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"Logan why would you feel we don't take you seriously?" Thomas looked at him and watched the logical side twitch a little and straighten his glasses.

"Thomas I... what about me... oh Thomas would you open  your eyes?!" Logan sighed "Yes, I understand metaphors, I'm not as literal thinking as I seem. It just seems to be a redeeming feature or... 'cute' as I believe your fans call it" 

"Logan, what're you...?" Thomas didn't even finish before the logical side explained

"Virgil is edgy and 'cool', Roman has his upbeat attitude, Patton is a father figure-!" Logan cut himself off and sighed "With me... there's nothing to redeem me, nothing to make up for my flaws. Nothing people like about me. I'm rarely willingly taken seriously, logic always goes out of the window and... I'm not what people like about Sanders Sides." Logan's glasses grew damp and he blinked. 

"Logan..." Thomas turned around when Patton came in 

"Logan, people don't like you kiddo they love you. You're a smart boy, you're witty Shakespeare... you'll never need redeeming kiddo, you're paradoxically impossibly perfect!"

"You... have to... like someone to..." Logan jumped when Patton grabbed him

"And that's why they love you kiddo! You're one smart cookie Sherlock" Patton smiled and lifted Logan's arms over his own shoulders, moving forward to wrap his own around the silent side "You will always be loved Smarty" Patton squeezed him as Logan hugged back with tears streaking his face and dripping onto his smile. He was taken seriously, and that was his first hug from anyone other than his twin emotion. He stilled for a moment when Patton kissed his cheek. Then he followed him back to the mind holding his hand.

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