They were giving off really aggressive vibes not to mention their angry and quite frankly scary glared at you.

You gulped in response before backing away. Though there wasn't much that you could do. You were backing into a wall that was only a few feet behind you already as it was. You didn't want to corner yourself either, that was the last thing to do.

You had learnt a lot of things, both with the doctor, and during the time away from them all. Back at home...when in a way you were also running away from things...from people. It wasn't nice, but you'd leant never to corner yourself against a wall. Even if it was your only option, you may as well be writing your own fate right there.

You felt your heart rate start to pick up when realising that you really did have no other option though. You were all being backed against a wall and there were several, more than you could count, Zygons coming your way. It was like a whole pack or a flipping cult of them!

You held onto Missy, tightening your grip. You were really afraid of what they'd do to you. It was useless fighting against them. That's what it felt like anyways. A few humans and time ladies. What else? Nothing. No weapons, no nothing!

"We know what you're trying to do!" The doctor exclaimed "take over the world, family by family, household by household, city by city, country by country and continent by continent. And how you're trying to rule over everything! In a very stealthy way though I must say" the doctor quickly added on at the end, almost sounding impressed which just made you roll your eyes.

"We shall rule!" One of them growled "why should we have to hide ourselves! Why should we live in a secret from the humans?!" It spitted at you, sounding so vile and angry and just...hateful towards your kind.

"There are zygon laws. To keep the peace you know" the doctor said "what you're doing here is breaking that law."

"Then we shall get rid of every witness here. Begin!" The one which you were pretty sure was the devil shouted, ordering the others around.

You furrowed your brows a little at that, wondering what it was that they were...beginning. But your question was answered as soon as a loud explosion was heard across the place, and a giant shockwave sent you flying off your feet and knocking you onto the ground. For those who managed to stay up however, they were met with sparks and fires coming their way, which they so quickly had to dodge and duck from.

"Everyone! Get down!" The doctor shouted out for you all, motioning for you to move while covering her head when something broke and glass fragments flew everywhere.

You let out a small scream when another explosion was heard, this time hitting you almost with full blow. You were lucky none of the flames actually got to you, though the shockwave was much stronger this time and had you rolling away.

Your ears started to feel weird and a loud buzzing noise could be heard. That was it. Everything else sounded muffled and just...wrong. It reminded you of the time you and Yaz were in that building and a bomb dropped on you. It made your ears sound almost exactly the same.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a middle of your name, causing you to open your eyes.

You coughed a little, seeing everything around you almost falling to bits while explosions and fires were still around you. All you could think was the fact that you were overwhelmingly grateful you couldn't feel any pain. You were really hoping that was because you weren't injured or anything and not just because of the adrenaline rush.

You saw Missy coming over to you, while she also had an arm around Angel. She wrapped her arm around your waist before practically laying over you, as though to protect you from the explosions further and falling fragments of the ceiling. She was saying something though you struggled to make it out through all the buzzing and the muffling.

Until it all finally went...silent.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now