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You stared at the body inside this pod for a few moments, your eyes wide in shock and confusion. It was Angel! She was actually in there, completely unconscious and knocked out cold. At least, that was what you were hoping. You prayed she wasn't dead.

"You know, I wondered how long it would take for you to realise" the Angel standing next to you said, making you furrow your brows in confusion.

You looked between her and then the unconscious one in the pod, your mind all confused and overloaded.

But realisation slowly crept upon you, like a lion pouncing on its prey. The way her voice even changed to one more...evil. The way her eyes, the ones you didn't pay attention to. Though they looked like a complete copy, there was something wrong with them. A feeling you had..that familiarity wasn't there anymore.

That thing standing in front of you...wasn't Angel.

It wasn't the person you had no idea about but at the same time you felt like you'd known forever. It wasn't the same person you were able to hold a hand with or even to hug. It wasn't the same person that gave you an odd sense of calmness and happiness.

It was the person in that pod next to you. And she wasn't weren't even sure if she was alive...

You gulped nervously when staring at the Angel standing in front of you. Though you couldn't help but feel a little angry at that. She wasn't Angel. She was someone else..someone copying her!

"Who are you?" You asked, though you stared at her angrily, your voice gave away your fear.

You weren't sure what to do. You were alone with this thing...this zygon. That had copied a friend of yours and used that against you. That had messed with your head and who knew what she'd done to the real person. A person that was dangerous...

"Well, lets see" she smirked, looking at you with those copied eyes.

They were colder. That was just one of the differences you could tell with those eyes. They had been copied but the aura they gave off was..wrong. Scary and just..cold, like her herself. This zygon.

"Seeing as I'm not Angel..." she grinned before tilting her head to the side a little "call me the devil" she smirked evilly.

She let out a small inhuman growl, making your heart almost stop in your chest in fear. You didn't know what to do. You felt like a deer caught in headlights, and you were just waiting for your death at this point. Your body was practically frozen and all tensed up.

But you forced yourself to snap out of your mental battle, clenching your hands into fists, glaring daggers at her. You felt so many emotions all at once swirling around you and making you almost struggle to actually breathe.

Angel was in that pod...and you just prayed she was okay in there. She couldn't have been hurt. She just couldn't! You didn't know what you would have done. The thought simply made your chest ache and your head hurt. And you felt this overwhelming need to protect her, and keep her away from this...devil!

"That's not your body" you practically growled at her, glaring at her while gritting you're teeth "it doesn't belong to you"

"It does now" she grinned in response, the devil just shrugging.

You couldn't believe you were actually calling her the devil..or that she was calling herself the devil. You just wanted to slap that bitch.

"No it doesn't!" You shouted back to her, making her smirk in amusement "what have you done to her?! I swear if there's even a hair on her head harmed-"

"Relax" she chucked, cutting you off before you blew your own head off, your hands shaking while your nails were digging into the palms of your hand, blood pooling out of the crescent chapel cuts "she's alive...for now" devil grinned.

"Fuck you!" You shouted.

She growled angrily in response, making you step back a little, your heart rate spiking. You didn't know how to get out of this one. Your eyes widened in fear when she raised a hand, some electric energy sparking out of it.

"Well you're going to become like your friend in a second" she took a step towards you, her footstep almost echoing through the whole room.

You shook your head in response "like hell I am" you muttered in anger.

You were so, so glad that Angel was still alive, and in a way, in that pod safe. For now anyways. But you needed to get her out of there. You needed to save her and get her out of here while also dealing with this zygon copy. The thought of her hanging around with you that whole time, getting so close to you and acting as though she was helping you find that bloke simply made you shiver in disgust and discomfort.

The only reason she brought you down here was to turn you into one of those people in those pods yourself. She was planning this as soon s she took Angel and copied her. You mentally scolded yourself for leaving her alone. You weren't paying enough attention before, it was stupid of you. And now there was that horrible pain in your chest again. That fear for Angel...

"Or maybe you'll become like your other friends..." she grinned when you stopped in shock and froze, staring at her.

"What do you mean other friends?" You asked, your voice shaking a little, an audible gulp coming from you.

She smirked "I have all those other friends of yours here too..." she said in a slow tone that scared you to the core.

" haven't..." you said, barely even noticing the electric energy around her hand getting stronger and stronger.

"Haven't I?" She smirked, making eye contact with you.

"No she hasn't" a voice spoke from behind you.

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